The City Council of the City, in transferring to the County, certain functions of the City, relating to the assessment and collection of municipal property taxes, acted pursuant to the authority contained in Sections 19 and 31.1 of Article XXII of the Stockton City Charter, and Sections 51500 to 51519, inclusive, of the Government Code of the State.
(Prior code § 8-027)
Beginning on the first Monday of March, 1956, the functions of the City relating to the assessment of property for taxation, the equalization and correction of such assessment, the collection, payment and enforcement of taxes, assessments or penalties levied for municipal purposes, including delinquent taxes or assessments, the sale of property for the nonpayment of municipal taxes, assessments or penalties levied thereon, and the redemption thereof, and any and all of the powers or functions of any officer, board or commission of said City relating to any or all of the matters aforesaid, shall be transferred to, assumed and performed by the respective officers, boards or commissioners of San Joaquin County performing similar functions in respect to County taxes in said County. The said County officers, board or commissioners shall have and are hereby given the same powers and duties in respect to said functions of the City that they have as provided by law in the performance of similar functions in respect to County taxes in San Joaquin County. The provisions of Government Code Sections 51500 through 51519 shall apply to and govern all matters of property taxation relating to the said property tax functions of the City transferred hereby to the County and included in and covered by said sections.
(Prior code § 8-028.1)
For the purposes set forth herein the term "taxation district" shall be deemed to mean and include all those portions of the City, except municipal improvement districts, municipal lighting and lighting maintenance districts, sidewalk assessment districts, building abatement and demolition assessments and other similar special assessment districts or special assessments and shall be deemed to mean and include those districts which are subject to the same tax burdens and in which the same tax rate prevails.
(Prior code § 8-028.2)
It shall be the duty of the Director of Finance of the City to consolidate and group together all portions of the City except said special assessment districts hereinabove referred to, which are subject to the same tax burdens and in which the same tax rate prevails and he or she shall designate each separate group as a "taxation district."
(Prior code § 8-028.3)
On or before the first Monday in March, 1956, the Director of Finance of the City of Stockton shall transmit in writing to the County Treasurer the tax rates applicable in each of the taxation districts for the period January 1, 1956 to June 30, 1956, which rates will be applied to unsecured property assessments levied by the County Assessor as of the first Monday in March, 1956 in the respective taxation districts. The amount of this tax shall be collected by the County Treasurer at the same time and in the same manner as similar County taxes are collected for the fiscal year July 1, 1956 to June 30, 1957. The nature of the lien of said taxes shall be the same and of the same force and effect as is the lien of County taxes of the County.
(Prior code § 8-028.4)
All taxes of the City that shall have been levied prior to the effective date of Ordinance. No. 2947, including delinquent taxes, shall be collected, the payment thereof enforced in the same manner and upon the same penalties, and property sold for the nonpayment thereof and redeemed from such sale in the same manner and under the same conditions as provided by the laws in force in said City at the time of the taking effect of Ordinance No. 2947. The officers of the City as now provided under the Charter and any ordinance thereof, shall collect and enforce the payment of such taxes, including delinquent taxes for the fiscal period January 1, 1956 to June 30, 1956, and do any and all things that may be necessary for the sale of property for the nonpayment of such taxes and in the redemption thereof from such sale.
(Prior code § 8-28.5)
The amount of compensation to be charged by and paid to the County for the performance of services herein contemplated shall be fixed by agreement between the Board of Supervisors of San Joaquin County and the City Council of the City in accordance with the provisions of the Government Code hereinabove referred to.
(Prior code § 8-028.6)
Ordinance No. 2557 (Chapter 3.04 of this title) being "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A SYSTEM FOR THE ASSESSMENT, LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ALL PROPERTY TAXES IN THE CITY OF STOCKTON" and all ordinances amendatory thereof, are hereby repealed only to the extent that the same are in conflict herewith, the express intention being that all of the provisions of said ordinances shall remain in effect insofar as the same relate or apply to the collection of assessments for municipal improvement districts, municipal lighting maintenance districts, sidewalk assessments, building abatement and demolition assessments or other similar special assessments heretofore or hereafter levied, and the collection of taxes heretofore levied or installments thereof heretofore becoming due, and all proceedings subsequent to any levy heretofore made and the officers of the City charged with any duty pertaining thereto by said Ordinance No. 2557 as amended, shall be obligated to act and perform with respect to any such matters as in said ordinances provided.
(Prior code § 8-028.7)