Before ordering any public improvement authorized by Article IX of this code, the City Council shall adopt a resolution declaring its intention to do so, briefly describing the proposed improvement, specifying the exterior boundaries of the assessment district, providing for the issuance of improvement bonds, if bonds are to be issued, and providing for the disposal of any surplus remaining in the improvement fund after completion of the work.
(Prior code § 9-259)
In the resolution of intention, the City Council may order that a specified portion or percentage of the cost and expenses of the improvement may be paid out of the treasury of the City from such funds as the Council may designate.
The Council may also order that the City advance all or a portion of the cost and expenses of the improvements from general City funds to be repaid from the proceeds of assessments paid in cash or from the proceeds of improvement bonds issued pursuant to the resolution of intention. Interest on the advance or advances may be included as an incidental expense.
(Prior code § 9-258)
In the resolution of intention the City Council shall refer the proposed improvement to the City Manager who shall cause a report to be made in writing and filed with the City Council. The report made by the City Manager shall contain the information specified in Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code.
(Prior code 9-259)
The provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911 shall apply to grades.
(Prior code § 9-260)
The exterior boundaries of the assessment district may be specified and described as provided in the Improvement Act of 1911.
(Prior code § 2-261)
When the report provided for in Section 3.76.1010 is filed with the City Council, it shall consider it and may modify it in any respect. The report as modified shall stand as the report for the purpose of all subsequent proceedings except that it may be confirmed, modified, or corrected as provided in this article.
(Prior code § 9-262)
After passing on the report, the City Council by resolution shall appoint a time and place for hearing protests to the proposed improvement and shall direct the City Clerk to give notice of the hearing by publication, posting and mailing.
(Prior code § 9-263)
The provisions of Sections 3.76.220, 3.76.230 and 3.76.240 of this code shall apply.
(Prior code § 9-264)
When upon the hearing the proposed assessment is confirmed as filed, as modified, or corrected, by resolution the City Council shall order the proposed improvement to be made or acquired and declare its action upon the report and assessment. The resolution shall be final as to all persons, and the assessment thereby levied upon the respective subdivisions of land in the assessment district except that if the City Council, in the resolution of intention, determined and ordered that the City advance all or a portion of the costs and expenses of the improvement from general City funds, then, in that event, the resolution levying the assessment shall be deferred until completion of the work and the final costs determined.
(Prior code § 9-265)
When the assessment is deferred until the completion of the work, the City Council shall adopt a resolution ordering the proposed improvements to be made which shall contain a statement of the total estimated cost of the work and the estimated amount to be assessed to each parcel of property. Upon completion of the work, the Council shall adopt a resolution assessing the actual cost of the work to each parcel of property in the same proportions as the estimated assessment set out in the resolution ordering the work, provided that if the actual assessments exceed the proposed assessments, they may be levied only after complying with the procedures set out in Section 3.76.240 of this code.
(Prior code § 9-266)
The provisions of Sections 3.76.950, 3.76.960 and 3.76.970 shall apply.
(Prior code § 9-266.1)