No person shall operate any taxicab within the City without the owner first having obtained a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the Council of the City.
(Prior code § 10-046.1)
All persons applying to the Council for a certificate for the operation of one or more taxicabs shall file with the Council a sworn application therefor on forms provided by the City Manager stating as follows:
The name and address of the owner, person applying and all persons financially interested in the operation of said taxicabs.
The number of vehicles actually owned and the number of vehicles actually operated by such owner on the date of application, if any.
The make, type, year of manufacture and passenger seating capacity of each taxicab.
The make and type of taximeter intended to be installed on each taxicab.
A description of the proposed color scheme, insignia, trade style and/or other distinguishing characteristic of the proposed taxicab design.
A guarantee in such form as may be required by the City Council that the owner will operate in such a manner that its taxicab service will be available to the public seven days per week and 24 hours per day.
Such other information as the Council or the City Manager may require.
(Prior code § 10-046.2)
No certificate shall be granted until the Council shall, after public hearing, declare by resolution that there is a demand for additional taxicab service, that the present taxicab service is inadequate and that the public convenience and necessity require the proposed taxicab service.
(Prior code § 10-046.3)
Having declared there is a demand for additional taxicab service and that the present taxicab service is inadequate and that the public convenience and necessity require the taxicab service, the Council shall grant certificates of public convenience and necessity to those persons applying therefor who in its opinion are entitled thereto, provided, however, that a certificate of public convenience and necessity shall not be granted to any person who will not have in service at all times in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, a minimum of five taxicabs.
(Prior code § 10-046.4)
No certificate shall be issued to any person who shall not have fully complied with all of the requirements hereof necessary to be complied with before commencing operation of the proposed service.
(Prior code § 10-046.5)
After the service for which a certificate is granted there under is discontinued or if the person sells his or her business or discontinues his or her or its business for a period of 45 days, the certificate granted hereunder shall be automatically canceled and shall be reissued only in accordance with the provisions hereof. Certificates granted hereunder shall not be transferable.
(Prior code § 10-046.6)
Certificates may be suspended or revoked by the Council at any time in case:
The Council finds the owner's past record to be unsatisfactory.
The owner fails to operate the taxicab or taxicabs in accordance with the provisions hereof.
The owner shall cease to operate any taxicab for a period of 45 consecutive days without having obtained permission for cessation of such operation from the City Manager.
The taxicab or taxicabs are operated at a rate of fare other than that approved by the Council.
The owner fails without good cause to have in service a minimum of five taxicabs at all times in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 10-046.7)
Revocation of a certificate of public convenience and necessity shall be made only after a hearing granted to the holder of such certificate before the Council, after 10 days' notice to said certificate holder, setting forth the grounds for revocation or suspension and setting a time and place where such hearing will be held. The decision of the Council in revoking or suspending the certificate shall be final and conclusive.
(Prior code § 10-046.8)
Certificates which shall have been suspended or revoked by the Council shall forthwith be surrendered to the Clerk of the City Council and the operation of any taxicab or taxicabs covered by such certificates shall cease and be unlawful.
(Prior code § 10-046.9)