The parks and recreation commission is established, consisting of seven members who are residents of the city. The city council shall appoint the commissioners.
(Ord. 707 § 1, 1976; Ord. 1034 § 2, 1988; Ord. 1596 § 2, 2020)
The term of each member of the commission shall be four years. Terms shall be staggered and shall expire in even-numbered years.
(Ord. 707 § 2.1, 1976; Ord. 1034 § 2, 1988)
Commissioners shall be limited to three consecutive terms. For purposes of calculating consecutive terms, service of at least two years plus one day during a term shall be counted as a complete term; all prior continuous service of existing commissioners shall be counted. Upon serving the maximum number of consecutive terms, a commissioner shall not be eligible for re-appointment to the parks and recreation commission for a period of two years. If a vacancy occurs on the board, the city council shall appoint an individual to serve the remaining unexpired term of the former incumbent.
(Ord. 707 §§ 2.2, 2.3, 1976; Ord. 1034 § 2, 1988; Ord. 1183 § 1, 1996; Ord. 1314 § 2, 2002; Ord. 1395 § 4, 2008; Ord. 1573 § 2, 2019)
At the regular meeting in January of each year, the commission shall elect a chairperson, chairperson pro tem and appoint a secretary and secretary pro tem. The term of said office shall be one year. The chairperson pro tem and secretary pro tem shall serve in the absence of the chairperson and secretary.
(Ord. 707 § 3, 1976; Ord. 1314 § 2, 2002)
The commission shall meet on the third Tuesday of each month at seven p.m. in South San Francisco, California, in a location that shall be set by resolution of the commission, except that in case of necessity or emergency the chairperson or four commissioners may designate an alternate meeting place within the corporate limits of the city. Legal notice of an emergency meeting shall be given at least twenty-four hours prior to the time of the meeting. If a meeting is set for the regular meeting place of the commission, or duly noticed for an alternate meeting place, and because of necessity or emergency the commission is required to meet in another place within the corporate limits of the city, then the secretary shall appear at the regular or alternate meeting place, whichever is the case, at the time set for the meeting, and publicly announce the new meeting place and post a notice of same on the door of the regular meeting place. Notices of all meetings, except regular meetings, shall be served on each commissioner and to each person who has requested notice in writing of such meetings, at least twenty-four hours prior to the time specified for the proposed meeting. Notices shall comply with Government Code <> Section 54950, et seq., also referred to as the Ralph M. Brown Act.
If the day designated as a regular, adjourned regular, special or study meeting falls upon a legal holiday, the commission shall meet upon the next succeeding day which is not a holiday unless otherwise ordered by the commission.
(Ord. 707 § 4, 1976; Ord. 858 § 1, 1981; Ord. 1034 § 2, 1988; Ord. 1285 § 1, 2001; Ord. 1521 § 1, 2016; Ord. 1651-2023, 10/11/2023)
Commissioners shall receive compensation for their services as provided for in Chapter 2.84.
(Ord. 707 § 5, 1976; Ord. 1248 § 5, 1999; Ord. 1626 § 2, 2021)
The city clerk shall establish and maintain a record of the names, addresses, telephone numbers, dates of appointment and dates of termination of each commissioner, and the names of the chairperson, chairperson pro tem, and the dates of their election and termination of service in those offices.
The clerk shall give the council written notice of the expiration of a commissioner’s term sixty days prior thereto.
(Ord. 707 § 6, 1976)
The duties of the parks and recreation commission shall be as follows:
To recommend to the city council the establishment and development of park facilities, an adequate system of parks and recreation services and facilities, including necessary operation, equipment, management and maintenance;
To recommend the acquisition of such real and personal property which may be necessary or advisable for recreation facilities;
To make recommendations to the city council regarding any matters pending before the council related to parks, recreation, and related facilities;
To appoint advisory committees to assist the parks and recreation commission in performing its duties. A member of the commission shall be designated as chairperson of these committees upon approval of the parks and recreation commission. The committees shall be assigned functions consistent with the provisions of this chapter, and shall report to the commission at the times and in the manner which the commission may require;
To prepare and submit a report of the parks and recreation commission activities not later than the first Monday in July of each year, together with recommendations as to funds necessary for the work of the commission during the forthcoming fiscal year.
(Ord. 707 § 7, 1976; Ord. 1034 § 2, 1988)
The duties of the commission shall not be construed to mean that the commission or any of its members or committees are to perform any of the duties of the planning commission of the city.
(Ord. 707 § 8, 1978)