Note: For the statutory provisions authorizing cities to establish personnel or civil service systems, see Gov. Code § 45000, et seq. For provisions regarding investigation of criminal history information pertinent to an applicant for city employment, see Ch. 2.76 of this code.
In order to keep in force, as amended, the personnel system presently existing for the city, and to establish and maintain an equitable and uniform procedure for dealing with personnel matters; to attract to municipal service the best and most competent persons available; to assure that appointments and promotions of employees will be based on merit and fitness as determined by competitive test; and to provide a reasonable degree of security for qualified employees, the following personnel system is adopted.
(Ord. 449 § 2, 1960)
The city manager shall be ex officio personnel officer. The city manager may delegate any of the powers and duties conferred as personnel officer under this chapter and Chapters 3.12 through 3.36 to any other officer or employee of the city, or may recommend that certain powers and duties be performed under contract as hereinafter provided. The city manager as personnel officer shall:
Attend all meetings of the personnel board and serve as its secretary or delegate to an employee of the city the responsibility to attend all meetings of the personnel board and serve as its secretary;
Administer all the provisions of this chapter, and Chapters 3.12 through 3.36 and of the personnel rules not specifically reserved to the council or the personnel board;
Prepare and recommend to the council revisions and amendments to the personnel rules;
Prepare a position classification plan, including class specifications, and revisions of the plan. The plan and any revisions thereof shall become effective upon approval of the council;
Prepare a plan of compensation, and revisions thereof, covering all classifications in the competitive service. The plan and any revisions thereof shall become effective upon approval by the city council.
(Ord. 449 § 3, 1960; Ord. 1011 § 3, 1987)
The council may contract with any qualified person or agency for the performance of such technical service as may be desired in the establishment or operation of the personnel system. The contract may include delegation to the person or agency so retained of all or a part of the responsibilities and duties imposed in this chapter and Chapters 3.12 through 3.36 upon the personnel officer, including his duties under Section 3.04.040(C), but shall not include the delegation of powers and duties vested in the council or personnel board.
(Ord. 449 § 23, 1960)
The council shall appropriate such funds as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter and Chapters 3.12 through 3.36.
(Ord. 449 § 24, 1960)