Appointments to vacant positions in the competitive service shall be made in accordance with the personnel rules. Appointments and promotions shall be based on merit and fitness to be ascertained by competitive examinations. Examinations shall be used and conducted to aid in the selection of qualified employees and shall consist of such recognized selection techniques as achievement and aptitude tests, and other written tests, personal interview, performance tests, evaluation of daily work performance, work sampler or any combination of these, which will, in the opinion of the personnel board, test fairly the qualifications of candidates. Physical, medical and agility tests may be given as a part of any entrance examination. Physical and medical examinations may be required on promotional appointments when related to the qualifications necessary to perform the duties of the classification.
In any recruitment examination the personnel board may include, in addition to competitive tests, a qualifying test or tests and set minimum standards therefor.
Appointment shall be made by the city manager upon the recommendation of the department head.
When recruitment or promotional appointment is to be made to a vacancy in the competitive service, the personnel board shall transmit to the appointing power the names of all persons on the appropriate certified employment or promotional list, in the order in which they appear on the list.
In the absence of appropriate employment lists, a provisional appointment may be made by the appointing authority of a person meeting the minimum training and experience qualifications for the position. Provisional appointment of department heads, except that of city attorney, shall be made by the city manager. Provisional appointments to other positions shall be made by the appropriate department head. An employment list shall be established within six months for any permanent position filled by provisional appointment. The personnel board may, by a four-fifths vote, extend the period for the list and provisional appointment for not more than thirty days, by any one action not to exceed three such extensions.
Credits shall be allowed on promotional appointments for length of time in service in grade after completion of the probationary period. The schedule of the credits shall be set forth in the rules and regulations and the applicant must obtain a passing grade on the examination before such credits shall be applied.
During the period of suspension of an employee, or pending final action on proceedings to review suspension, demotion or dismissal of an employee, such vacancy may be filled by the appointing authority, subject to the provisions of this chapter, Chapters 3.04 and 3.12 through 3.36, and the personnel rules.
(Ord. 449 § 8, 1960; Ord. 477 § 1, 1962; Ord. 1011 § 4, 1989)
No maximum or minimum age limits shall be prescribed or established for any civil service examination, and age shall not be a minimum qualification for any employment in the classified service, and no person, otherwise qualified, shall be denied employment in the service solely because of age; provided, however, that the city council reserves the right to fix minimum or maximum age limits for the employment of policemen and fire-men.
(Ord. 449 § 9, 1960; Ord. 477 § 1, 1962)
The council, and any other board, commission, officer or employee in whom is vested the power to appoint, make transfers, promotions, demotions, reinstatements, layoffs and to suspend or dismiss employees shall retain such power, subject to the provisions of this chapter, Chapters 3.04 and 3.12 through 3.36, and the personnel rules.
(Ord. 449 § 13, 1960)