For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall be applicable:
“Auto wrecker”
means every person, firm or corporation that buys, sells, stores, exchanges, otherwise deals in, or in any other manner comes into possession of motor vehicles, as that term is defined in the Vehicle Code of the state of California, for the purpose of selling, storing, dismantling or disassembling the same, or that stores, sells, dismantles or disassembles any such motor vehicles, whether for the purpose of utilizing, selling, storing or otherwise disposing of the component parts or materials of such vehicles, including the disposal thereof as junk.
refers to partnerships, firms and corporations, as well as to individuals.
“Wrecked automobile”
means any motor vehicle which is damaged, dismantled or disassembled, or which is intended for dismantling or disassembling, or any substantial portion or part thereof, that is used, owned or possessed for the purpose of junking the same or salvaging parts therefrom.
(Ord. 369 § 1, 1955)
It is unlawful for any person to engage in, or carry on, or conduct, or in any way participate in, the business of auto wrecker in the city, without having previously obtained from the city a permit to do so. Applications for all such permits shall be made to the city council upon blanks to be obtained from the city clerk for that purpose. The applicant shall give all the following information:
His true and correct name and that of any and all partners or associates;
The place or places at which such business is, or is to be, conducted or maintained;
The name or names under which such business is conducted;
All residence addresses of the applicant, and likewise of any and all partners or associates, during the three-year period immediately preceding the filing of the application;
If previously engaged in such business, all names under which the same was conducted and the full and complete address or addresses thereof; and
Such other or additional information as may, from time to time, be required by the city council. Each application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable processing fee as set forth in the master fee schedule of the city adopted by resolution of the city council.
Upon receipt of any such application, the city clerk shall refer it to the city manager and to the fire, police and health departments of the city so that such departments may make appropriate investigations. Each of the departments shall, within two weeks from the date of referral, file its written recommendations with the city clerk, who shall thereafter, without undue delay, forward the application, together with all such written recommendations, to the city council. The city council shall then grant or deny the application, and if the same is granted it shall append thereto such reasonable conditions as it deems advisable. Following favorable action by the city council, the city clerk shall issue the permit. No permit granted hereunder shall be assignable or transferable in any way, and if there is any change whatsoever in the ownership or operation of an auto wrecking business, a new permit shall be required, after the making of an application therefor, as herein specified.
All persons presently engaged in the business of auto wrecker shall have fifteen days from the applicable date of the ordinance codified herein to obtain from the city a permit to continue to carry on, maintain and conduct such business.
(Ord. 369 § 2, 1955; Ord. 912 § 6, 1982)
It is unlawful for any person to carry on, maintain or engage in the business of auto wrecker unless such business is carried on, maintained or conducted in full compliance with the regulations codified in Sections 6.68.040 through 6.68.100.
(Ord. 369 § 3, 1955)
Such business shall be carried on, maintained or conducted entirely within an enclosed building, or buildings, unless the premises on which such business is carried on, maintained or conducted is entirely enclosed by a neat appearing solid, firm and substantial nontransparent fence or wall, not less than eight feet in height, and constructed of brick, concrete, wood, stone or metal, or a combination of such materials, or of any similar, durable substance.
(Ord. 369 § 3(a), 1955; Ord. 388 § 1, 1956)
The fence or wall shall, at all times, be maintained in a neat, substantial, safe and sanitary condition. All wooden fences shall be painted at least once in every two-year period.
(Ord. 369 § 3(b), 1955)
No advertising of any kind whatsoever (words, signs, pictures, posters, placards, mechanical devices, transparencies or other advertising mediums) shall be placed, or caused to be placed, or to be maintained, or caused to be maintained, upon the outward face of such fence or wall, except as may be permitted by other applicable law.
(Ord. 369 § 3(c), 1955)
Gates for access to the premises shall swing inwardly, and such gates shall be kept tightly closed when the premises are not open for business.
(Ord. 369 § 3(d), 1955)
No automobile bodies, salvaged parts, metals, tires or accessories shall be piled, or permitted to be piled, to a height in excess of six feet, and in no event higher than the enclosing fence or wall or nearer than two feet thereto. All such automobile bodies, or salvaged parts, metals, tires or accessories shall be piled neatly in rows having a width not greater than eight feet, and there shall be at least two feet of free passageway intervening between such rows. Further, the entire area so used for the storing of automobile bodies and parts shall at all times be kept free from grass, weeds, rubbish or other accumulations which in any way constitute a fire hazard or a nesting or breeding place for rats, mice and other rodents.
(Ord. 369 § 3(e), 1955)
The premises, and every part thereof, upon which such auto wrecking is conducted shall, at all reasonable times, be open to inspection by fire, health, police, building authorities or other authorized public officials.
(Ord. 369 § 3(f), 1955)
No permit for such business shall hereafter be issued unless and until the fire department of the city has reported to the city council that the provisions of this chapter have been fully and completely complied with.
(Ord. 369 § 3(g), 1955)
Every auto wrecker, or garage operator who in any way deals in wrecked automobiles, shall keep a full, true and complete report with respect to each wrecked automobile setting forth all the following information:
The name and address of the person, or persons, from whom the same was purchased or received;
The make, license number and state of registration, motor number, serial number, style and seating capacity; and
The date on which the same was purchased or acquired.
The report of all purchases, assignments, sales or exchanges of such wrecked automobiles shall at all times be open to the inspection of the chief of police or any other police officer of the city.
(Ord. 369 § 4, 1955)
No person engaged in conducting or carrying on the business of auto wrecker shall fail, refuse or neglect to keep any record or file any report in the time, form and manner required by this chapter, or fail, refuse or neglect, upon demand being made, to exhibit for inspection any such record or report to the chief of police or to any police officer of the city.
(Ord. 369 § 5, 1955)
Every person conducting an auto wrecking business shall, immediately upon receipt of a wrecked or damaged automobile to be dismantled or stored, empty the crank case and gasoline tank completely of their contents so as to avoid danger of fire or explosion.
(Ord. 369 § 6, 1955)
Because of the danger of fire and in order to eliminate nesting and breeding places for rats, mice and other rodents, it is unlawful for any auto wrecker or garage to store or allow to remain standing upon his or her premises any wrecked automobile for a period exceeding ninety days from the date on which any such wrecked automobile is received, unless the same is completely dismantled or disassembled. Upon good cause being shown therefor, the police department may grant reasonable extensions in the time limit.
(Ord. 369 § 7, 1955)
The failure of any person to carry on, maintain and conduct the business of auto wrecker according to the regulations herein provided, after a permit has been issued therefor, shall be good and sufficient cause for the revocation of the permit. In the event that it appears to the city council that any permittee has failed to comply with the provisions of this chapter, the body shall fix a date for hearing the charge of violation and shall give to such permittee, at least five days in advance of such hearing, written notice thereof by mailing or delivering the same to him or her. If, upon such hearing, the city council finds that the permittee has failed to comply with the provisions of this chapter, the permit shall be revoked.
(Ord. 369 § 8, 1955)
Any person, persons or corporation who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. No sentence imposed hereunder shall be suspended.
(Ord. 369 § 11, 1955)