It is the purpose of this chapter to provide for the rules governing the issuance of permits for filming activities on location within the city. The intent of this chapter is to ensure that motion picture, television, commercial and nontheatrical filming companies will be encouraged to use locations for filming activities within the city so long as those activities are consistent with the public health and safety and the protection of property.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
As used in this chapter:
“City manager”
means the city manager of the city of South San Francisco or designee.
“Filming activity”
means the filming, video taping, photographing or other similar process conducted for the making of motion pictures, television programs, commercial and nontheatrical film productions.
“Film permit”
means written authorization from the city manager to conduct the filming activity described in the permit.
“News purposes”
means a filming activity conducted for the purpose of reporting on persons or events which are in the news for television and other news services, and related conduct protected under the state and federal Constitutions such as free speech and free press.
means filming activity that is not dramatic or staged and does not use actors, thereby portraying real-life events in a manner similar to documentary.
means a fixed place of business where filming activities are regularly conducted upon the premises.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
It is unlawful to conduct a filming activity as defined in Section 6.94.020 without first obtaining a film permit from the city manager.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any of the following activities:
Filming activities conducted for news purposes as defined in Section 6.94.020;
Filming activities conducted in a studio as defined in Section 6.94.020;
Filming activities conducted for use in a criminal investigation or civil or criminal court proceeding.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
Applications for a filming permit must be filed with the city manager’s office at least ten business days in advance of the time that the proposed filming activity is to commence.
Application deadlines may be waived for good cause by the city manager if there is sufficient time remaining to process the application, and for the city to prepare for the requested filming activity.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
The permit application shall be on a form furnished by the city manager. Such form shall request the following information:
Name, business address, and telephone number of the applicant;
Location(s) and approximate daily call times of proposed filming activity;
Description of scenes to be filmed, including details of any stunts, chase scenes, pyrotechnics, or special effects;
Name of person in charge on location;
Proof of permission to film on private property within city limits. If such proof is not available at the time the application is submitted, it can be subsequently filed by the applicant prior to the city’s issuance of the film permit;
Description of all vehicles which will be parked on city streets during filming activities in addition to a parking plan;
Such other information as the city manager may require to determine whether to grant a film permit under this chapter.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
The application shall be approved or denied within seven business days of receipt of the application by the city manager’s office. The film permit shall be approved by the city manager unless he or she determines that any of the following conditions exist:
The filming activity will substantially disrupt the use of a street or right-of-way at a time when it is usually subject to traffic congestion, or interfere with the operation of emergency vehicles in the proposed permit area or unduly interfere with local business activity;
The location of the filming activity will substantially interfere with street maintenance work, or a previously authorized excavation permit;
The proposed permit location is on city-owned property and the filming activity will substantially interfere with municipal functions, or other previously authorized activities on city property;
The filming activity creates a substantial risk of injury to persons or property;
The applicant failed to complete the application after being requested to do so, or the information contained in the application is found to be false in any material detail;
The particular filming activity would violate federal, state or local law including license/permit requirements.
When the grounds for permit denial can be corrected by imposing reasonable permit conditions, the city manager shall impose such conditions rather than denying the permit.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
The city manager may condition the issuance of a filming activity permit by imposing reasonable requirements concerning the time, place and manner of filming activities, including, but not limited to, the following:
Requirements for the presence of South San Francisco police department or public works department employees when required for the particular filming activity at the applicant’s expense;
Requirements concerning posting of no parking signs and placement of other traffic control devices at the applicant’s expense;
Restrictions on the use of gunfire, explosions, and other noise-creating or hazardous devices;
Restrictions on hours of filming activity;
Requirements concerning notice to affected property owners of the filming activity.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
An applicant for a film permit shall submit a non-refundable fee in an amount as set forth in the master fee schedule of the city adopted by resolution of the city council in order for the city to evaluate and process such application. Said fee is determined to be the actual costs for processing the application.
A schedule of fees for city services and use of city property shall be established by city council resolution. The fee schedule shall be reasonably related to the cost of providing city services occasioned by filming activity, including administrative, police, fire, sanitation, and other necessary services. The applicant shall prepay such fees prior to issuance of the film permit.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998; Ord. 1451 § 1, 2011)
Upon reasonable notice by the permittee in advance of the filming activity, the city manager is authorized to change the date for which the film permit has been issued without requiring a new application or application fee.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
The applicant for a film permit must possess or obtain liability insurance to protect against loss from liability imposed by law for damages on account of bodily injury and property damage arising from the filming activity. Such insurance shall name on the policy or by endorsement as insureds the city of South San Francisco, its officers, employees and agents. Insurance coverage must be maintained for the duration of the filming activity.
Coverage shall be provided by a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amount prescribed by city council resolution.
A copy of the policy or a certificate of insurance along with all necessary endorsements must be filed with the city not less than three business days prior to the filming activity unless the city manager for good cause waives the filing deadline.
Proof of insurance coverage as specified in subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this section must be verified by the city prior to issuance of a film permit by the city manager.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
Prior to the issuance of the film permit, the permit applicant must sign an agreement to reimburse the city for any costs incurred to repair or replace city property which is damaged as the result of the filming activity.
The agreement shall also provide that the permittee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the city, its officers, agents or employees from all claims and liability of any kind whatsoever resulting from or arising out of the filming activity or issuance of the film permit.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
Each permittee shall comply with all terms and conditions of the permit. Failure to comply with all permit terms and conditions is grounds for revocation of the permit by the city manager.
Each permittee shall clean and restore all city-owned property utilized during the filming activity to the same condition as existed prior to the filming.
The person in charge of the filming activity shall retain a copy of the film permit on location.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
The permit applicant may appeal a permit denial, permit condition, or permit revocation or refusal to waive a deadline under this chapter by filing an appeal within five days of the date of the city manager’s decision with the city clerk. The appeal shall be heard by the city council at its next regular meeting.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)
The violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor. Such violations may also be addressed in a civil action.
(Ord. 1225 § 1, 1998)