On or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, any seller of a single or multi-family residential dwelling located in the city of South San Francisco shall be required to make the disclosures set out in this chapter to the prospective purchaser as soon as practicable before transfer of title.
The required disclosures shall be made on a copy of the local option real estate transfer disclosure statement form set out in Civil Code Section 1102.6a, to which may be attached a copy of the ordinance codified in this chapter as a disclosure required by a public agency pursuant to Civil Code Sections 1102.4(b) and 1102.4(c).
(Ord. 1289 § 1, 2001)
For property located in the city of South San Francisco, the following information is required to be disclosed in connection with sales of residential property:
San Francisco International Airport is within 3.75 miles of all residential property in South San Francisco.
San Francisco International Airport is the fifth largest airport by volume in the United States and the seventh largest by volume in the world.
The property is subject to noise from aircraft overflight.
(Ord. 1289 § 1, 2001)
For property located within the aircraft noise footprint based upon the FAA 1983 CNEL noise exposure map set forth in Appendix A of this chapter, the following additional disclosures shall be made in connection with sales of residential dwellings:
The subject property is located within the aircraft noise footprint of the FAA 1983 CNEL noise exposure map for South San Francisco, California.
If the subject property was constructed after January 1, 1993 or is reconstructed or renovated in the future at a cost equal to twenty-five percent or more of the current market value of the home, it must be insulated against aircraft noise to meet FAA noise insulation program standards.
Appendix A to Chapter 15.58.
(Ord. 1289 § 1, 2001)