It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, association, or joint stock company to give, conduct, exhibit, or maintain any show, exhibition, or place of amusement, of any character whatsoever, for more than two consecutive days within the corporate limits of the city, save and except in a regularly constructed and conducted auditorium, place of amusement, opera, or theater building having adequate toilet facilities permanently attached to the sanitary sewer system of the city and with adequate exit and fire escapes as required by state law. A lot, tract, or parcel of land may be used in lieu of such auditorium, opera, or theater building in the event that:
Such premises have adequate toilet facilities connected with the sanitary sewer system of the city, capable of suitably providing for attending crowds;
Such premises have adequate parking facilities within such premises for automobiles of the visiting public, or in lieu thereof, adjacent parking lots properly policed and protected;
Such premises shall not be used without first obtaining the written consent of the land owner.
(Ordinance 26, § 1, adopted 2/2/1953)
Section 6-19 shall apply to all shows, performances, exhibitions, medicine shows, panoramic or view shows, menageries, carnivals, circuses, wild west shows, or rodeo shows, acrobatic performances, wax shows, moving picture shows, dramatic or theatrical productions or skating rinks, held in or exhibited upon the streets or under any tent, or in any airdrome, hall, or building, within the city limits except as mentioned in said section.
(Ordinance 26, § 2, adopted 2/2/1953)
Any person, member, agent, or representative of any firm, corporation, joint stock company or association, who shall violate the provisions of this article, and be found guilty of such violation, shall be fined for each violation according to the general penalty set out in section 1-13 and each exhibition, performance or show shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ordinance 26, § 3, adopted 2/2/1953)