It shall be unlawful for any person to establish, operate or maintain or permit to be established, operated, or maintained upon any property owned or controlled by such person any manufactured home park within the city unless such person holds a valid license issued annually by the city council. All applications for licenses shall be made in writing to the city council, which shall issue a license upon compliance by the applicant with the provisions of this article. The city council shall not issue a license unless the applicant is in compliance with all other applicable ordinances and laws. At any time, the applicant is in violation of applicable laws and ordinances, the license may be cancelled. Licenses issued shall expire on December 31 of each year.
(Ordinance 98-314-7, § 5(A), adopted 2/24/1998)
Application for original license shall be in writing signed by the applicant, accompanied by an affidavit of the applicant as to the truth of the application, and by the deposit of the license fee hereinafter provided, and shall contain:
The name and address of the applicant;
A copy of a valid certificate of occupancy;
The location and legal description of the park; and
A site plan of the park prepared in accordance with section 24-98.
(Ordinance 98-314-7, § 5(B), adopted 2/24/1998; Ordinance 22-701-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
Any person whose application for a license under this article has been denied may request in writing within ten days a rehearing which shall be granted by the city council.
(Ordinance 98-314-7, § 5(C), adopted 2/24/1998)
Application for renewal of a license shall be made in writing by the licensee on forms furnished by the city council on or before December 1 of each year. The application shall contain any change in the information occurring after the original license was issued or the latest renewal granted and be accompanied by the manufactured home park register as required in section 24-138.
(Ordinance 98-314-7, § 5(D), adopted 2/24/1998; Ordinance 22-701-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
All original license applications or renewals thereof shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee which shall be maintained in a schedule of fees which is on file in the city secretary's office as amended by the city council from time to time.
(Ordinance 98-314-7, § 5(E), adopted 2/24/1998)
Every person holding a license shall give notice in writing to the city council within 15 days after having sold, transferred, given away, or otherwise disposed of interest in or control of any manufactured home park. Application for transfer of license shall be made to the city council not later than 15 days after the date of the sale, transfer, or gift, or other disposition of interest in or control of a manufactured home park. The city council shall have the authority to deny such transfer of license within a reasonable time, not to exceed 60 days, if such manufactured home park is not in compliance with the terms of this article.
All applications for license transfers shall be accompanied by a fee to be maintained in a schedule of fees and to be amended by the city council from time to time.
(Ordinance 98-314-7, § 5(F), (G), adopted 2/24/1998)
Whenever the city council finds that conditions or practices exist which are in violation of any provision of this article, it shall give notice in writing in accordance with section 24-187, to the permittee or licensee or the permitee's or licensee's agent that unless conditions or practices in violation of this article are corrected within a reasonable period of time of not less than 30 days or more than one year, as specified in such notice, the license or permit shall be suspended. At the end of the period of time granted for correction, if the conditions or practices have not been corrected, the city council may suspend the license and give notice in writing of the suspension to the licensee or the licensee's agent at the address provided in the application. Upon receipt of notice of suspension, the licensee shall cease operations of the manufactured home park, as set forth in the notice, within ten days after the notice is issued.
(Ordinance 98-314-7, § 5(H), adopted 2/24/1998; Ordinance 22-701-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)