There is hereby created and established a municipal court technology fund ("the fund"), pursuant to Vernon's Ann. C.C.P. art. 102.0172.
(Ordinance 99-331-7, § 1, adopted 9/9/1999)
The municipal court is hereby authorized and required to assess a municipal court technology fee ("the fee") in the amount of $4.00 against all defendants convicted of a misdemeanor offense in the municipal court. Each misdemeanor conviction shall be subject to a separate assessment of the fee.
(Ordinance 99-331-7, § 2, adopted 9/9/1999)
The municipal court clerk is hereby authorized and required to collect the fee and to pay same to the treasury of the city. All fees so collected and paid over to the treasury of the city shall be segregated in the fund.
(Ordinance 99-331-7, § 3, adopted 9/9/1999)
The fund shall be used only for the purposes of financing the purchase of items used to provide certain technological enhancements for the municipal court. Technological enhancement items shall include any and all items described in article 102.0172(d) of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
(Ordinance 99-331-7, § 4, adopted 9/9/1999)
The fund shall be administered by or under the direction of the city council.
(Ordinance 99-331-7, § 5, adopted 9/9/1999)