If after due notice any defendant shall fail to appear in court on the day and at the time set for his appearance, either by citation or in his bond and a warrant is issued for his arrest, a warrant expense of $25.00, plus all necessary and reasonable expenses incurred in his arrest, shall be added and collected in addition to the fine levied by the court on his conviction; provided, however, the judge may in his discretion decrease the warrant expense provided above.
(Ordinance 84-167-4, § 19, adopted 3/13/1984)
Any prosecutions for violations of the ordinance of the city or violations of the criminal laws of the state, within the territorial limits of the city, and over which this court has jurisdiction shall be commenced by complaint to the extent and as required by law, which shall begin: "In the name and by the authority of the state," and shall conclude, "Against the peace and dignity of the state," and if the violation is only covered by ordinance, it shall set forth specifically and with reasonable certainty, the particular act or omission with which the defendant is charged with violating and shall be sworn to by the person making the complaint before any officer authorized to administer oaths, or before the judge, clerk of the court, or deputy, city attorney, attorney for the city, each of whom, for that purpose, shall have power to administer oaths.
(Ordinance 85-204-5, § 7, adopted 2/25/1986)
When any complaint shall be filed as required by law, the judge shall issue his warrant of arrest which shall be executed by the police chief, or any police officer in a like manner as similar process in justice court may be executed by the sheriff; provided, however, if there is no local police officer employed by the city, the warrant of arrest may be executed by any law enforcement officer of the state; and, further provided, that each defendant shall be entitled to at least one day's notice of any complaint against him if such time is demanded or such notice as is required by law. The provision of this section for the issuance of a warrant for arrest shall not apply to any complaint where the defendant has signed an agreement to appear before the court on a given day, until after the defendant has failed to appear on the date agreed on. Nothing in the section shall be construed as to prevent the police chief, any police officer of the city, or any other authorized law enforcement officer from making arrests without warrant for any violation of any law or ordinance of the city, when committed in his presence or view.
(Ordinance 84-167-4, § 9, adopted 3/13/1984)