No person shall park or stop any vehicle upon any street or alley within the city for the purpose of offering for sale or selling any goods, wares, services, or merchandise, including food products, from the vehicle so parked or stopped.
(Ordinance 07-523-10, § 3(a), adopted 4/5/2007)
Section 34-181 shall not prohibit the stopping or parking of trucks or other vehicles in the streets or alleys of the city for the purpose of delivering products or merchandise to the occupants of any business, residence, or other structure not specifically prohibited by ordinance or statute.
(Ordinance 07-523-10, § 3(b), adopted 4/5/2007)
Persons conducting newspapers sales, or religious, civic, or charitable solicitations or sales, are exempt from division 2 of this article, however, such persons shall not conduct such solicitations or sales in or on a public roadway, and shall remain on the surrounding sidewalks, medians, islands and unpaved shoulders.
(Ordinance 07-523-10, § 2, adopted 4/5/2007)