The developer or owner of any commercial, industrial, townhouse, apartment, or multifamily project containing four or more living units to be constructed or reconstructed on lands within the city, shall, prior to commencement of any construction or improvements, or making an application for a building permit, present a site development plan of such project to the city council. The site development plan shall contain the following information:
A master plan of the proposed development of the lands included in the application. The plan shall be drawn to scale and shall have delineated on it the size, shape, and location of all improvements (buildings, recreations facilities, parking areas, streets, landscaping, screening, amenities, building facades, etc.) to be made on the property with sufficient dimensions to determine the area dedicated for each use proposed, open spaces, parking requirements, building sizes, off-set distances, street widths, and other improvements. Also as related to townhouses, apartments, and multifamily developments, the developer shall furnish the size of each residential unit, the total number of living units, and the estimated total number of persons to be occupying the development.
A complete lay-out of all streets and parking areas within the planned development, and the connection of the streets within the development to the existing neighborhood streets within one-fourth mile surrounding the development, with the proposed traffic flow on the streets providing access to the development. Also, the developer will provide a traffic count over seven consecutive days for the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. at a point on the major streets where intersections will provide access to the development, and an estimate of the total number of vehicles from the development which will be using such intersections during those hours.
A complete plan for the water system and the fire protection system proposed to be installed by the developer within the development. The plan shall show the size and location of all water lines within the development, as well as the location of the fire hydrants required to provide fire protection for the development. Further, the developer shall delineate on the water plan the size and location of the existing water systems of the city where the developer plans on connection to the water system in the development. Information shall be provided by the developer making an estimate of the total estimated water use, in gallons, during peak periods of demand, and the total estimated water use, in gallons, to be used monthly.
The developer shall provide a complete plan of the sanitary sewer system proposed to be installed by the developer within the lands being developed. Such plan shall include the size, location and estimated depth of the sanitary sewer system within the development, as well as the size, location and depth of the existing sewer lines of the city where the developer proposes to connect the sanitary sewer system with the development. In addition to the above plan, the developer shall be required to provide an estimate of the peak load from the development, at the point of intersection with the system of the city, expressed in gallons, and an estimated monthly loan from the development, expressed in gallons.
A plan shall be provided by the developer showing a cross section of the elevations of the lands to be developed, the proposed drainage system within the development and the existing drainage system into which the drainage system from the development will empty, or that will be affected by the drainage system to be constructed by the developer in the development. In addition to such drainage plan, the developer shall submit a drainage study, which shall certify the location of the lands to be developed in relation to the flood-prone areas as designated by the Federal Flood Insurance Program, and if such development is within the flood-prone area, what remedial actions are being taken to satisfy the regulations for construction of improvements within a flood-prone area. The study shall also include the capacity of the existing drainage system and the increase resulting from the development; and the improvements, if any, required to make the existing drainage system adequate to take an increase resulting from the development.
Any other information required by the city to assess conformance with applicable regulations, ordinances, and codes.
(Ordinance 82-141-3, § I, adopted 12/21/1982; Ordinance 84-180-4, § I, adopted 11/27/1984; Ordinance 22-703-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
When the developer has submitted all of the plans, information and studies required by this article, the city council shall, within 60 days after the receipt of all the required information, set a time and date for a meeting to be held on the proposed development. The purpose of the hearing shall be to give the developer an opportunity to present his proposed development to the city council and for the city council to hear testimony from the appropriate city officials, and the developer and any interested persons, concerning the requirements of services necessary for the proposed development. Based on the evidence and testimony introduced at such meeting, the city council shall determine the capability of the city to provide the necessary services to the development. In the event the city council shall determine that the existing services (including access roads, water and sanitary sewer services, and drainage facilities) of the city are adequate to provide such services to the proposed development, then the development shall be approved by the city council. If, however, the city council shall determine that the existing capability of the necessary services to be provided by the city are not adequate to provide the necessary services, then the city council shall approve as much of the proposed development as can be adequately served by the existing facilities of the city.
(Ordinance 82-141-3, § II, adopted 12/21/1982; Ordinance 22-703-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
It shall be unlawful for any building permit to be issued for the construction of any improvements covered by this article prior to the approval of such development, or the portion thereof, by the city council. No final inspection shall be made on any improvements in the development, nor shall water and sewer services be provided to any part of the development, unless and until the developer shall have completed the improvements required to be made by the terms of the approval of the development made by the city council.
(Ordinance 82-141-3, § III, adopted 12/21/1982)