Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage way, natural channel or stream, there shall be provided an easement or right-of-way conforming substantially to the limit of such watercourse, plus additional width to accommodate future needs. Drainage easements shall be determined by the city engineer both as to location and width.
(Ordinance 83-150-3, § 5(J)(1), adopted 7/26/1983)
Drainage facilities shall be provided and constructed as specified by the city engineer in accordance with article V, division 6 of this chapter.
(Ordinance 83-150-3, § 5(J)(2), adopted 7/26/1983)
If the existing drainage facilities are not adequate to accommodate the additional flow of water resulting from the subdivision of said lands, the developer and city engineer shall determine the capabilities of the drainage facility as now constructed and the additional flow which will result from the construction of the subdivision. The developer shall be required to participate with the city in the construction of the additional improvements required to accommodate the flow resulting from developer's subdivision on the basis of the percentage increase in such drainage load resulting from the subdivision. The payments required to be made by the developer hereunder shall be handled in the same manner as the construction cost of streets within such subdivision.
(Ordinance 83-150-3, § 5(J)(3), adopted 7/26/1983)