Unless the context requires otherwise, the definitions set forth in this section shall govern the construction of this article.
Animal wastes.
See "Manures."
"Approved bear-resistant garbage can enclosure"
is a secured enclosure, made of metal or equivalent, with a secured door or doors in front of the enclosure, or equivalent, whose design has been determined by Placer County environmental health to be sturdy, weather resistant, and making the contents of the garbage can enclosure inaccessible to bears. A list of approved bear-resistant garbage can enclosures shall be available to the public at the Tahoe offices of Placer County environmental health and Placer County building department.
"Approved landfill"
means a designated area, operating under permits from Placer County health department, designed and operated to safely dispose of solid wastes.
means the residue from the burning of combustibles.
means the Placer County board of supervisors.
"Chemical wastes"
means the chemical by-product of any action, industry, application or operation, whether performed by an individual or corporate body, which may be hazardous to public health or the environment.
means the act of removing solid waste from storage.
"Commercial solid waste"
means all types of solid waste generated by stores, offices and other commercial sources excluding residences.
means controlled microbial degradation of organic wastes yielding a safe and nuisance free product.
"Construction and demolition wastes"
means waste building materials, packaging and rubble resulting from construction or demolition of buildings and/or other structures.
means a durable, corrosion resistant, nonabsorbent, leakproof, watertight, odorproof, rodent-resistant box, barrel, canister or other approved device with a fly-tight cover.
"Container for hazardous waste"
means any tank, barrel, vat, drum, can, box, sack, bag, or bottle made of metal, paper, wood, plastic, glass, or other material equipped with a closure that will normally prevent the contents from spilling, splashing, or leaking but that will not necessarily be vapor-tight.
"Dead animals"
means animals or parts of animals which have died from any cause except those killed by man for human or animal consumption.
means the Placer County health department.
means the director of environmental health and duly authorized deputies responsible for the enforcement of state and local health, sanitation, nuisance laws, and the enforcement of regulations as approved by the placer county board of supervisors
means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of any solid waste or hazardous waste into or on any land or water so that such solid waste or hazardous waste or any constituent thereof may not enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters including ground waters.
"Disposal site"
means any approved place at which solid waste is dumped, abandoned, or accepted or disposed of by incineration, land filling, composting or any other approved and designated method.
"Domestic animal"
means all cattle or animals of the bovine species. All rabbits or animals of the lagomorph species. All horses, mules, burros, and asses or animals of the equine species. All swine or animals of the porcine species. All goats or animals of the caprine species. All poultry or domesticated fowl or birds. All dogs, cats, or other animals domesticated or under the restraint or control of man.
means a disposal site which is exposed to the elements, vectors and scavengers.
means a container specifically designed for the disposal of garbage and/or trash in quantities of over one cubic yard.
means any material that is permanent and can withstand impact without loss of integrity.
"Enforcement agency"
means the department and other regulatory bodies as approved by the board.
"Extremely hazardous waste"
means any hazardous waste or mixture of hazardous wastes which, if human exposure should occur, may result in death, disabling, personal injury, or illness during, or as a proximate result of, disposal of such waste or mixture of wastes because of its quantity, concentration, or chemical characteristics.
"Facility services"
means the director of facility services or duly authorized deputy.
"Farm or ranch"
presumptively means any parcel of land in excess of 4.6 acres. This presumption shall be rebuttable.
"Franchise area"
means that part of the unincorporated territory of the county for which franchise, exclusive or otherwise, either or both of which has been granted by the board of supervisors.
"Franchise holder"
means any person engaged in collection, transportation or disposal, or any combination of such services, of refuse in a franchise area, who holds a valid franchise for such activities as provided in Part 2 of this article.
means putrescible animal and vegetable waste. This includes, but is not limited to:
Offal, swill, kitchen and table waste, and other organic animal and vegetable waste.
Bottles, cans, cups, plates, utensils, containers, and/or covering of any construction or material that has been in intimate contact with food, confection, and/or beverage, and;
Any component used in the preparation or manufacture of matter intended for animal or human consumption.
The mixing, addition, or commingling of garbage with rubbish, trash, or other waste matter causes the entire resulting mixture to be defined as garbage and requires the mixture to be handled in the same manner as garbage.
means settleable solids, primarily of mineral origin, but may contain putrescible matter, that are removed from the wastewater stream of a sewage treatment plant usually at the plant headworks.
"Hazardous waste"
means a solid waste or combination of solid wastes which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may:
Cause, or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness; or
Pose a substantial present or potential hazard to employees, property, neighbors, general public or to the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed.
"Incompatible wastes"
means any two or more wastes that, when combined or mixed, can cause or create the potential to cause explosions, violent chemical reactions, fires, extreme heat, toxic substance formation, hazardous waste discharge, or any other event that may endanger employees, property, neighbors or the general public.
"Industrial wastes"
means all solid, semisolid or liquid wastes which result from industrial processes or manufacturing operations.
"Infectious wastes"
Utensils, equipment, instruments, and fomites from the rooms of patients who are suspected to have or have been diagnosed as having communicable disease and must be isolated.
Laboratory wastes, including pathological specimens, (i.e., all tissues, specimens of blood elements, excreta and secretions obtained from patients or laboratory animals) and disposable fomites (any substance that may harbor or transmit pathogenic organisms) attendant thereto.
Surgical operating room pathological specimens and disposable materials from out-patient areas and emergency rooms.
"Institutional solid waste"
means solid waste originating from public or private educational, health care, correctional and research facilities.
"Land disposal site"
means any land or approved area used for the final disposal of solid waste exclusive of land used for the disposal of solid waste from a farm or ranch 4.6 acres or larger.
means liquid that has percolated through solid waste and has extracted dissolved or suspended substances therefrom.
"Liquid waste"
means a waste material which is not spadeable.
means any post-consumer solid waste which is not deposited and/or retained in:
An authorized solid waste disposal site;
Appropriate and serviced storage containers; or
In other approved areas designated for disposal of solid wastes.
means the excreta of domestic animals or domestic fowls when not artificially mixed with any material or materials other than those which have been used for bedding, sanitary or feeding purposes for animals or fowls or for the preservation of manure. The accumulated moist animal excrement that does not undergo decomposition or drying as would occur on open grazing land or natural habitat. This definition shall include but is not limited to, feces and urine which may be mixed with bedding material, spilled feed or soil.
"Multiple residential units"
means those properties where more than two families reside. Examples are triplexes, mobilehome parks, apartments, residential motels and hotels.
"New residential construction"
shall mean creating a new residential unit and/or guest quarters, as well as additions greater than five-hundred square feet to existing residential buildings. Square footage of residential garages shall not be included in the calculation of square footage.
means any act or omission which:
Shall annoy, injure, or endanger the safety, health, comfort or repose of any considerable number of persons; or
Shall offend public decency; or
Shall unlawfully interfere with, befoul, obstruct or tend to obstruct or render dangerous for passage or use a lake, navigable river, bay, stream, canal, ditch, millrace, or basin, or a public park, square, street, alley, bridge, causeway or highway or other thoroughfare; or
Shall have a natural tendency to cause injury or damage to business or property.
means that property of an air contaminant that affects the sense of smell.
"Overfilling or overfull"
means the filling of a dumpster above the rim in such a manner as to create a potential for spillage and littering.
"Owner's agent"
means the individual, firm, association or other entity, that has been given authority, by the owner, to collect monies, order repairs, or perform other tasks that would generally be performed by the owner.
means downward and lateral movement of water through soil, waste or other material.
means any license issued by the department to any person to engage in landfill site operation, salvage, recycling, hauling trash, solid wastes or refuse, distribute handbills, leaflets, etc., or to perform any other act subject to the jurisdiction of the department.
means and includes an individual, firm, association, co-partnership, political subdivision, government agency, municipality, industry, public or private corporation, trust or any other entity whatsoever to include but not limited to:
Corporation of judiciary owning, leasing, managing, renting, operating, or in possession of any real estate located within the jurisdictional limits of Placer County;
Officer, manager, agent or employee in charge of any property who has power to give directions to other employees under his supervision;
Tenant or lessee;
Individual having dominion of or title to premises.
means a tract or parcel of land, public or private with or without habitable buildings or appurtenant structures.
means the reduction, separation, recovery, conversion, recycling, or other treatment of solid waste resulting in change or removal of certain characteristics or properties of that waste.
"Promiscuous dumping"
means the disposal of solid waste in any area not designated as a land disposal site.
means capable of being decomposed by micro-organisms with sufficient rapidity as to cause odors, gases, and attract and/or harbor vectors, or other vermin.
"Putrescible wastes"
means wastes that are capable of being decomposed by micro-organisms with sufficient rapidity as to cause odors, gases, and similar objectionable conditions. Food wastes, offal and dead animals are examples of putrescible solid wastes.
"Radiological wastes"
means any waste relating to nuclear radiation.
means the process by which salvage materials are transformed into new products.
means all putrescible and nonputrescible solid wastes including but not limited to: garbage, rubbish, street cleanings, dead animals, yard clippings, and market and industrial wastes.
"Repetitive or chronic overfilling"
means the overfilling of a dumpster at least twice in a 30 day period.
means nonputrescible solid waste, consisting of both combustible and noncombustible wastes such as paper, cardboard, abandoned automobiles, tin cans, wood, glass, rubber tires, bedding, crockery and similar materials.
"Sanitary fill method"
means that process of refuse disposal whereby the refuse is deposited in a depression or excavation in the ground and then covered with earth.
"Septic tank pumpings"
means sludge and wastewater and other materials removed from septic tanks and includes other anaerobic wastes.
"Sewage sludge"
means that residue separated from domestic sewage by a wastewater treatment plant, consisting of solids and a variable amount of water.
means any solid, semisolid or liquid waste generated from a municipal, commercial, or industrial wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility or any other such waste having similar characteristics and effects.
"Solid waste"
means garbage, refuse, sludge, rubbish, junk vehicles, ashes or incinerator residue, street refuse, dead animals, demolition waste, construction waste, solid or semisolid commercial and industrial waste and hazardous waste, including explosives, pathological waste.
"Storage of hazardous waste"
means the containment of hazardous waste, either on a temporary basis or for a period of years, in such a manner as not to constitute disposal of such hazardous waste.
"Street refuse"
means and includes materials picked up by manual or mechanical sweeping of alleys, streets or sidewalks, litter from public litter receptacles and material removed from catch basins.
means any pickup truck, truck, trailer, semitrailer, conveyance or vehicle used to collect or transport refuse.
means a living insect or other arthropod, or animal (not human) such as, but not limited to, rodents and flies capable of carrying infectious disease from one person or animal to another;
Capable of disrupting normal well being, causing detrimental effects upon the public health.
Capable of transmitting a waste from one organism to another or translocating a waste away from a disposal site.
means useless, unwanted or discarded materials resulting from any activity.
"Water table"
means the upper water level or surface of a body of groundwater.
"Working day"
means Monday through Friday exclusive of weekends and national or state of California holidays.
"Written approval"
means the permit, certificate, license or other means used by the department or other licensing/regulatory agency to signify their acceptance.
(Prior code § 9.1; Ord. 5006-B, 1999; Ord. 5114-B § 1, 2001)
The department of health and human services shall have full power and authority to enforce those portions of this article dealing with production, storage and collection of solid wastes. The department of health and human services shall also insure the disposal areas are maintained and operated in a sanitary manner.
The department of public works shall be responsible for the daily operation and administration of the disposal sites, transfer stations and the administration of the franchises.
The department of public works shall be responsible for the awarding of franchises and locating solid waste disposal sites; the department of health and human services shall carry out the responsibilities as the local enforcement agency pertaining to solid waste and the enforcement of litter laws where applicable.
The agricultural commission, and the division of animal control of the department of health and human services shall have joint enforcement responsibility for those sections regarding animal manures.
(Prior code § 9.2; Ord. 5006-B, 1999; Ord. 6262-B, 5/21/2024)
This article shall be liberally construed to achieve the objective of protection of the public health, safety and welfare.
(Prior code § 9.4)
Violations of this article are punishable as provided by Article 1.24 of the Placer County Code.
(Prior code § 9.5)