All solid wastes shall be stored, collected, utilized, treated, processed and disposed of in such a manner that a health hazard, public nuisance or impairment of the environment shall be kept within state and local standards. All solid wastes shall be disposed of at approved disposal sites.
All solid wastes shall be handled in such a manner so as not to be conducive to the breeding, sheltering or harboring of insects and rodents or to the support of any disease vector.
All solid waste systems shall be operated in such a manner so as not to substantially contribute to pollution or degradation of the atmosphere or surrounding lands or constitute a fire hazard.
Extremely hazardous wastes shall not be disposed of in any area without proper licensing.
Liquid wastes, sludges, and nonsewerable wastes shall not be accepted or disposed at a land disposal site without written approval of the department.
Solid wastes other than inert materials used for flood and erosion control shall not be placed on or within the 100 year floodplain of any watercourse.
No system for solid waste handling, processing, storage, recovery, salvage, or disposal shall be placed in operation until proper licenses and/or permits are obtained.
All solid waste management systems or operations involved in storage, processing, recovery, salvage, or disposal are required to be properly licensed.
All solid waste management systems or operations involved in collection, storage, hauling, processing, recovery, salvage, or disposal shall place an approved operational plan on file with the Placer County health and human services and facility services departments.
No infectious, chemical or hazardous waste will be accepted in any landfill in Placer County without the written approval of the director.
It is unlawful, in Placer County, for any person, public or private, to place, deposit or dump or cause to be placed, deposited, or dumped, or allow to accumulate, any solid or liquid waste in, or upon, any public or private highway, street, alley or road, waterway, lake, stream, or any lot or parcel of land, whether public or private other than in approved disposal sites.
(Prior code § 9.7; Ord. 5006-B, 1999)
Every person generating refuse shall provide containers for the storage of solid waste. The container shall be:
Of adequate size to contain the expected waste;
Of proper design to contain expected waste;
In sufficient numbers to contain all solid waste generated from a particular premises, property or waste generating activity; and
Covered, unless covers are waived by the director.
Containers for the storage of garbage shall in addition to the above, be:
Equipped with a tight-fitting lid;
Vector resistant;
Easily cleanable;
Designed for safe handling.
Plastic bags, if used, must have sufficient strength and water tightness and be designed for the containment of refuse. Also, bags must be in protective shelters so as to prevent spillage and/or animal damage. Bags may be used without a shelter if they are put out the day of collection.
Containers from one to four yards provided or utilized by commercial operations and/or other waste generating operations for the storage of garbage and similar putrescible waste shall be equipped with lids that are easily opened and closed by an average-sized adult standing beside the container.
The lid or cover of a solid waste container shall be maintained in a closed or covered position at all times when wastes are not in the immediate process of deposit.
All garbage containers shall be maintained in a clean condition, free from putrescible residue.
Individual storage containers shall not exceed 32 gallon capacity or weigh more than 60 pounds when filled, except where mechanical systems are approved. There shall be no more than six individual containers per customer at any single location unless otherwise approved by the department.
It is unlawful to deposit solid waste in a container that is owned and/or under the control of another person unless permission to deposit said waste has been obtained from the owner or controlling person; or unless the container has been provided for public use.
Solid waste generated from domestic dwellings shall not be deposited in containers provided for the public unless such containers are designated for such use.
Solid waste shall not be placed above the upper rim of a container, or in such a manner that the lid may not be tightly closed
All operations and/or any person, public or private, selling, providing, giving or through any means catering to any public or private person any goods or services shall provide adequate waste storage containers on site and shall regularly empty such containers.
All persons both public and private, shall provide and maintain complying on-the-spot containers for containment and storage of solid wastes when conducting out-of-doors business operations that would by their nature produce or generate any solid waste.
Containers shall be stored or maintained so as to prevent upset and spillage. The repetitive or chronic overfilling of dumpsters is prohibited. When, in the opinion of the department, a dumpster is overfull two or more times in any consecutive 30 day period, the department shall contact the property owner and notify him or her that a higher level of service (providing more frequent pickups) shall be required for that dumpster. Upon such notification, the property owner shall have 15 days to provide evidence to the department to show why such increased frequency of service should not be required. Within 10 days of receipt of such response from the owner, if any, the department shall determine whether the increased level of service shall be required. The department shall promptly notify the property owner in writing of its determination as to whether such a higher level of service shall be henceforth required. The owner may file an appeal of this decision by contacting the health officer in writing within 10 days of the department's decision.
Overfull dumpsters are declared to be a public nuisance and a potential threat to public health and therefore timely abatement shall be required. If, in the opinion of the department, a public nuisance exists due to an overfilled dumpster, the department may require the franchise holder to empty any such overfilled dumpster, without owner notification, provided the normal pickup time is at least 24 hours away. The franchise holder shall be allowed to charge the property owner a reasonable fee for such extra service.
In areas where collection is mandatory, all dumpsters shall be stored outside of the county right-of-way. However, the property owner may submit a variance request to the director of environmental health. The department shall consult with the franchise holder and the applicable road department in its consideration of such a request.
(Prior code § 9.8)
After official notification and/or citation by the director an unacceptable waste storage container shall be removed from use.
The person providing containers for waste storage shall insure the container meets the requirements in these regulations. Containers provided for any use other than individual noncommercial domestic waste storage that do not meet the requirements of these regulations shall be designated as nonconforming in a manner to be determined by the department.
The department may inspect or cause to be inspected at regular intervals refuse containers and shall be the sole judge of the condition of such containers as to their fitness for use.
For the purpose of this section an unacceptable container shall include those containers, larger than 32 gallon capacity, which are not owned or authorized by the franchise holder. The department shall cause such unacceptable containers to be removed immediately or require said containers to be impounded by the franchise holder.
(Prior code § 9.9)
No solid waste storage shall:
Cause health hazards;
Attract or propagate vectors, vermin or pests;
Create unpleasant odors;
Create nuisance.
The person who is an owner, operator and/or occupant of any premises, business establishment, industry or other public or private property, vacant or occupied, shall be responsible for the safe and sanitary storage of all solid waste accumulated on the premises or property, until it is legally removed.
It is the responsibility of the person, and/or owner of a new, remodeled, or expanded commercial building or apartment complex or other similar facility to provide in the design proper storage which will accommodate the solid waste loading anticipated and which will allow for efficient, safe waste removal or collection. Such person demonstrate to and get approval from the department that he or she has made the required provisions in the design, prior to construction.
Bulky wastes or other nonputrescible wastes unsuitable for storage containers shall be stored in a nuisance-free manner and shall be boxed, bundled, tied or contained in such a manner that the waste is protected from scattering and is collectible and is not conducive to harboring or breeding of vectors. They shall be no longer than 36 inches, not over 24 inches diameter, nor exceed 60 pounds.
Garbage shall not be allowed to remain on any premises for more than seven days, to prevent propagation or attraction of flies, rodents or other vectors and the creation of nuisances. Where it is deemed necessary by the director because of improper or inadequate storage, nuisance, odors, the propagation of vectors and/or the protection of public health, more frequent removal of garbage may be required. Where garbage and rubbish is containerized together, the period of removal shall be the same period of time as that applied to garbage.
Recyclable Collection Area.
Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 42900 et seq., conditions regarding recyclable material storage, loading, and loading areas may be required before building permits may be issued for the following types of projects:
New commercial, industrial, or institutional buildings;
New marinas;
New residential projects which consolidate garbage collection for five or more living units;
Expansions of existing projects listed in subsections (F)(1)(a), (b) and (c) of this section where the square footage of the buildings will increase by more than 30% of the original area.
In those areas of the county where the county of Placer has a contract with a waste handling firm which offers separate removal of recyclable materials, applicants for building permits of the type described under subsection (F)(1) of this section shall provide adequate area and appropriate containers and structures to allow occupants of the building(s) contained within the projects to participate in these recycling programs.
For all permits requiring discretionary review, (including but not limited to conditional use permits, projects requiring design review, subdivision, etc.), requirements concerning the adequacy of area and containers designated for recyclable material shall be determined by the appropriate hearing body, based on design criteria developed by the department of facility services and made available to the public on request. Specific requirements to meet the mandate of Public Resources Code Sections 42900 through 42911 may vary according to geographic area, type of development and local market conditions.
Appeals to requirements imposed pursuant to this subsection shall follow the normal appeals process as set forth in the zoning ordinance, Chapter 17, of this code.
(Prior code § 9.10; Ord. 5006-B, 1999)
Composting on a noncommercial individual homeowner basis shall be accomplished in a nuisance-free, odor-free, vector-free manner. Household garbage shall be handled in such a manner that breeding and harborage areas are eliminated. This operation shall include only those garbage wastes generated from the person's own domestic residence. All other garbage wastes are prohibited.
(Prior code § 9.11)
The disposal of waste tires into ravines, gullies, canyons, or other areas not recognized by the department as a land disposal site is prohibited. Use in erosion control projects shall be exempted.
(Prior code § 9.12)
Waste oils shall not be disposed of in any manner which will cause nuisance or pollution.
(Prior code § 9.13)
Non-farm. This section shall apply to lands zoned other than agricultural and lands less than 4.6 acres in size where the operation is not a bona fide agricultural pursuit.
All manures generated by domestic animals shall be picked up or cleaned every three days and properly disposed of weekly.
All manures, prior to weekly removal, shall be stored in such a manner that there shall be: no escape of odor, no attraction, harborage, or breeding of vectors or vermin and no creation of nuisance.
All manures used as a fertilizer shall be spread upon the surface of the ground and/or shall be tilled or spaded under the surface of the ground within seven days of its arrival at the premises or parcel of land to be fertilized.
Those manures not required to be spread onto or tilled or spaded into the soil within seven days are those which have:
Been chemically treated by a method approved by the Department; or,
Been processed in a manner that eliminates odor, vector harborage, breeding and nuisance.
Farm. This section applies to bona fide agricultural pursuits, in areas zoned agricultural and over 4.6 acres in size.
All manures generated by domestic animals shall be picked up or cleaned as often as required to significantly reduce flies and other vectors.
All manures, stored prior to removal, shall be handled in such a manner so as not to create a harborage or breeding of vectors or vermin and not create a nuisance.
All manures to be spread as fertilizer or soil amendment shall be spread upon the surface of the ground in thin easily dried layers and/or be tilled or spaded in a timely fashion under the surface of the ground.
Canine and Feline Manures.
No more than a three-day accumulation, on the ground or other surfaces, shall be allowed.
Manures shall be disposed of, in an approved manner, at least once every seven days.
Manure accumulation or storage of manures shall not create odors, attract vermin or vectors, and shall not breed vectors or vermin.
(Prior code § 9.14)
Compactors shall be located upon an impervious surface such as finished concrete or asphalt.
Compactors located in any area accessible to the public shall be equipped in such a manner that only authorized personnel are able to operate the compactor.
(Prior code § 9.15)
The general contractor or responsible party shall provide suitable containers for the storage of wastes generated at the construction or demolition site and shall insure that the containers are used and regularly removed.
The general contractor shall properly store all wastes and litter, and remove it periodically from the construction site to an approved disposal site.
In cases where there is no general contractor, each contractor and/or subcontractor shall be responsible for the proper storage and removal of their wastes.
Any storage container located on a construction site shall be equipped with a lid or other suitable cover to prevent the escape of wastes stored inside. If the wastes deposited in the container due to their density and bulk are not displaced by wind then the lid or suitable cover requirement may be waived for on site storage until removal occurs.
Any washwater and concrete residues shall be contained upon the construction site and/or upon the concrete manufactures manufacturing site for later disposal.
Demolition wastes shall be watered, wet down, or controlled in such a manner that there shall be no spillage, or escape of any waste material during loading, transport or unloading operations.
(Prior code § 9.16)
It is unlawful to litter or cause to be littered, or dump or cause to be dumped any waste matter in or upon any public or private highway or road, including any portion of the right-of-way thereof, or in or upon any private property into or upon which the public is admitted by easement or license or upon any private property without the consent of the owner, or in or upon any public park or other public property other than property designated or set aside for such purpose by the governing board or body having charge thereof.
It is unlawful to place, deposit, or dump, or cause to be placed, deposited, or dumped any rocks or dirt in or upon any private highway or road, including any portion of the right-of-way thereof, or any private property, without the consent of the state or local agency having jurisdiction over such highway, road or property.
No portion of this section shall be construed to restrict a private owner in the use of his or her own private property, except that the placing, depositing, or dumping of such waste matter on such property shall not create a public health nuisance, degradation of surface or ground waters, or fire hazard.
In the prosecution charging a violation of subsection A of this section from a motor vehicle, proof that the particular vehicle described in the complaint or citation was the origin of the litter, together with proof that the defendant named in the complaint or citation was at the time of such a violation the registered owner of such vehicle, shall constitute in evidence a rebuttable presumption that the registered owner was the person who committed the violation.
In the event litter is found with evidence denoting ownership or origin of the litter, the owner of such litter shall be responsible for all fees and charges associated with its pickup. Evidence constituting a rebuttable presumption of ownership shall be letters or correspondence with names and addresses, receipts or other items traceable to the person.
(Prior code § 9.17)
Refuse containers shall be placed for collection at ground level on the property, not within the public right-of-way of a street or alley, and accessible to and not more than 25 feet from the side of the street or alley from which collection is made; provided, however, that containers may be placed for collection at other than ground level and at a distance of more than 25 feet when approved by the department.
The following wastes shall be prohibited from collection or storage without proper licensing.
chemical wastes;
extremely hazardous wastes;
hazardous waste;
incompatible wastes;
infectious wastes;
radiological wastes.
(Prior code § 9.18)
Containers used for the collection and transportation of putrescible wastes shall be defined as in Sections 8.16.060(B)(1) through (8) of this article.
Uncleaned solid waste collection vehicles and/or solid waste transportation vehicles shall not be stored or parked on public streets or roads except under emergency conditions.
All waste materials shall be loaded and moved in such a manner that they will not fall, blow, leak, spill or otherwise become dislodged from the transporting vehicle.
All solid waste that by its physical nature possesses the potential to fall, blow, leak, spill, or otherwise become separated from the transporting vehicle shall be covered in a manner that will prevent such blowing, leaking or spilling.
Any person transporting solid waste shall be responsible for the proper loading, covering, and movement of solid wastes.
Where solid waste spillage does occur the vehicle operator shall immediately pick up the spilled waste, return it to the transporting vehicle and insure that the area where the spillage occurred has been thoroughly cleaned.
(Prior code § 9.19)
Vehicles or containers provided for solid waste storage, collection and transport shall be maintained and regularly cleaned to prevent odors, vector harborage and nuisance.
The director may require a specific container, compactor, or collection vehicle to be cleaned when in the director's opinion such container compactor or collection vehicle has an accumulation of putrescible, offensive or hazardous material sufficient to harbor vectors, generate odor and/or create nuisance or damage to the public health.
(Prior code § 9.20)
Garbage and other similar putrescible wastes shall be removed for disposal from any premises or property not less than once every seven days. Where it is deemed necessary a control officer may require a removal time of less than seven days when conditions exist that would result in:
The propagation of vectors;
The harborage of vectors and/or vermin;
The creation of nuisance;
A clear and present danger to public health.
Where garbage is stored with other waste matter, the removal time shall be not less than once every seven days unless the other waste requires a more frequent removal time. After notification and/or citation by a control officer, the following wastes shall be removed within:
Waste Types
Time Limits
Garbage - putrescible
24 hours
24 hours
Dead animals - residential rural
6 hours
Animal wastes (household pet)
24 hours
Farm animal wastes
24 hours
Industrial, institutional and commercial and bulky wastes
48 hours
Infectious pathological, pathogenic and hazardous wastes
12 hours
Waste materials disposed in unauthorized area
24 hours
All other solid waste
24 hours
These time limits are the minimum allowed for responsible action and may be extended by a control officer when:
A serious health hazard would not result by a time extension
The volume of waste is such that the time limit is considered to be excessive by a control officer.
Other circumstances merit the extension.
The time limits may only be shortened with the approval of a health officer when such conditions exist that the public health and/or safety is endangered.
(Prior code § 9.21)
The person generating or producing any solid waste shall be responsible for the proper storage, removal, transport and disposal of his or her solid waste.
The person generating or producing any solid waste shall insure such solid wastes are collected and transported by the franchise holder unless, where allowed, said wastes are legally removed and transported on a self-haul basis.
The person generating or producing solid waste shall not maintain responsibility for such solid waste once the waste has been collected or received for transport or disposal by the franchise holder.
In those instances where a person rents or leases to another, the underlying property owner or agent shall be ultimately responsible for solid waste generated and/or stored on those premises should said solid waste remain on the premises beyond the tenant term.
All wastes are the property of the person generating them until:
The wastes are legally deposited in a land disposal site;
The wastes are legally deposited at an approved waste recovery, recycling or other waste processing facility such as a transfer station; or
The wastes are picked up by the franchise holder.
Wastes legally placed for processing, recovery, or disposal become the property and responsibility of the franchise holder or other appropriate operator upon receipt of the waste.
No person shall remove wastes placed for collection other than the person generating the waste or the franchise holder. Properly licensed recycling organizations may, with approval of the director and the wastes owner, be allowed to remove presorted materials.
All owners of multiple residential and/or commercial property shall maintain readily available access to the dumpster for the franchise holder serving their property. The property owner or owner's agent shall make sure that vehicles are not blocking access on pickup day. In those areas of the county where snow can block access, the property owner shall make arrangements to have the access kept clear. On pickup days, in the event that access is not cleared, the franchise holder shall promptly inform the department of the blockage by vehicle or show. The department shall contact the owner or owner's agent to remove such blockage.
The department shall be allowed to seek reimbursement from the property owner for any costs incurred in the department's handling of problems concerning overfull dumpsters or lack of required access to dumpsters.
If the department determines that there have been three or more instances of an overfull dumpster or three or more instances of access blocked to a dumpster on any one parcel within any one calendar year, it may, in the department's discretion, issue a citation or violation of the requirements of this article.
(Prior code § 9.22)
It is unlawful for any person excluding individual homeowners to transport refuse into this county without first securing a written permit to do so from the board of supervisors. The board of supervisors may issue such permit if they find that issuance of such permit would not endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the people of Placer County and issuance is approved by the county health department. Such permit shall be revocable at any time.
Note: This section shall apply to all private and county owned disposal sites except those financed in part from federal and/or state grant dollars and whose purpose has been clearly designated by the board of supervisors as a regional disposal site.
(Prior code § 9.23)
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article to the contrary, all refuse accumulated within the territory described in subsection B of this section shall be collected, conveyed and disposed of by the franchise holder. No person shall collect, convey, or dispose of, any refuse accumulated within Franchise Areas 3 and 4 except as provided by this article.
Exception for Actual Producers. This part shall not be construed to prohibit the actual producers of refuse, or the owners of premises upon which refuse has accumulated, from personally collecting, conveying and disposing of occasional loads of refuse, provided such owners or producers comply with the provisions of this article; however, such actual producer or owner shall still be liable for the payment of fees for the collection of refuse as herein below set forth.
If the house or business is used, it is the property owner's responsibility to ensure the residence or business and has refuse removal service. If the house or business is located in Franchise Area 3 and is not used for one entire quarter, as defined in the table below it can qualify for an exemption. The property owner must notify the disposal company within the exemption request timeframe outlined in the table below. Exemption requests may only be submitted for the upcoming quarter.
Service Quarter
Exemption Request Timeframe
First Quarter
November 15—December 15
Second Quarter
February 15—March 15
Third Quarter
May 15—June 15
Fourth Quarter
August 15—September 15
Homes or businesses not on service will be checked for use. If found to be used, service will be automatically started, and the property owner will be billed for the entire quarter for which use occurred at a minimum level of service of one 32-gallon can per week. If such bills are not paid, the county will reimburse the disposal company for services provided and the bill will then be placed on the property taxes for collection.
If a primary business owner within Franchise Area 3, has their primary residence within Franchise Area 3, the primary residence may qualify for a year exemption which is limited to one per business. The exemption must be submitted annually within the exemption request timeframe of November 15 to December 15 prior to the year of the requested service exemption. The business must have an active and appropriate minimum level of service to serve the business and home residence. The business must be free of any public health issues or any lapses in solid waste service, if failing to do so the primary residence associated with the business will be placed back on service and be billed for the entire year. Only one exemption shall be granted per business and shall only apply to owners who have a primary residence within Franchise Area 3.
Any person or entity who asserts a home or business is exempt from payment and whose account is determined by the county to be delinquent ("appellant"), may file an appeal, in the form and manner stated in Section 8.16.220(A)(4)(b), within 15 days of the date of a county-issued notice of delinquency.
Appeals shall be delivered to the county at the location and in the form as described in the notice of delinquency. County shall inform appellant of the date, time, and location of the appeal hearing not less than 15 days prior to the appeal hearing. Appellant shall have the option to appear at the appeal hearing in person or may submit written evidence at or before the time and date of the appeal hearing for consideration by the hearing officer.
Appealed accounts that are denied by the hearing officer shall remain on the delinquent report and presented to the board of supervisors at a publicly noticed hearing.
Areas of Mandatory Refuse Collection. The portion of Placer County within which refuse collection is mandatory is described as follows:
Garbage Franchise Area No. 3. (For legal description see Section 8.16.400(C).)
All developed parcels on Foresthill Divide (Pursuant to Resolution 88-218, adopted by the Placer County board of supervisors on June 21, 1988) within Garbage Franchise Area No. 4. (For legal description see Section 8.16.400(D).)
The owner or owner's agent of any premises accumulating refuse shall provide collection services as herein provided. The fee for refuse collection services shall be in accordance with the fee schedule set forth in the agreement between the franchise holder and the county of Placer.
All fees chargeable under these provisions shall be collected by the franchise holder and shall be delinquent if not paid two weeks prior to the end of the billing period used by the franchise holder.
Any discontinuance of service shall be in addition to any other civil or criminal remedy provided by law.
The property owner of record as shown by the county's most recently equalized tax roll shall be the person responsible for the payment of such fees.
Misdemeanor—Infraction. Each person owning the property or premises who fails to provide for the removal of refuse as provided herein is punishable as provided in Article 1.24 of the code. Each day's violation shall be considered and treated as a separate and distinct offense.
(Prior code § 9.24; Ord. 6064-B § 1, 2021; Ord. 6151-B § 1, 2022; Ord. 6262-B, 5/21/2024)
Dumps shall be prohibited in Placer County.
(Prior code § 9.25)
The provisions of this code shall not be construed to permit any use prohibited by any zoning regulations or to apply to any commercial junkyard governed by zoning regulations, state law, or federal law.
(Prior code § 9.26)
Refuse disposal at each disposal site operating under a permit from the department shall be by the fill and cover method or any other sanitary or mechanical method approved by the department.
(Prior code § 9.27)
Disposal must not create a hazard to public health. Each disposal site shall be so situated to have sufficient facilities, and be operated in a manner so as not to create a hazard or nuisance to the public's health, safety or welfare.
(Prior code § 9.28)