It is unlawful to sell pistols, revolvers, or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person, at retail, within the City, without a license issued in the manner herein provided for.
(Prior code § 4-045)
The City Manager is hereby authorized to issue licenses to sell, at retail, within the City, pistols, revolvers, and other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person. Such licenses shall be issued in the form prescribed by the Attorney General and shall be effective for not more than one year from date of issue.
(Prior code § 4-046)
The said licenses shall be issued only after a report in writing concerning said prospective licensee has been made by the Chief of Police to the City Manager. Said licenses shall not be issued to any person who:
Has been convicted of a felony and has served a term of imprisonment therefor in a State or Federal prison;
Has been convicted of any violation of the Dangerous Weapons Control Law of the State; or
Is not of good moral character.
(Prior code § 4-046.1)
Any of the reasons which would prevent the original issuance of said license shall also make the revocation of said license mandatory by the City Manager.
(Prior code § 4-046.2)