The City Manager is authorized to designate parks of the City in which the Manager finds the use of alcoholic beverages to be conducive to the destruction of public property and/or discomfort of the residents of the adjoining areas.
(Prior code § 5-132)
It is unlawful and an infraction for any person to drink any malt, spirituous or vinous liquor containing more than one-half of 1% of alcohol by volume.
In the following public places or vehicles in said public places: public street, alley way, sidewalk, parkway, school grounds, playground, waterway, slough, or bed, bank or levee of a slough or waterway, unless the consumption of liquor in such public place or places has been authorized by the Council of the City; or
On the following private property open to public view or hearing from any of the public places named above: vacant lots, emergency exits of such places of public assemblage as theaters and hotels, private automobiles, parking lots, railroad rights-of-way, school grounds and play grounds, unless permission for the consumption of liquor on such private property has previously been given by the owner or lessee thereof;
Within the limits of any park now owned or to be hereafter owned by the City, either inside or outside the limits of the City, which park has been designated by the City Manager pursuant to Section 9.64.010; provided, however, that the designated park has been posted as provided in subsection B of this section.
Posting of Signs. Each park which has been designated by the City Manager pursuant to subsection A of this section shall be posted with signs not less than one square foot in area and upon which, in lettering not less than one-half inches in height, appear the words, "CONSUMPTION OF AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE WITHIN THIS PARK IS FORBIDDEN BY LAW. SMC 9.64.020(A)(3)."
Destruction of Property. It is unlawful for any person without authority to tear down, deface or destroy any sign posted pursuant to this section.
(Prior code §§ 5-132.1—5-132.3)
Public Use of Sidewalks, Streets, Etc. It is unlawful and an infraction to obstruct or cause to be obstructed any part of, or any part of the public use of any part of any public street, highway, avenue, sidewalk, space between sidewalk and street, crosswalk, wharf or bridge.
Things Deemed Obstructions. The following named things but not to the exclusion of other things, shall be deemed obstructions within the meaning hereof:
Any post, pillar, pole, sign or structure, not excepted by the provisions set forth herein, which stands or rests upon, within or in any of said public ways; any post, pillar, pole or mast for telegraph, telephone or electric light wires hereafter erected or placed otherwise than in that part of the sidewalk space which is not less than eight inches nor more than 24 inches from the curb line.
Any vehicle or beast so upon or in any of said public ways as without necessity therefor to impede or impair the passage of the public or of any person, vehicle or beast lawfully then and there passing over, on or along such way.
Any house, barn or like structure which is standing or being moved upon or in any public way without then and there so being under, by virtue of and in accordance with the terms of a written permit granted by the City and approved by the Department of Public Works, wherein is specified the structure permitted to be moved, the public ways on which and the time during which said moving or standing is permitted.
(Prior code § 5-133)
The following named things are declared not to be obstructions within the meaning hereof:
Authorized Obstructions. An obstruction authorized or permitted by the terms of any franchise, ordinance, law or special permit.
Obstructions Caused by Public Officers, Etc. An obstruction caused by a public officer or public employee in pursuance of his or her duty or employment as such officer or employee.
Trees, Etc. Any tree, together with such a post, box or structure immediately adjacent thereto which may be requisite to support or protect such tree, the same being in the lawful tree space or where lawful when planted or set out, and so trimmed as by law required.
Use of Sidewalks to Exhibit Merchandise. The use of a sidewalk by the occupant of an abutting tenement for two and one-half (2-1/2) feet in width next such tenement for the purpose of exhibiting merchandise.
Use of Sidewalks to Load and Unload. The use of a sidewalk by or for the occupant of an abutting tenement for the purpose of transferring merchandise and other articles between such tenement and the roadway during the time necessary for such transfer if prosecuted consecutively and with reasonable diligence.
(Prior code § 5-134)
Street Trees. It is unlawful and an infraction for the owner or occupant of any premises in front of or adjacent to which any tree is standing or growing in or on any public street or way to fail or neglect to keep such tree so trimmed that no branch thereof, where more than two feet horizontally from the butt of said tree, shall be less than 10 feet above the official grade of such street or way.
Street Playing. It is unlawful and an infraction for any person to play or assist or participate in playing on or in any public street, sidewalk or way, any game or play wherein is thrown, batted, kicked or used any baseball, football, hand ball or other ball.
(Prior code § 5-135)
It is unlawful and an infraction for any person to place, throw or deposit any commercial or non-commercial handbill, flyer, or advertisement in or upon any sidewalk, street, mall, or other public place within the City; provided, however, that it is not unlawful upon any sidewalk, street, mall, or other public place within the City for any person to hand out or distribute, without charge to the receiver thereof any commercial or noncommercial handbill to any person willing to accept it.
(Prior code § 5-136.1)
It is unlawful and an infraction for any person to throw or deposit any commercial or noncommercial handbill or advertisement in or upon any vehicle which is parked upon a public street, or upon a parking lot open to the public where appropriate signs are posted prohibiting deposit of such handbills; provided, however, that it shall not be unlawful upon any public street or in any parking lot open to the public for a person to hand out or distribute without charge to the receiver any commercial or noncommercial handbill or advertisement to any occupant of any vehicle who is willing to accept it.
(Prior code § 5-136.2)
Speed of Boats. It is unlawful and an infraction for any person having command, charge or control of any motor boat, seaplane, hydroplane, amphibious plane, sea sled, or other vessel propelled by a motor to order, cause, permit or suffer such boat or vessel to be run, operated or propelled upon any waters within the corporate limits of the City at a rate of speed greater than five miles per hour in any areas where appropriate signs designating said speed limit have been placed giving notice thereof upon or near the waters, by the City Traffic Engineer with the authority of the City Manager.
Exception—Speed of Boats. The rate of speed restriction of five miles per hour shall not apply upon the waterways of the City when public celebrations, water regattas, boat races, or other aquatic activities are supervised and patrolled by the U.S. Coast Guard and its auxiliaries. To protect the general public and its property the U.S. Coast Guard and its auxiliaries shall have the authority and power to impose such restrictions and regulations as to speed as may be deemed necessary and desirable during the public celebrations, water regattas, boat races or other aquatic activities.
Speed of Trains. It is unlawful and an infraction for any person owning, operating or controlling a locomotive or other railway engine either alone or with cars to cause or permit the same to attain a speed greater than:
Main Track. Twenty miles per hour on any main track within the corporate limits of the City except Southern Pacific Company and the Western Pacific Railroad Company main tracks between the following points:
South line of Scotts Avenue to the southerly City limits, being a line lying generally along the line of 13th Street extended westward;
South line of Harding Way to the north line of Park Street;
Other Tracks. Twelve miles per hour on any other track within said corporate limits.
(Prior code §§ 5-137—5-137.3)
It is unlawful and an infraction to use barbed wire as material for constructing, repairing or maintaining any part of any fence or adjunct thereof where said wire is placed less than six feet above ground level.
(Prior code § 5-138)
It is unlawful and an infraction to wantonly, maliciously or carelessly obscure, deface, destroy or remove any bill, placard, poster or advertisement lawfully being on any fence, wall, building or bulletin board.
(Prior code § 5-139)
It is unlawful and an infraction for any person, firm, corporation or association to display, sell, offer for sale, barter or give away any live baby chicks, rabbits, ducklings or other fowl as pets or novelties, whether or not dyed, colored, or otherwise artificially treated. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the display or sale of natural chicks, rabbits, ducklings or other fowl in proper facilities by dealers, hatcheries, or stores engaged in the business of selling the same to be raised for food purposes.
(Prior code § 5-140)
It is unlawful and an infraction for any person, group of persons or corporation to paint or otherwise permanently affix the address of any dwelling, to any street, curb, sidewalk, driveway, building, post, mailbox, fence, tree, shrub or strip of property between the street and the sidewalk so as to indicate the address of that dwelling without first obtaining the permission and authorization of the owner or occupant of that dwelling. This section shall not preclude the painting of addresses of dwellings upon the curb in front of that dwelling if prior permission and authorization from the owner or occupant is obtained. It is also unlawful for any person or corporation to misrepresent the purpose for which the donation or fee charged for this service is collected.
(Prior code § 5-143)
Frequenting, Contributing to, Etc. It is unlawful and a misdemeanor to frequent, become an inmate of or contribute to the support of any disorderly house, house or place of ill-fame, assignation or prostitution, or place for gambling or for any unlawful practice.
Let, Sublet or Transfer of Premises. It shall be unlawful and a misdemeanor knowingly to let, sublet or transfer possession of any premises or portion thereof for use for gambling or any unlawful practice.
(Prior code § 5-142)
It is unlawful and a misdemeanor for any person to have in his or her possession any cards, dice or any other device with intent to use or have the same used in playing, conducting, carrying on or dealing, whether by such person or another, any game of faro, monte, roulette, twenty-one, or any banking or percentage game played for money, checks, credit or any other representative of value.
(Prior code § 5-143)
It is unlawful and a misdemeanor for any of the persons composing a company or crowd obstructing, impeding or impairing the free and peaceful passage of others on or along any street, sidewalk, wharf, bridge, public way or entrance to any theater, pavilion, church, public hall or other place of public resort, to refuse, fail or neglect to disperse or move on when requested to do so by a peace officer. But this provision shall not apply on the occasion of any public outdoor meeting or public procession.
(Prior code § 5-144)
It is unlawful and a misdemeanor for any person or persons exercising or having, under any grant or franchise, special rights or privileges in any public street or way when, in accordance with the terms of such grant or franchise, requested to improve or repair such street or way, to refuse, fail or neglect to improve or repair the same with material either similar in kind and quality to that which such street or way may then be improved or with such as may be selected by the City Council; or to improve or repair the same with material other than as aforesaid; or to fail, neglect or refuse to improve or repair the same in the manner designated by said Council.
(Prior code § 5-145)
It is unlawful and a misdemeanor to throw or deposit in any public channel any solid matter whatever, or to drain or run into any navigable channel any fluid holding in suspension or solution matter which, if precipitated or deposited in such channel for a sufficient time, would obstruct or impair the navigability of the same.
(Prior code § 5-146)
For any person to get on or off any railroad car or train of cars, while such car or train is in motion, at any place other than a regular depot, station, or place where such car or train usually stops to take or land passengers, such person not being an officer or employee of the owner or operator of such car or train.
(Prior code § 5-147)
It is unlawful and a misdemeanor for any person to willfully or maliciously torture, tease, torment, beat, kick, strike, mutilate, injure, disable, or kill any dog used by the Police Department of the City in the performance of the functions or duties of such department or to unwarrantably interfere with or meddle with any such dog while being used by said department or any officer or member thereof in the performance of any of the functions or duties of said department or of such officer or member.
(Prior code § 5-148)
It is unlawful and a misdemeanor for any person, not the owner or person entitled to possession of property used for residential purposes, to open or unlock, or cause to be opened or unlocked, any door or other entrance to such property by means of a key or any other instrument or method without first obtaining proof of identity of person requesting the door or other entrance to be opened or unlocked, and proof that the person so requesting the opening or unlocking is the owner of said property, or is entitled to possession of said property, or has authority to make such request from the owner of the property or the person entitled to the possession of the property.
(Prior code § 5-149)
It is unlawful and a misdemeanor to offer for sale any gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel product from any place of business in the City unless there is prominently posted or displayed a sign or statement or other advertising medium clearly visible to passing motorists on each street bordering the place of business which indicates or shows the actual price, including tax, of the premium ("supreme") gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel, regular ("low lead") gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel, and unleaded ("no lead") gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel product offered, together with the word or words "gasoline" or "motor fuel" and the trade name or brand name. If the same gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel product is offered for sale at different prices depending upon the condition surrounding the sale (for example, self-service or full-service), it shall be necessary for the person offering such products for sale to post or display the prices of the premium ("supreme"), regular ("low lead"), and unleaded ("no lead") gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel product, including tax, together with the word or words "gasoline" or "motor fuel" and the brand name or trade name under all sets of conditions under which such products are offered for sale, providing further that the appropriate conditions of sale are identified in the posting.
All advertising lettering and numerals designating the price shall be at least six inches in height; all lettering indicating the appropriate condition of sale (self-service or full-service) shall be at least one-third the size of the lettering or numerals designating the price; all lettering indicating the brand or trade name shall be at least one-third the size of the lettering or numerals designating the price; all lettering indicating the product (i.e., gasoline or motor fuel) shall be at least one-third the size of the lettering or numerals designating the price, and all lettering or numerals indicating the grade of the gasoline shall be not less than one-sixth the size of the lettering or numerals designating the price.
Such posting of price and condition of sale under which gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel is offered for sale shall be required during all hours in which the place of business is in operation.
(Prior code § 5-150)