The provisions hereof shall be applicable only to sidewalk and driveway work of less than 2,500 square feet and curb and gutter work of less than 500 linear feet. Work of greater magnitude on the public streets shall be governed by the provisions of Ordinance No. 433 of the City. (See Chapter 12.16.)
(Prior code § 9-009)
No person, company or corporation shall construct or repair or cause to be constructed or repaired by private contract any sidewalk, driveway, curb or gutter on any public street or streets, or portion of any public street within the City, without first having had and obtained from the City Engineer a permit in writing to do the work. The permit shall be on a form provided by the City Engineer.
If the City Engineer refuses to issue the permit the applicant has the right of appeal to the City Council which may direct the City Engineer to issue the permit.
When work is done by the contractor at the same time on contiguous properties one permit shall be sufficient to cover the work contemplated.
(Prior code § 9-010)
The permit shall be obtained by the property owner, contractor or person under whose supervision the work will be done. The permittee shall be held responsible for the work. The applicant for the permit shall furnish written evidence of the consent of the property owner or his or her agent.
(Prior code § 9-011)
All work covered by a permit must be constructed and laid down subject to the approval of the City Engineer or designated representative and he or she shall have the authority to prescribe the quality of the material used therein and the manner in which said work shall be done. All work shall be done in accordance with specifications prepared by the office of the City Engineer, to the line and grade established by the City Engineer and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer or designated representative. The City Engineer shall fix the width of sidewalks, curbs, gutters and driveways in public easements.
(Prior code § 9-012)
The permit shall specify the number of working days within which the work shall be completed. The work shall be commenced within 30 days of the granting of the permit and be prosecuted with diligence to completion.
(Prior code § 9-013)
No contractor shall collect, or attempt to collect, money for sidewalk, driveway, curb or gutter work done under private contract unless the work has been done in all respects in accordance herewith.
(Prior code § 9-014)
A permit granted pursuant hereto shall carry with it the right to place, or cause to be placed, upon the street adjacent to the place where the construction, alteration or repair work is to be performed, such materials or appliances as may be necessary for use in performing such work, provided however that such materials and appliances shall not occupy more than one-third of the width of a roadway in front of said construction work, and shall be placed thereon subject to the direction and approval of the City Engineer. The City Engineer may order said material, appliances and debris or any portion thereof not so placed to be immediately removed.
Whenever the work requires the occupancy of a portion of the street the permittee shall provide and maintain such facilities as fences, barriers, "street closed" signs, lights and watchperson as may be reasonably necessary to provide adequate protection and prevent avoidable accidents to the public. Where such facilities, or any of them, are not provided the City Engineer may provide such facilities and charge the permittee for the expense thereof.
(Prior code § 9-015)
The failure of any person, firm or corporation to obey the lawful directions of the City Engineer, or his or her designated representative relative to work shall be deemed sufficient cause to refuse the request of said person, firm or corporation for further permits for work of such character.
(Prior code § 9-016)
Violation—A misdemeanor. Any person, company or corporation who violates any provisions hereof or fails to comply with any of the regulatory requirements hereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable as such.
Additional Penalties. In addition to the penalties herein above provided any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions hereof shall be deemed a public nuisance and may be, by resolution of the City Council, ordered summarily abated at the expense of the permittee.
(Prior code §§ 9-017—017.2)