Note: Editor's Note: Exhibits and appendices relating to Specific Plan No. 2 are located at the end of this chapter.
Prior ordinance history: Ord. 536, 759, 785 § 5, 897 § 2, 898 §§ 1 and 2, 911 § 10 and 974.
The purpose of Specific Plan No. 2 is to permit a range of land uses subject to economic demand and the suitability of the use in relation to the proposed site, and surrounding uses, and which is consistent with the overall city-wide balance of that use.
(Ord. 1032 § 2, 1995)
No person shall construct any building or structure or enlarge or modify any existing building or structure, make any exterior alterations, or use any property until a development plan has been approved pursuant to Section 18.500.030 of this chapter.
(Ord. 1032 § 2, 1995)
Review Requirements. Unless otherwise provided in Section 18.12.050, a development plan shall be submitted for review and approval to the development plan review board and the planning commission pursuant to the plan disposition procedures provisions of Chapter 18.12. The decision of the planning commission shall be final unless that decision is appealed to the city council pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.212. In addition to the standard development plan findings, the above bodies, in approving any development plan in Specific Plan No. 2 shall make the following findings:
The proposed improvements will maintain or enhance the existing character and purpose of Specific Plan No. 2.
In commercial areas, commercial uses will blend with and complement other uses and eliminate tendencies toward "strip" development.
Prior to submitting development plans, the applicant may meet with city planning and engineering staff to discuss and review the general purpose and objectives of Specific Plan No. 2 in relation to development concepts proposed by the applicant.
(Ord. 1032 § 2, 1995)
Buildings, structures and land shall be used and buildings and structures shall hereafter be erected, structurally altered or enlarged only for the following uses, plus such other uses as the director of community development determines to be similar and not more obnoxious or detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare, in accordance with the findings set forth in Section 18.192.040 of this title.
The determination of the director may be appealed to the development plan review board and, thereafter, the city council pursuant to Chapter 18.212 of this title.
All uses and storage shall be conducted within a totally enclosed building, with the exception of nursery stock and those uses authorized by conditional use permit.
Commercial Uses. The following uses are permitted in areas designated "commercial" on Exhibit A, set out at the end of this chapter:
Those uses listed as permitted uses in the C-N, A-P and C-H zones, with the exception of fortunetelling.
Residential Uses.
Low-density single-family residential in areas so designated on Exhibit A, subject to all property development standards of the SF zone;
Medium-density single-family residential in areas so designated on Exhibit A, set out at the end of this chapter, subject to the property development standards of the SF zone, with the exception of Section 18.24.040 A, B and C.
(Ord. 1032 § 2, 1995)
The following uses may be permitted in areas designated "commercial" on Exhibit A, set out at the end of this chapter, subject to a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 18.200 of this title.
Indoor recreational facilities, except for coin or token operated games of skill;
Accessory game arcade consisting of seven or more machines within an indoor recreation facility;
Retail gasoline sales, with convenience stores as accessory uses;
Vehicular and equipment rental facilities as defined by Section 18.08.544 of this title;
Drive-through restaurants when the property is not adjacent to a property with a residential use and when the property has legal access, either directly or through an integrated shopping center to two of the following streets (Arrow Highway; Lone Hill Avenue; Valley Center Avenue);
On-sale alcoholic beverages, provided that such use is a secondary and incidental use to a permitted use in this zone;
On-site brewing and service of beer produced on the premises, provided that such use is secondary and incidental to a restaurant. The brewing component shall be limited to a maximum production of five thousand barrels per year unless an increased production volume is granted by the planning commission to support the commercial business after finding that the production volume and operations are compatible with the subject site and its surroundings during review of the conditional use permit;
Off-sale alcoholic beverages;
Outdoor sale, storage or display of merchandise and/or provision of services, provided that any such use is directly related to a permitted use within any building or structure on the same lot or parcel, except for temporary outdoor uses which are permitted in accordance with Chapter 18.196, Temporary Uses;
Athletic clubs and performing arts studios;
Thrift stores.
(Ord. 1032 § 2, 1995; Ord. 1076 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1097 § 4, 1999; Ord. 1185 § 16, 2008; Ord. 1233 § 1, 2015)
The following property development standards shall apply to all land and buildings located in areas designated "commercial" in Exhibit A, set out at the end of this chapter. No building or structure originally designed for a residence shall be utilized for any office or commercial purpose.
Minimum Lot Size.
Area 1, one and one-half acre,
Area 2, one acre;
Lot Dimensions. No provisions;
Building Height.
No building or structure erected in this area shall exceed two stories in height except by conditional use permit.
Exceptions. Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the building, and fire or parapet walls, skylights, towers, church steeples, flagpoles, chimneys and other similar structures may be erected above the height limits herein prescribed, provided such structures are compatible with the surroundings.
Air conditioning units, electrical switch gear and panels, compressors, and similar mechanical and electrical equipment shall be enclosed within an enclosure architecturally compatible with the appearance of the building it serves.
Front. Setbacks on Arrow Highway and Lone Hill Avenue within the limits of this chapter shall be not less than twenty-five feet.
Buffer. Buffer yards shall be as shown on Exhibit A, set out at the end of this chapter. Buffer yards shall be landscaped the full twenty-five-foot width.
Landscaping. All required yards and other landscape areas shall be landscaped utilizing trees, shrubs and groundcover with an automatic remote control sprinkler system. Landscape and irrigation plans prepared by a landscape architect shall be submitted for approval.
Walls. Masonry walls shall be installed as required by the planning commission.
Off-Street Parking. The provisions of Chapter 18.156 of this title shall apply, except that for retail stores located in an integrated shopping center of not less than eight acres in area, four and one-half parking spaces shall be required for each one thousand square feet of gross floor area.
Signs. The provisions of Chapter 18.152 of this title shall apply.
Utilities. All utilities provided to serve new buildings or to serve existing buildings undergoing alterations and requiring change-out of service shall be installed underground.
Trash Storage. A trash and recycling area built to the city standard plan shall be provided in locations as approved by the director of community development.
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(Ord. 1032 § 2, 1995)