The purpose of Specific Plan No. 10 is to provide for the classification and development of parcels of land as coordinated, comprehensive projects so as to take advantage of the superior environment which will result from large-scale community planning. The regulations established by Specific Plan No. 10 are intended to allow a diversity of uses. Development standards are created specifically for the project area while ensuring substantial compliance with the intent of this code. Alternative development standards have been incorporated in this specific plan in return for development sensitivity and increased amenities to serve the inhabitants of this and surrounding community areas.
Development standards are proposed to achieve the following objectives:
To minimize the alteration of existing landforms;
To conserve the scenic qualities of the area;
To provide an enriched residential environment with aesthetic cohesiveness, harmonious massing of structures and interfacing of open space through the utilization of superior land planning and architectural design.
(Ord. 774 § 1, 1982)
The adoption of Specific Plan No. 10 by the city is authorized by Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 3, Articles 8 and 9 of the California Government Code, Sections 65450 and 65507. Under these provisions the planning commission may, or shall if so directed by the council, prepare specific plans based on the general plan and drafts of such regulations, programs and legislation as may, in the judgment of the planning commission, be required for the systematic execution of the general plan. Such a specific plan may include all detailed regulations, conditions, programs and proposed legislation which may be necessary or convenient for the systematic implementation of such element of the general plan.
(Ord. 774 § 1, 1982)
Specific Plan No. 10 applies to the 30+ acre area located south of the Route 33 freeway, north of Allen Avenue, between Walnut Avenue and San Dimas Canyon Road. The legal description for the property is attached to this chapter as Exhibit B.
(Ord. 774 § 1, 1982)
Unless otherwise specified, all development within Specific Plan No. 10 shall comply with this code. Terms used in this chapter shall have the same meaning as defined elsewhere in this code unless otherwise defined in this chapter.
Any details or issues not specifically covered by this specific plan shall be subject to the regulations of this code.
The approval of development within the specific plan area shall be governed by Section 65450 et seq. of the state Government Code.
All construction within the boundaries of the specific plan shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code and the various mechanical, electrical and plumbing codes adopted by the city.
Minor modifications to the specific plan which do not give rise to a conflict with the intent of the specific plan as approved, may be approved by the director of community planning at his discretion.
All environmental documentation which has been adopted in conjunction with approvals of Specific Plan No. 10, including revisions, is adopted by reference.
The area of each planning area is calculated in gross acres exclusive of major perimeter roadways.
Any land use designation not specifically covered by this specific plan, shall not be permitted.
If any regulation, condition, program or portion thereof of the specific plan is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof.
(Ord. 774 § 1, 1982; Ord. 869 §§ 1 (1, 2))
Unless the context otherwise requires or unless different definitions are set forth in individual titles, chapters, or sections of this code, the words or phrases defined in this specific plan shall have the meaning and construction ascribed to them in this section. When not inconsistent with the context, words in the singular shall include the plural and words in the plural shall include the singular. The word "shall" is mandatory and the word "may" is permissive. Words and phrases not defined in this chapter shall be defined in the following sources and in the following order: other chapters of this code, definitions contained in the city adopted chapters of the Uniform Building Codes, definitions contained in legislation of the state, Webster's Dictionary.
means contiguous to. For example, two adjoining lots with common property lines are considered to be abutting.
"Accessory structure"
means a structure, including a patio cover located on the same lot with a principal building serving an incidental and secondary use to the main building or the use of the land. It shall not apply to "second units."
"Accessory use"
means a use that is incidental and secondary to the principal use of the main building or the use of the land and devoted exclusively to the main use of the lot or building.
means the same as abutting; however, public rights-of-way and major utility easements shall not be construed as separating "adjacent" uses.
"Architectural feature"
means a part, portion or projection that contributes to the beauty or elegance of a building or structure exclusive of signs that is not necessary for the structural integrity of the building or structure or to make the building or structure habitable.
Area, Gross.
"Gross area" means the total horizontal area within a lot or parcel of land or within a designated portion of a lot or parcel of land.
Area, Net.
"Net area" means that portion of a lot or parcel of land exclusive of public rights-of-way, public easements, major utility easements or other encumbrances which preclude the property owner from having use of the entire surface of the land.
"Automobile parking"
means parking of operational and street-legal motor vehicles on a temporary basis within an off-street parking area.
means a man-made mound(s) of earth eighteen inches in height or higher used for decorative screening or buffering purposes.
"Buffer area"
means an area of land used to visibly separate one use from another or to shield noise lights or other possible nuisances.
means any structure built or maintained for the support, shelter, or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind. The word "building" as used in this title includes the word "structure."
Building, Accessory.
"Accessory building" means the same as "accessory structure."
"Building height"
means the maximum vertical distance between the ground and the uppermost part of the structure through any vertical section.
Building, Main.
"Main building" means a building within which is conducted the principal permitted use on the lot, as provided by this title.
means the city of San Dimas.
"Commission" or "planning commission"
means the planning commission of the city unless another commission is specifically referenced.
"Common area"
means land in a development held in common and/or single ownership and not reserved for the exclusive use or benefit of an individual tenant or owner.
"Council" or "city council"
means the city council of the city of San Dimas.
Density, Gross.
"Gross density" means the number of dwelling units within the gross area of a project divided by the number of gross acres.
Density, Net.
"Net density" means the number of dwelling units within the net area of a project divided by the number of net acres.
"Design review"
means the process of city review and approval of development proposals pursuant to the provisions of this code.
means the director of community planning for the city or his designee.
Dwelling, Single-family Detached.
"Single-family detached dwelling" means a dwelling unit owned in fee and located on an individual lot which is not attached to any other dwelling unit by any means.
"Dwelling unit"
means a building designed exclusively for the occupancy of one family for living and sleeping purposes and having a kitchen facility for only one family.
"Equestrian trail"
means a natural surfaced path for equestrian use.
means to build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend, or fix with regards to a structure.
"Exterior boundary"
means the perimeter of any lot or parcels of land or group of lots or parcels to be developed as an integrated project.
means the exterior wall of a building.
means one or more persons immediately related by blood, marriage or adoption living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit together with any domestic employees. A group of not more than six unrelated persons living together as a single housekeeping unit with their domestic employees shall also be considered a family.
means any device forming a physical barrier between two areas and constructed of chain link, louver, stake, masonry or lumber in accordance with adopted city standards.
Floor area, Gross.
"Gross floor area" means the total horizontal area of a building under roof in square feet, including to the outside of the exterior walls of all floors.
Garage, Private.
"Private garage" means an enclosed building, or a portion of a building, used primarily for automobile parking. Garages shall not be for habitation.
"Gross lot area"
means the same as "lot area."
"Homeowners association"
means a community association which is organized within a development in which individual owners share common interests and responsibilities for open space landscaping or facilities.
means the planting and maintenance of a combination of trees, shrubs, vines, ground cover, flowers or lawns. In addition, the combination of design which may include natural features such as rock and stone and structural features, including but not limited to, water elements, art works, decorative walks, decorative walls and benches.
means any numbered or lettered parcel shown on a recorded tract map, a record of survey recorded pursuant to an approved division of land or a parcel map.
"Lot area"
means the total area within property lines of a lot.
Lot, Corner.
"Corner lot" means a lot at the junction of two or more intersecting streets with a boundary line thereof abutting on each of the streets.
Lot, Interior.
"Interior lot" means a lot other than a corner lot or reversed corner lot.
"Main building" or "main structure"
means a building or structure in which is conducted a main use of the lot or parcel of and upon which it is situated.
"Net density"
means the average of dwelling units divided by the project acreage exclusive of public streets and other public dedications.
"Net lot area"
means the total area within the property lines of a lot exclusive of public streets or other public dedications of any easements which preclude the property owner from having full use of the property for the purpose(s) for which it is designated.
"Off-street parking space"
means a temporary storage area for a motor vehicle that is not located on a dedicated right-of-way dedicated or private.
Open space, Common.
"Common open space" means any parcel or area of land or water set aside, dedicated, designated or reserved for use and enjoyment of all owners and occupants of a project. Usable common open space shall constitute area(s) readily accessible, practical and generally acceptable for active and/or passive recreation uses. In no case shall common open space include required setback areas or contain structures other than those intended for landscape or recreation purposes.
Open space, Private.
"Private open space" means a fenced or otherwise screened area designated for a specific tenant or resident and which is devoid of structures and improvements intended for landscape or recreational purposes.
Open space, Public.
"Public open space" means open space maintained for the use and enjoyment of the general public.
"Permitted use"
means any use allowed within zoning district regulations and subject to the restrictions applicable to that zoning or land use district.
means an animal clearly considered customary to a residential use, e.g. dogs, cats, birds, and fish.
"Planning commission"
means the planning commission of the city.
"Preliminary site plan"
means a preliminary plan developed to identify the location and general relationship between land uses, improvements, structures, circulation systems, landscaping and design elements and typically submitted to the director of community planning for review and comment prior to any required formal submittal to the planning commission or city council.
"Recreational apparatus" or "recreational vehicle"
means any device which may be used for camping or recreational purposes and which with the exception of vehicle and/or utility trailers, is not currently registered for operation on public streets including, but not limited to, camper units, shells, travel trailers, vehicle trailers, utility trailers, boats, airplanes, gliders, off-highway vehicles and other devices used for recreational purposes.
"Second unit"
means a subordinate dwelling unit with complete and independent living facilities attached to or contained within a single-family detached dwelling.
means the area between the building line and the nearest property line.
means that portion of the building between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above except that if there is no floor above, then the space between such floor and the ceiling or roof above.
means a public or private vehicular thoroughfare or right-of-way other than an alley which serves as a primary access to a property or residential unit and which is wider than twenty-six feet in width, curb to curb.
means any thing that is built or constructed and requires a fixed location on the ground, including a building wall, cover, or other edifice of any kind.
"Temporary structure"
means a structure which is permitted within a land use district without any foundation or footing and which is removed when the designated time period, activity or use for which the temporary structure was erected has ceased.
"Temporary use"
means a use permitted within a land use district and established for a fixed period of time with the intent to discontinue such use upon the expiration of the time period.
means an area parcel site, piece of land, or property which is the subject of a residential development action involving five lots or more.
means the purpose for which land or a building is occupied, arranged, designed or intended or for which either land or building is or may be occupied or maintained. A use may be passive. For example, parking and/or garage storage is a use of property.
means an open space that lies between the principal building and the nearest lot line. Such yard is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as may be specifically provided for in this title. Unless otherwise specified, a yard is fully landscaped.
Yard, Required.
"Required yard" means a yard as defined in this section, that occupies the area of a required setback.
"Zoning ordinance"
means the comprehensive zoning ordinance of the city, codified as Title 18 of this code.
(Ord. 869 § 12, 1987)