Compact Development. Buildings and uses shall be sited to promote linked trips to reduce traffic trips. The term "linked trips" means that a person can park their vehicle in one location on the site and then safely and conveniently walk between multiple destinations on the site.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
Massing, Scale and Building Form.
The height and bulk of multi-story buildings shall be relieved by using traditional massing and façade techniques such as:
Dividing the façade into modular bays using articulation and/or changes in materials and/or colors.
Variations in both the vertical and horizontal plane with recessed or projected areas.
Using architectural detailing (i.e., ornamentation, window placement), and changes in materials and/or colors.
Provide roof line variation (i.e., height, form) to provide interest and variety.
Exterior Materials and Finishes.
All sides of a building shall be treated with a consistent level of detailing and finish.
High-quality materials should be selected to convey a sense of permanence and unify the building appearance.
Avoid vibrant colors, except as accent.
Traditional building materials consistent with the rich history of San Dimas should be featured, such as stone, brick, siding, wood and stucco. The following wall materials are inappropriate: mirrored glass, reflective glass, glass block, precision block, metal.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
Vehicular Access.
The on-site circulation system shall promote efficient movement of vehicles and minimize conflicts with pedestrians and bicycles.
There shall be vehicular access from a dedicated street or alley to off-street parking facilities on the property for which off-street parking is provided.
Vehicular access to lots fronting on a major or secondary highway shall be via an alley, service road, or other local street.
Pedestrian Access. There shall be a sidewalk system designed to promote safe, reasonably direct, and convenient access throughout entire site and connecting to both public streets.
All sidewalks shall have a minimum width of six feet, except along store fronts they shall be minimum ten feet in width. All sidewalks shared by pedestrians and bicyclists shall be eight feet in width.
Driveways shall not be considered pedestrian access.
Where a pedestrian sidewalk crosses a parking area or driveway, the "crosswalk" shall be clearly defined using decorative pavers.
Pedestrian sidewalks shall avoid passing through service and loading areas, except for "service" sidewalks devoted to loading/unloading stores.
Bicycle Access. There shall be a sidewalk, which may be shared with pedestrians if sufficient in width, from both public streets to both the residential and retail uses.
Fire Safety Access. An accessway not less than three feet in width shall be provided abutting each side lot line.
Transit Stops. Bus turnouts and shelters shall be provided where deemed necessary by the city engineer.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
Parking lot lighting standards shall comply with city standards including the following:
All display and security lighting in the project area shall be decorative and designed for uniformity of lighting poles, fixtures and intensity;
All outside lighting shall be so arranged and shielded as to prevent any glare or reflection, any nuisance, inconvenience or hazardous interference of any kind on adjoining rights-of-way or property.
Maximum light standard height shall be twenty feet as measured from finished grade.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
The provisions of Chapter 18.152 of this title shall apply.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
All utilities within the project boundaries to serve the uses and buildings therein shall be installed underground. All existing aboveground utilities shall be relocated underground at the time of project construction.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
All driveway entrances shall incorporate decorative pavement treatment. Additional entry treatment may be required by the development plan review board.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
All downspouts shall be located in the interior of commercial buildings.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
The following areas shall be fully landscaped and irrigated, maintained in good appearance and kept in a weed and disease free manner:
Within Required Setbacks. All required setbacks shall be fully landscaped exclusive of structures, parking area, drive aisles, and similar improvements.
Within Parking Areas. A minimum of five percent of the parking area required within this chapter shall be landscaped. The landscaping shall be in the form of landscaped planter fingers and similar landscaped planter techniques.
All landscaping required within this section shall be contained within planters of raised concrete curbing six inches in height.
All new landscaping shall be water-efficient as set forth in Chapter 18.14.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
Roof-mounted mechanical equipment including, but not limited to, air conditioning, heating, and ventilating and exhaust ducts, shall be screened from view from any surrounding property, street or highway. The screening shall be designed in such manner as to appear to be an integral component of the overall building architecture. This can be accomplished by full roof treatments, equipment wells, and architectural design features. Line-of-sight drawings shall be required as a component of all design review submittals to verify equipment screening. Wall-or ground-mounted equipment shall be enclosed in a manner which incorporates the same materials used in the building.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
The provisions of Chapter 18.156 of this title shall apply, except parking ratios as set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
Any outdoor storage permitted by this chapter shall be screened from view of any public right-of-way. Such methods of screening shall include, but not be limited to, masonry walls and dense landscaping.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
Walls shall be permitted and/or required pursuant to the following provisions. All walls shall be constructed of decorative concrete tilt-up, masonry or other approved durable material.
Required Walls. Walls shall be required to screen truck and storage areas where allowed by this chapter. Interior walls may be required by the development plan review board as a component of the design review process. All screening walls shall be architecturally compatible with the buildings within the project and planning units, and shall incorporate vertical landscaping such as vines, trees and shrubbery. The vertical landscaping elements shall be located on the public right-of-way side to provide visual relief from the horizontal expanse. The height of the screening walls shall be governed by the view shed from the surrounding areas which shall take into consideration the height of equipment and/or trucks to be stored behind the walls.
Permitted Walls. Walls shall be permitted on or within all property lines not abutting streets and on, or to the rear of all required yard setback lines abutting streets. The height of such walls shall be set by the director of development services after giving reasonable due consideration to alternative screening techniques and devices. Walls not over forty-two inches in height may be permitted within the required setback areas.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
Enclosed trash and/or recycling storage area(s) built to the city's standard specifications shall be provided in appropriate locations pursuant to city standards.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
Sustainable and green building design principles shall be included in new development, including compliance with Title 24 Energy Standards.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)
New development shall follow minimum best management practices (BMPs) required by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), and also submit a local stormwater pollution prevention plan/wet weather erosion control plan (SWPPP).
For all projects subject to standard urban stormwater mitigation plan (SUSMP) regulations, applicant must submit a site-specific drainage concept and stormwater quality plan to mitigate post-development stormwater. A fully executed "maintenance covenant for SUSMP requirements" shall be recorded with the L.A. County registrar/recorder and submitted to the city prior to the issuance of certificate of occupancy.
Erosion control and drainage systems shall be maintained in proper working order, including subsurface retention, infiltration and bioswales.
(Ord. 1175 § 1 Exh. B, 2008)