Certificates and acknowledgments to be shown, which may be combined where appropriate:
A certificate signed and acknowledged by all parties having any title interest in the land subdivided consenting to the preparation and recordation of the map; provided, however, that the signatures of parties owning the following types of interest may be omitted if their names and nature of their interest are set forth on the map:
Rights-of-way, easements or other interests which cannot ripen into a fee, except those owned by a public entity or public utility. If, however, the board determines that division and development of the property in the manner set forth on the approved or conditionally approved tentative map will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of the public entity or public utility right-of-way or easement, the signature of the public entity or public utility may be omitted. Where such determination is made, the subdivider shall send, by certified mail, a sketch of the proposed final map, together with a copy of this section, to any public entity or public utility which has previously acquired a right-of-way or easement.
If the public entity or utility objects to either (a) recording the final map without its signature; or (b) the determination of the board that the division and development of the property will not unreasonably interfere with the full and complete exercise of its right-of-way easement, it shall so notify the subdivider and the board within thirty days after receipt of the materials from the subdivider.
If the public entity or utility objects to recording the final map without its signature, the public entity or utility so objecting may affix its signature to the final map within thirty days of filing its objection with the board.
If the public entity or utility either (a) does not file an objection with the board; or (b) fails to affix its signature within thirty days of filing its objection, to recording the map without its signature, the clerk may record the final map without such signature.
If the public entity or utility files an objection to the determination of the board that the division and development of the property will not unreasonably interfere with the exercise of its right-of-way or easement, the board shall set the matter for public hearing to be held not less than ten nor more than thirty days of receipt of the objection. At such hearing, the public entity or public utility shall present evidence in support of its position that the division and development of the property will unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of the objector's right-of-way or easement.
If the board finds, following the hearing, that the development and division will in fact unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of the objector's right-of-way or easement, it shall set forth those conditions whereby such unreasonable interference will be eliminated and upon compliance with such conditions by the subdivider, the final map may be recorded with or without the signature of the objector. If the board finds that the development and division will in fact not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of the objector's right-of-way or easement, the final map may be recorded without the signature of the objector, notwithstanding its objections thereto.
Failure of the public entity or public utility to file an objection pursuant to this section shall in no way affect its rights under a right-of-way or easement.
In the case of rights-of-way, easements, or reversions, which by reason of changed conditions or long disuse appear to be no longer of practical use or value and as to which signature is impossible or impractical to obtain, a reasonable statement of the circumstances preventing the procurement of the signature shall be set forth on the map.
Any subdivision map including land originally patented by the United States or the state, under patent reserving interest to either or both of these entities, may be recorded under the provisions of this title without the consent of the United States or the state thereof, or to dedications made thereon.
Interest in or rights to minerals including, but not limited to, oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances, if (a) the ownership of such interests or rights does not include a right of entry in the surface of the land, or (b) the use of the land, or the surface thereof, in connection with the ownership of such interest or rights is prohibited by zoning or other local ordinances or regulations, provided that such signatures may be required by the board;
A certificate signed and acknowledged by the property owner(s) offering for dedication all parcels of land shown as intended for public use, except those parcels other than streets and alleys which are intended for the exclusive use of the lot owners in the subdivision, their licenses, visitors, tenants, and servants;
A certificate for execution by the commission secretary;
A certificate for execution by the county surveyor;
A certificate for execution by the county clerk;
A certificate for execution by the county road commissioner;
A certificate by the registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor responsible for the survey and final map, which shall be accompanied by his seal;
A certificate for execution by the county tax collector;
A certificate for execution by the county recorder;
A certificate for execution by the county director of environmental resources.
(Prior code §9-34; Ord. NS 1061 §2, 1981; Ord. CS 179 §1, 1986)
Prior to the filing of the final map with the board, the subdivider shall file with the clerk of the board a certificate from the tax collector showing that according to the records of his office there are no liens against the subdivision or any part thereof for unpaid state, county, municipal or local taxes or special assessments collected as taxes, or special assessments not yet payable.
As to taxes or special assessments collected as taxes not yet payable, the subdivider shall file with the clerk of the board a certificate by the tax collector giving his estimate of the amount which is a lien but not yet payable.
Whenever any part of the subdivision is subject to a lien for taxes or special assessments collected as taxes which are not yet payable, the final map shall not be recorded until the owner or subdivider executes and files with the board a good and sufficient bond, to be approved by the board, and by its terms made to inure to the benefit of the county, and conditioned upon the payment of all state, county, municipal and local taxes, and all special assessments collected as taxes, which at the time the final map is recorded are a lien against the property but which are not yet payable. In lieu of a bond, a deposit may be made of money or negotiable securities in the same amount and of the kind approved for securing deposits of public money.
(Prior code §9-35; Ord. NS 1061 §2, 1981; Ord. CS 179 §1, 1986)