Note: Prior ordinance history: prior code Section 9-119 and Ordinance NS 988.
The regulations set forth in this chapter shall apply in all C-1 districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.08.
(Ord. CS 106 §10, 1984)
Uses permitted in C-1 districts:
Apartment houses, dwelling groups, two-family dwellings or duplexes when connected to public sewer and water systems;
Churches (excluding tent and open air churches), clubhouses, residential care homes, convents, day care centers, facilities for public utilities, family day care homes, fraternal organizations, orphanages, public and quasi-public buildings, rooming and boarding houses, and social halls;
Administrative offices, art galleries, botanical gardens, business and professional offices, clinics, laboratories, small animal hospitals, and small animal shelters when entirely within a building;
Amusement machines, bakery shops, billiard parlors, candy stores, coin-operated car washes, financial institutions, launderettes, mini-warehouses, music and dance schools, personal service establishments, real estate offices, restaurants (excluding drive-in, bar and outside service), retail stores, service stations (excluding major overhaul, paint shops and body work). Also other uses which the planning director may deem to be similar in character and purpose to those enumerated in this subsection;
Accessory buildings incidental and secondary to all permitted uses, including appurtenant outdoor advertising signs which are nonflashing and nonanimated;
One identification or informational sign not more than twelve square feet in area nor more than six feet in height may be permitted in the front yard or side yard adjacent to each street frontage in lieu of any other freestanding sign provided that:
It does not bear any advertising message,
It is nonflashing, nonmoving, and non-animated,
It is located wholly on private property on the premises to which it pertains,
A plot plan and elevation of the sign is approved by the director of planning and community development prior to request for building and electrical permits and installation.
Mobile homes as allowed by the provisions of Chapter 21.72;
Crop farming;
Racing homing pigeons as regulated in Chapter 21.92;
Garage sales;
Single-family dwelling or one apartment if it is accessory to a permitted commercial use;
Christmas tree sales lots provided they meet the required setbacks and provide at least ten accessible and usable off-street parking spaces in addition to one space per employee on a maximum shift. Such lots shall be limited to two double-faced signs not to exceed twelve square feet each. No off-site signs shall be permitted. Such lots may not be established prior to November 15th of any year and shall be removed and the property returned to its original condition prior to January 1st;
Fireworks stands provided they meet all required setbacks and provide at least five usable and accessible off-street parking spaces in addition to one space per employee on a maximum shift. Such stands shall meet all the requirements of the department of fire safety and shall be erected and removed within the time period prescribed by that department.
Retail and wholesale retail stores with a gross building/sales area less than sixty-five thousand square feet.
(Ord. CS 106 §10, 1984; Ord. CS 663 §13, 1998; Ord. CS 896 §5, 2004)
Uses permitted, subject to first securing use permit in each case:
Mobile home parks; provided, that all units are connected to a public sanitary sewer and public water system.
Retail and wholesale retail stores with a gross building/sales area of sixty-five thousand square feet or greater.
(Ord. CS 106 §10, 1984; Ord. CS 896 §6, 2004)
Building Height Limit.
Maximum height of all buildings and advertising signs, thirty-five feet;
No fence or screen planting in excess of three feet in height, shall be constructed or permitted to grow within any required front yard, or side yard of a corner lot unless the director determines that visibility will not be obstructed.
Building Site Area Required.
Sites serviced by public sewer and water facilities, six thousand square feet;
Sites serviced by public water and septic tank facilities or private well and public sewer facilities, twenty thousand square feet;
Sites, serviced by private wells and septic tank facilities, one acre.
Yards Required.
Residential Uses.
Front Yard.
Not less than seventy feet from the existing centerline of the street nor less than fifteen feet from the planned street line on a major street or expressway whichever is the greater. The vehicle opening of any building shall be no closer than twenty feet to the property line toward which the opening faces;
Not less than forty-five feet from the existing centerline of the street on a collector street (sixty feet wide) nor less than fifteen feet from the planned street line where a specific plan has been adopted. The vehicle opening of any building shall be no closer than twenty feet to the property line towards which the opening faces;
Not less than forty feet from the existing centerline of the street on a minor street (fifty feet wide) nor less than fifteen feet from the planned street line where a specific plan has been adopted. The vehicle opening of any building shall be no closer than twenty feet to the property line toward which the opening faces;
Side Yard. Interior Lot Line and Rear Yard. Five feet, except where the lot line abuts an alley, in which case there shall be no yard requirement.
Side Yard, Corner Lot. The main building and garages not having direct vehicular access to the street may be located five feet closer to the planned street line than at the front yard.
Commercial Uses.
Front Yard.
Not less than seventy feet from the existing centerline of the street nor less than fifteen feet from the planned street line on a major street or expressway whichever is the greater. Loading docks shall be so located that trucks will head-in and head-out and not use the public street for maneuvering, loading or unloading. The vehicle opening of any building shall be no closer than twenty feet to the property line toward which the opening faces except where the property line abuts an alley of at least twenty feet in width, in which case, the vehicle opening may be five feet from the property line;
Not less than forty-five feet from the existing centerline of the street on a collector street (sixty feet wide) nor less than fifteen feet from the planned street line where a specific plan has been adopted. Loading docks shall be so located that trucks will head-in and head-out and not use the public highway for maneuvering, loading or unloading. The vehicle opening of any building shall be no closer than twenty feet to the property line toward which the opening faces;
Not less than forty feet from the existing centerline of the street on a minor street (fifty feet wide) nor less than fifteen feet from the planned street line where a specific plan has been adopted. Loading docks shall be so located that trucks will head-in and headout and not use the public highway for maneuvering, loading or unloading. This vehicle opening of any building shall be no closer than twenty feet to the property line towards which the opening faces;
At street intersections, fences shall be located with a minimum twenty-five-foot corner cutoff; measured along the lot lines from the point of right-of-way intersection.
Side Interior Lot Line or Rear Yard. None, except where the side or rear of the property abuts an R district, shall not be less than five feet.
Side Yard. Corner Lot. Structures not having direct vehicular access to the street may be located five feet closer to the planned street line than at the front yard.
Nuisances. No operation shall be conducted on any premises in such a manner as to cause an unreasonable amount of noise, odor, dust, smoke, vibration, or electrical interference detectable off the site.
Screening. An eight-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the property line adjacent to any residential or agricultural zone or any P-D zoning for residential use, except where a building abuts an alley in which case no wall shall be required.
Landscaping. A landscaping plan indicating plant species, initial size, location and method of irrigation shall be approved by the planning director prior to issuance of any permit. Such required landscaping shall be installed within six months of project completion and shall be maintained by the applicant.
Any sign program for any use shall be submitted to the planning director for approval prior to installation. Freestanding signs are prohibited except where the director determines them to be necessary to serve the traveling public where the use could not otherwise be identified.
One identification or informational sign not more than twelve square feet in area nor more than six feet in height may be permitted in the front yard or side yard adjacent to each street frontage of a property which contains a lawful agricultural, commercial, or industrial use in lieu of any other freestanding sign which may be permitted, provided that:
It does not bear any advertising message;
It is nonflashing, nonmoving and nonanimated;
It is located wholly on private property on the premises to which it pertains;
A plot plan and elevation of the sign is approved by planning and community development director prior to request for building and electrical permits and installation.
Parking. See Chapter 21.76 for off-street parking requirements for all uses in all districts.
(Ord. CS 106 §10, 1984; Ord. CS 663 §§40, 43, 1998)