Note: Prior history: Prior Code § 9-121 and Ord. NS 988.
The regulations set forth in this chapter shall apply in all M districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.08.
(Ord. CS 106 §12, 1984)
Uses permitted in M districts:
Wholesale and distribution establishments, service establishments, public and quasi-public buildings; junkyards, wrecking yards and auto dismantling yards; and all uses permitted in the C districts except dwelling units of any kind unless otherwise specifically permitted in this zone;
All industrial uses except those specified in Section 21.60.030;
Outdoor advertising signs which are non-flashing and nonanimated;
One mobile home when appurtenant and secondary to a permitted use with substantial outside storage subject to provisions of Chapter 21.72;
One identification or informational sign not more than twelve square feet in area nor more than six feet in height, may be permitted in the front yard or side yard adjacent to each street frontage in lieu of any other freestanding sign, provided that:
It does not bear any advertising message,
It is nonflashing, nonmoving and nonanimated,
It is located wholly on private property on the premises to which it pertains,
A plot plan and elevation of the sign is approved by the director of planning and community development prior to request for building or electrical permits and installation;
Crop farming;
Ballrooms, commercial clubs, dance halls, drive-in theaters, nightclubs, stadiums and tent or open-air churches. However, when located within two hundred feet of the boundary of an R district, a use permit shall first be secured;
Single-family dwelling or one apartment if it is accessory to a permitted commercial or industrial use;
Christmas tree sales lots provided they meet the required setbacks and provide at least ten accessible and usable off-street parking spaces in addition to one space per employee on a maximum shift. Such lots shall be limited to two double-faced signs not to exceed twelve square feet each. No off-site signs shall be permitted. Such lots may not be established prior to November 15th of any year and shall be removed and the property returned to its original condition prior to January 1st;
Firework stands provided they meet all required setbacks and provide at least five usable and accessible off-street parking spaces in addition to one space per employee on a maximum shift. Such stands shall meet all the requirements of the department of fire safety and shall be erected and removed within the time period prescribed by that department;
Adult businesses as allowed by the provisions of Chapter 21.68;
All retail stores and wholesale retail stores which have a building and sales area less than sixty-five thousand square feet or greater.
(Ord. CS 106 §12, 1984; Ord. CS 607 §3, 1995; Ord. CS 896 §§9, 10, 2004)
Uses permitted, subject to first securing a use permit in each case:
Distillation of bones, disposal, dumping, sanitary landfill; incineration or reduction of dead animals, garbage, offal, refuse or sewage; and fat rendering;
Manufacturing of acid, cement, compressed gases, fertilizer, fungicides, glue, gypsum, hides, insecticides, lime, paper pulp, pesticides, plaster of Paris or poison gas;
Manufacture of explosives, or fireworks, and storage of explosives;
Feed lots, stockyards, slaughter of animals or poultry;
Refining of petroleum products, smelter of copper, iron, tin, zinc or other ores and metals;
Drilling for or removal of gas, oil or commercial removal of minerals, earth or other materials;
Go-cart tracks, motor vehicle rides, race tracks, rifle ranges, skeet ranges, motorcycle tracks and motorcycle hill climbs;
All retail stores and wholesale retail stores with a gross building and/or sales area of sixty-five thousand square feet or greater;
Emergency shelters;
Commercial cannabis retail (storefront or non-storefront), manufacturing (volatile or nonvolatile), testing labs, distribution, and cultivation or nursery activities (mixed-light or indoor), subject to Section 21.08.020(D) of this title.
(Ord. CS 106 §12, 1984; Ord. CS 896 §11, 2004; Ord. CS 1169 §14, 2015; Ord. CS 1205 §6, 2017)
Height limit in M districts:
Building and appurtenant structures, seventy-five feet;
Fireproof structures (excluding advertising structures) not used for human occupancy, no height limit;
Separate standing advertising structures, thirty-five feet;
No fence or screen planting in excess of three feet in height, shall be constructed or permitted to grow within any required front yard, or side yard of a corner lot unless the director determines that visibility will not be obstructed;
Additional height may be granted for advertising signs, transmitting towers, storage towers, and structures not used for human occupancy, provided that a use permit is first secured in each case.
(Ord. CS 106 §12, 1984)
Yard required in M districts:
Front Yard and Side Yards of Corner Lots.
Not less than seventy feet from the existing centerline of the street nor less than fifteen feet from the planned street line on a major street or expressway whichever is the greater. Loading docks shall be so located that trucks will head-in and head-out and not use the public street for maneuvering, loading and unloading. The vehicle opening of any building shall be no closer than twenty feet to the property line toward which the opening faces;
Not less than forty-five feet from the existing centerline of the street on a collector street (sixty feet wide) nor less than fifteen feet from the planned street line where a specific plan has been adopted. Loading docks shall be so located that trucks will head-in and head-out and not use the public highway for maneuvering, loading or unloading. The vehicle opening of any building shall be no closer than twenty feet to the property line toward which the opening faces;
Not less than forty feet from the existing centerline of the street on a minor street (fifty feet wide) nor less than fifteen feet from the planned street line where a specific plan has been adopted. Loading docks shall be so located that trucks will head-in and head-out and not use the public highway for maneuvering, loading or unloading. The vehicle opening of any building shall be no closer than twenty feet to the property line toward which the opening faces;
The side yards of corner lots may be five feet less than the required front yard for the main building.
Side Yard of Interior Lot and Rear Yard. To be governed by the Uniform Building Code for use or occupancy and type of construction.
(Ord. CS 106 §12, 1984; Ord. CS 663 §41, 1998)
No operation shall be conducted on any premises in such a manner as to cause an unreasonable amount of noise, odor, dust, smoke, vibration, or electrical interference, detectable off the site.
(Ord. CS 106 §12, 1984)
An eight-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the property line adjacent to any residential or agricultural zone or any P-D zoning for residential use, except where a building abuts an alley in which case no wall shall be required.
(Ord. CS 106 §12, 1984)
See Chapter 21.76 for off-street parking requirements for all uses in all districts.
(Ord. CS 106 §12, 1984)
Percentage of lot coverage, total area of building, maximum seventy-five percent.
(Ord. CS 106 §12, 1984)