This chapter lists the land uses that may be allowed within the light industrial zoning district, determines the type of land use permit/approval required for each use, and provides basic standards for site layout and building size. The purpose of the light industrial zoning district and the manner in which it is applied is as follows.
LI (Light Industrial) District. The IL zoning district is applied to areas appropriate for light industrial and manufacturing, warehousing, offices and assembly uses. Land uses allowed in the IL zoning district will not create objectionable noise, smoke, odor, dust, noxious gases, glare, heat, vibration, or industrial wastes. The IL zoning district is consistent with the planned industrial land use designation of the Stanislaus County general plan.
(Ord. CS 832 Exh. B, 2003)
General Requirements. Table 21.62.A identifies the uses of land allowed by this chapter in the light industrial zoning district, and the land use permit required to establish each use, in compliance with Stanislaus County zoning ordinances (Allowable Land Uses and Permit Requirements).
Note: the far right column in the tables ("Specific Use Regulations") will show a section number for regulations that apply to the particular use listed, in addition to the other general standards of this chapter.
The following uses are permitted subject the development standards described in Chapter 21.62.040: Crop farming and horticulture, assembly of products, bakery-warehouse and distribution, bottling plant, call centers, communication systems research and development, computer systems research and development, furniture manufacturing, food packaging, packaging, printing and publishing companies—book binding, software development, warehouses as a principle use, wholesale distribution and catalog sales, parcel delivery service, public safety (police and fire stations), public infrastructure, electronic repair and assembly, manufacturing and technology support industries.
Permit Requirement for Expansion. Any expansion of an existing use within an industrial zoning district comprising less than twenty-five percent of the existing building floor area shall be subject to administrative approval by the director or his/her staff. An expansion involving greater than twenty-five percent of existing floor area may be allowed subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit.
(Ord. CS 832 Exh. B, 2003)
Uses permitted, subject to first securing a use permit in each case:
Pharmaceutical manufacturing, research and development laboratories, seed processing and packaging, sheet metal fabrication, sign fabrication, broadcast studios.
Corporate offices, regional offices and facilities of the county and state government, regional, state or national offices of the federal government may be permitted subject to the establishment of the following findings by the planning commission:
The use will be consistent with the purpose and intent of the zoning district and any applicable business park master development plan.
The use will be compatible with existing and allowed uses in the zoning district and any applicable master development plan area.
The use does not preclude the establishment of industrial/business park uses favored for the zoning district or any applicable master development plan area.
Offices for building contractors, engineering and architectural firms may be permitted in buildings with multiple tenants subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and subject to the following limitations:
The combined floor area of all such offices within a single building or group of buildings developed as a single development shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the total floor area.
No outdoor storage is allowed.
Support services including, but not limited to, banks, convenience stores, day care centers, gymnasia and exercise businesses, copying and reprographics service, restaurants and food take out businesses may be allowed in a building housing multiple tenants subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and subject to the following findings and limitations:
Required findings for a conditional use permit for support businesses:
The use will be consistent with the purpose and intent of the zoning district and any applicable business park master development plan.
The use will be compatible with existing and allowed uses in the zoning district and any applicable master development plan area.
The use does not preclude the establishment of industrial/business park uses favored for the zoning district or any applicable master development plan area.
Limitations for the establishment of support services.
The combined floor area of all such offices within a single building or group of buildings developed as a single development shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the total gross floor area.
All such businesses must be integrated with the design of the building or group of buildings developed as a single project and shall be found to be incidental to, and supportive of, the primary industrial business or businesses.
All such businesses shall comply with the design guidelines established by the zoning district and any applicable business park master development plan.
No outdoor storage shall be allowed.
All signage shall comply with the provisions of this chapter and the design guidelines established by Stanislaus County and or any applicable business park master development plan.
Table 21.62.A
Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements for Light Industrial Zoning District
Permitted Use
Conditional Use Permit required
Use not allowed
Land Use
Permit Required IBP
Specific Use Regulations
Crop production and horticulture
Assembly of products
Bakery wholesale and distribution
Bottling plant
Call centers
Communication systems research and development
Computer systems research and development
Conference center
Furniture manufacturing
Electronic repair and assembly
Food packaging
Interior design and office equipment sales
Manufacturing and technology support industries
Pharmaceutical manufacturing
Printing and publishing companies, book binding
Research and development, laboratories
Seed processing and packaging
Sheet metal fabrication1
Sign fabrication companies1
Software development
Warehouses as a principle use
Wholesale distribution and catalog sales
Broadcast studios
Convenience store
Day care center
Gymnasium/exercise business
Parcel delivery service
Government buildings and facilities
Copying and reprographics service
Restaurants, food take-out
So long as the use is conducted entirely within an enclosed building and complies with the performance standards established by Section 21.62110. Outdoor storage is prohibited.
Manufacturing and technology support industries. Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing and assembly incorporating activities defined by the North American Industry Classification System, United States Office of Management and Budget, Sub-Sectors 334 and 335, including but not limited to mainframe computers, personal computers, workstations, laptops and computer servers; peripheral equipment such as storage devises, printers, monitors, input/output devices, and terminals, and similar activities. Also included in this category is the manufacture and assembly of other parts, casings, cable sets, switches, and similar peripheral equipment in support of computer and technology industries.
(Ord. CS 832 Exh. B, 2003)
Subdivisions, new land uses and structures, and alterations to existing land uses and structures, shall be designed, constructed, and established in compliance with the requirements in Table 21.62.B, in addition to any other applicable requirements of the Stanislaus County and any applicable city zoning ordinances.
TABLE 21.62.B
Minimum lot size
Minimum area dimensions for parcels proposed in new subdivision
Minimum lot area
2 acres
Minimum dimensions
100 ft.
Minimum building size
25,000 sq. ft.
Minimum setback required. See Chapter 21.62.080 for setback measurements, and allowed projections into setbacks.
15 ft.
Sides (each)
10 ft.
15 ft.
Site coverage
50% maximum
Height limit (1)
45 ft. (2)
As required by Sections 21.62.070 and 21.62.080
As required by Section 21.62.110
Parking and loading
As required by Section 21.76
As required by Stanislaus County any applicable City Sign Regulations
Maximum allowed height of structures. Exceptions may be allowed by Chapter 21.62.050 (Exceptions).
Except as may be required by the Airport Land Use Plan for the Patterson Airport.
The minimum setback for parking, buildings and other structures along Rogers Road, Baldwin Road, Sperry Avenue shall be twenty feet measured from the property line or the adopted right-of-way plan line, whichever is greater. (Other minimum setbacks may be required based on site specific development proposals)
(Ord. CS 832 Exh. B, 2003)
Exceptions to Sections 21.62.020, 21.62.030, and 21.62.040 (specific use requirements and development standards) may be granted by the director (in the case of a permitted use) or by the planning commission upon review of a conditionally allowable use, upon making all of the following required findings:
The exception will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with` the purpose and intent of any applicable business park master development plan or applicable city or Stanislaus County zoning ordinances.
The exception will not adversely affect the health, safety or general welfare of persons working or residing in the vicinity.
In the case of this zoning district being used outside of the West Patterson master plan area, exceptions may be granted with approval of a specific development plan and a development agreement.
(Ord. CS 832 Exh. B, 2003)
The following uses are prohibited:
Medical offices and clinics, branch offices for attorneys, real estate and financial institutions, automobile sales or repair. Additionally, Table 21.62.C provides a listing of further prohibited uses:
TABLE 21.62.C
Adult establishments
Appliance sales and repair
Auto/truck sales or repair or body shops
Bed and breakfast inns
Boarding houses
Boat, motorcycle, jet ski, auto and RV sales and repair
Building materials sales with outside storage
Car washes automatic and self serve
Cemeteries, mausoleums, columbaria and memorial gardens
Coal and wood lots
Commercial dorms
Concrete plants
Contractor or building supply—Retail with or without outside storage
Convenience stores with gasoline sales
Correctional facilities and jails
Detached single family dwellings
Drive-in theaters
Duplexes, triplexes, and multi-family units
Farmers markets
Feed and grain sales and storage
Funeral homes
Garden centers
Hazardous and nuclear material storage and disposal unless a very minor accessory to approved use—(UP required)
Heavy equipment sales or repair
Junk yards and wrecking yards
Manufacture and storage of chemicals when not accessory use (UP required)
Manufacture and storage of fireworks or explosives
Manufactures home or office sales
Parking as an independent use
Pet grooming
Public schools (K-12)
Public sewer treatment plants
Quarries or mining
Rendering plants for poultry or animals
Repair shops with outdoor storage or operation
Retirement centers and life care facilities
Salvage and scrap yards
Service stations
Shopping centers
Slaughtering plants
Stadiums and arenas
Storage yards including bulk storage of flammables
Storage yards not including bulk storage of flammables
Theaters, movie theaters
Transfer stations
Veterinarian offices, clinics, hospitals
(Ord. CS 832 Exh. B, 2003)
Preliminary Landscape and Irrigation Plan. A preliminary landscape plan shall be submitted as part of an application for a land use entitlement, for new development, and the significant expansion or redevelopment of an existing use as determined by the director.
Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan. Following approval of the land use entitlement, a final landscape plan shall be submitted as part of the application for a building permit. Final plans shall be approved by the director prior to the start of on-site construction or soil disturbance and prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Content. Preliminary landscape and irrigation plans and final landscape and irrigation plans shall contain information as specified in the instructions for preparing landscape plans provided by the department.
Review and Approval. After initial application, the director shall review each preliminary landscape and irrigation plan and final landscape and irrigation plan to verify its compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The director may approve the submittal in compliance with this chapter, or may disapprove or require changes to a submittal that is not in compliance.
Statement of Surety. When required by the director, a statement of surety in the form of cash, performance bond, letter of credit, or certificate of deposit, in an amount equal to one hundred fifty percent of the total value of all plant materials, irrigation, installation, and maintenance shall be posted with the county or appropriate city (if within a city sphere of influence) for a two-year period. The director may require statements of surety for phased development projects, a legitimate delay in landscape installation due to seasonal requirements (including adverse weather conditions) and similar circumstances where it may not be advisable or desirable to install all of a project's landscaping before occupancy of the site.
Minor Changes to Approved Plans. Landscape and irrigation plan approval may include the director authorizing minor changes from the requirements of this chapter.
Water Efficiency. All landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared in compliance with Stanislaus County and applicable city ordinances regarding water efficient landscaping for new construction and development.
(Ord. CS 832 Exh. B, 2003)
Landscaping shall be provided in the locations specified below:
Setbacks. All setback and open space areas required by this chapter, and easements for utilities, and drainage courses shall be landscaped, except where a required setback is screened from public view or it is determined by the director that landscaping is not necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter.
Unused Areas. All areas of a project site not intended for a specific use, including pad sites held for future development, shall be landscaped unless it is determined by the director that landscaping is not necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter.
Parking Areas. Parking areas shall be landscaped in compliance with the following requirements.
Landscape Materials. Landscaping materials shall be provided throughout the parking lot area using a combination of trees, shrubs, and ground cover.
Curbing. Areas containing plant materials shall be bordered by a concrete curb at least six inches high and six inches wide. Alternative barrier design to protect landscaped areas from damage by vehicles may be approved by the director.
Location of Landscaping. Parking lot landscaping shall be located so that pedestrians are not required to cross landscaped areas to reach building entrances from parked cars. This should be achieved through proper orientation of the landscaped fingers and islands.
Bumper Overhang Areas. To increase the parking lot landscaped area, a maximum of two feet of the parking stall depth may be landscaped with low-growth, hearty materials in lieu of paving, allowing a two-foot bumper overhang while maintaining the required parking dimensions.
Perimeter Parking Lot Landscaping.
Adjacent to Streets. Parking areas adjoining a public street shall be designed to provide a landscaped planting strip between the street right-of-way and parking area equal in depth to the setback required by the zoning district or fifteen feet, whichever is more.
The landscaping shall be designed and maintained to screen cars from view from the street to a height of between thirty inches and forty-two inches. Screening materials may include a combination of plant materials, earth berms, solid masonry walls, raised planters, or other screening devices which meet the intent of this requirement. Shade trees shall be provided at a minimum rate of one for every thirty linear feet of landscaped area. Plant materials, signs, or structures within a traffic safety sight area of a driveway.
Adjacent to Side or Rear Property Lines. Parking areas for nonresidential uses shall provide a perimeter landscaped strip at least five feet wide (inside dimension) where the facility adjoins a side or rear property line. The perimeter landscaped strip may include a required yard or buffer area. Trees shall be provided at the rate of one for each thirty linear feet of landscaped area.
Adjacent to Structures. When parking areas are located adjacent to structures, a minimum five-foot wide landscape strip shall be provided adjacent to the structure.
Interior Parking Lot Landscaping.
Amount of Landscaping.
Industrial/manufacturing uses shall provide landscaping within the parking area at a minimum ratio of six percent of the gross area of the parking lot. One tree shall be provided for every ten parking spaces.
Location of landscaping. Landscaping shall be evenly dispersed throughout the parking area. Use of an orchard-style planting scheme (placement of trees in uniformly-spaced rows) is encouraged for larger parking areas. Parking lots with more than one hundred spaces should provide a concentration of landscape elements at primary entrances, including specimen trees, flowering plants, enhanced paving, and project identification.
Drainage Areas, Retention/Detention Basins. All surface drainage facilities and retention/detention basins shall be landscaped and integrated as an amenity into the site and landscaping plan for a project. Plant materials shall be chosen that are water tolerant and that provide visual relief to the appearance of the retention/detention basin during periods when no water is present.
Wet Ponds. Wet ponds may be incorporated into the site and landscaping plan as an amenity which may also provide storm water retention/detention. All such ponds shall be integrated as an amenity into the site and landscaping plan for a project.
(Ord. CS 832 Exh. B, 2003)
Maintenance Required. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthful and sound condition at all times. Irrigation systems and their components shall be maintained in a fully functional manner consistent with the originally approved design and the provisions of this chapter. Regular maintenance shall include checking, adjusting, and repairing irrigation equipment; resetting automatic controllers; aerating and dethatching turf areas; adding/replenishing mulch, fertilizer, and soil amendments; pruning; and weeding all landscaped areas.
Water Waste Prohibited. Water waste in existing developments resulting from inefficient landscape irrigation leading to excessive runoff, low head drainage, overspray, and other similar conditions where water flows onto adjacent property, nonirrigated areas, walks, roadways, or structures is prohibited.
(Ord. CS 832 Exh. B, 2003)
Developers shall provide information to prospective tenants regarding water-efficient landscaping techniques. A sample of the information to be provided shall be submitted to the director for approval prior to issuance of a building permit.
(Ord. CS 832 Exh. B, 2003)
All land uses proposed in the IBP and IL zoning districts shall be operated and maintained so as to not be injurious to public health, safety or welfare, and shall comply with the following standards.
Air Emissions. No approved land use shall generate or cause any visible dust, gasses, or smoke to be emitted into the atmosphere, except as necessary for the heating or cooling of structures, and the operation of motor vehicles on the site.
Glare and Heat. No direct or sky-reflected glare or heat, whether from floodlights or from high temperature processes (including combustion or welding or otherwise) shall be visible or felt at the property line.
Ground Vibration. No approved land use shall generate ground vibration perceptible without instruments at any point along or outside of the property line of the use, except for motor vehicle operations.
Odor. No approved land use shall generate or emit any odor or fumes perceptible at the property line.
(Ord. CS 832 Exh. B, 2003)