This section establishes review procedures for residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional development proposals to achieve the following purposes:
To encourage site and structural development which exemplify the best professional design practices;
To enhance the residential and business property values within the City and in neighborhoods surrounding new development;
To develop property in a manner which respects the physical and environmental characteristics of each site;
To minimize stress from poorly designed development which can create physical and psychological conditions affecting the health, safety, comfort and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City;
To ensure that each new development is designed to best comply with the intent and purpose of the zone in which the property is located and with the General Plan of the City;
To ensure that access to each property and circulation thereon are safe and convenient for pedestrians and vehicles;
Regarding all properties designated as general commercial, neighborhood commercial or office professional: Development and redevelopment shall be comprehensively designed, entitled and developed whenever it is determined by the City that the permitting of incremental construction and uses may significantly inhibit or otherwise be detrimental to fulfilling the economic and development potential of the site. Any development review permit, conditional use permit or minor conditional use permit which is not consistent with this policy shall be denied.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019)
An application for development review is required and the Director is authorized to grant a development review permit involving the issuance of a building permit for construction or reconstruction of a structure which meets any of the criteria below. The Director may require a public hearing and City Council review based on the potential impacts to adjacent properties.
New commercial, industrial, institutional, or residential construction on vacant property.
One or more structural additions or new buildings involving commercial, industrial, institutional, or multiple family residential uses, with a total floor area of 2,500 square feet or more.
Reconstruction or alteration of existing commercial, industrial, institutional, or residential buildings on sites when the alteration significantly affects the exterior appearance of the building or traffic circulation of the site. Exceptions are maintenance or improvement of landscaping, parking, exterior re-painting or other common building and property maintenance activities.
For detached single-family development, the following shall apply:
Development review for detached single-family development shall be required for all major subdivision maps and for development of all property within the hillside overlay district.
The Director must set a public hearing for any application for a development review permit for any of the following:
Multifamily residential project;
Single-family resident project requiring a tentative parcel or tentative subdivision map;
A commercial or industrial project containing more than 50,000 square feet of building floor area;
The conversion of residential, commercial or industrial buildings to condominiums.
The requirement for approval of a development review plan may be waived by the Director if the purposes and criteria of these procedures are met by a conditional use permit. A decision on a request for waiver may be appealed as provided by the appeal procedure commencing at Section 13.04.070.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019; Ord. 568 § 3, 2019; Ord. 572 § 3, 2020; Ord. 599 § 2, 2022; Ord. 611 § 2, 2023)
The Development Review Committee is established to be advisory to the Director.
The Development Review Committee is comprised of members of the Department, Engineering Department, Sheriff's Department, and the Fire Department. Review by the committee will consider items such as, but not limited to, circulation, street improvements, right-of-way dedication, utility easements, grading, drainage facilities, storm drain improvements, Uniform Building Code requirements, security, fire flow, emergency access, location of fire hydrants, water and sewer line connections and sizing, water pressure, streetscape and landscape standards, and setbacks and will recommend changes in any development for compliance with adopted codes and standards. They may also make recommendations to the Director on any policy issues or areas not covered by existing codes and standards.
The Director shall have the authority to prepare, and revise as required, a development review manual, to assist residents and property owners in understanding the development review procedures. The manual will establish submittal requirements and development review standards pertaining to architecture, development, signs, circulation, parking, fences, lighting, streetscape, landscaping, etc.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019; Ord. 611 § 2, 2023)
An application for a development review permit shall be submitted to the Department on a form provided by the Department and accompanied by a fee as established by resolution of the City Council. The application shall be accompanied by a site plan, building elevations, and landscape plan, and other information as may be required to adequately evaluate the proposed project.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019)
The required plan shall specify the dimensions, elevations, design, and intended use of the proposed buildings and structures necessary to conform to current zoning and other development regulations and to be compatible with the character of adjacent developed parcels and the existing neighborhood. In addition, the required plan shall include such maps, plans, drawings, and sketches as are necessary to show:
The placement, height, and physical characteristics of all existing and proposed buildings and structures located on the development site;
The existing vegetation to be removed or retained, and all proposed landscaping;
The location and dimensions of existing and proposed ingress and egress points, interior road and pedestrian walkways, parking and storage areas;
The existing and finished topography of the development site, including the existing natural drainage system and its proposed treatment;
The number, size, location and design of existing and proposed signs; and
The exterior lighting plan, which could have a visual impact on the exterior appearance of the development.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019)
Upon acceptance of a complete application for development review, one of the following must occur:
A project shall be scheduled for a public hearing and the applicant must be notified at least 10 days prior to the hearing; or
The Director must issue a decision on the application.
All development proposals submitted pursuant to this section are reviewed by the Department, which shall make a recommendation for consideration by the Director.
Whenever review by an agency other than the Department is required, a copy of the application and accompanying maps and diagrams shall be forwarded to the appropriate agency. The agency shall review the application and make its recommendation to the Director.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019)
Development review plans shall be reviewed for compliance with the purposes of the development review procedure as stated in Section 13.08.010, with the following approval criteria:
Relationship of Building and Site to Surrounding Area. A development review plan shall be designed and developed in a manner compatible with existing and potential development in the immediate vicinity of the project site. Site planning on the perimeter shall give consideration to protection of the property from adverse surrounding influences, as well as, protection of the surrounding areas from potentially adverse influences within the development by such means as landscaping buffers, screens, site breaks, and use of compatible building colors and materials.
Relationship of Building to Site. Building designs shall include variations in rooflines and wall planes, and incorporate windows, doors, projections, recesses, arcades and/or other building details to avoid large wall surfaces.
Landscaping. The removal of significant native vegetation shall be minimized and the replacement vegetation and landscaping shall be compatible with the vegetation of the surrounding area and shall harmonize with the natural landscaping. Native and drought landscaping and plantings shall be used to the maximum extent practicable and shall screen those features listed in subsections D and E of this section and shall not obstruct significant views, either when installed or when they reach mature growth.
Roads, Pedestrian Walkways, Parking, and Storage Areas. Any development involving more than one building, or structure shall provide common access roads and pedestrian walkways. Parking and outside storage areas, where permitted, shall be screened from view, to the extent feasible by existing topography, by the placement of buildings and structures, or by landscaping and plantings. The screening shall be designed in conformance with law enforcement community policing standards, by providing view corridors into the site from adjacent streets and properties to the satisfaction of the Director. Surveillance cameras may also be required if deemed necessary for public safety.
Grading. Natural topography and scenic features of the site shall be retained and incorporated into the proposed development. Any grading or earth-moving operations in connection with the proposed development shall be planned and executed so as to blend with the existing terrain both on and adjacent to the site.
Signs. The number, size, location and design of all signs shall comply with zoning regulations and shall not detract from the visual setting of the designated area or obstruct significant views.
Lighting. Light fixtures for walks, parking areas, driveways, and other facilities shall be provided in sufficient number and at proper locations to provide illumination and clear visibility to all outdoor areas, with minimal shadows or light leaving the property. The lighting shall be stationary, directed away from adjacent properties and shielded so that no light or glare is transmitted or reflected in such concentrated quantities or intensities as to be detrimental to the surrounding area.
Additional Criteria for Commercial Developments. Buildings shall be sited and designed in a manner which visually and functionally best enhances their intended use for permitted office, retail or service commercial activities.
Additional Criteria for Multiple-Family Residential Developments.
Site Buildings to Avoid Crowding. Where multiple buildings are proposed, the minimum building separation shall be 10 feet in accordance with Section 13.10.040(G).
Site and Design Buildings to Avoid Repetitions of Building or Roof Lines. This may be achieved through: variation in building setback; wall plane offsets; use of different colors and materials on exterior elevations for visual relief; and architectural projections above maximum permitted height in accordance with Section 13.10.050(C).
In the Urban Residential (R-30) zone, for each five-foot increase in building height over 45 feet, the wall plane shall be stepped back an additional five feet.
Where adjacent to a single-family residential zone, design buildings to ensure a transition in scale, form, and height with adjacent residential properties. Setbacks are required in accordance with Table 13.10.040A. Designs may incorporate elements such as building massing and orientation, location of windows, building story stepbacks, building materials, deep roof overhangs, and other architectural features that serve to further transition the scale.
Projects shall be designed so that assigned parking spaces are located as close as practicable to the dwelling units they serve. Refer to Section 13.24.030(B) for additional parking standards.
The visual impact of surface parking areas adjacent to public streets shall be minimized through the use of mounded or dense landscape strips or low decorative masonry or stucco walls no more than three and one-half feet in height. Parking areas shall be treated with decorative surface elements to identify pedestrian paths, nodes and driveways.
In accordance with the "Crime Prevention through Environmental Design" program, site and building design shall incorporate at a minimum, the following additional elements:
Access control by defining entrances to the site, buildings and parking areas with landscaping, architectural design, lighting, and symbolic gateways; dead-end spaces shall be blocked with fences or gates or otherwise prohibited.
Natural surveillance by designing buildings and parking structures so that exterior entrances/exits are visible from the street or by neighbors, and are well lit; windows shall be installed on all building elevations; recreation areas, elevators and stairwells shall be clearly visible from as many of the units' windows and doors as possible; playgrounds shall be clearly visible from units and not located next to parking lots or streets.
Territorial reinforcement by defining property lines with landscaping and decorative fencing; individually locking mailboxes shall be located next to the appropriate units and common mailbox facilities shall be well lit. All buildings shall be clearly addressed and visible from the adjoining street(s).
Architecturally designed wayfinding signs shall be installed on the premises.
Maintenance of the site and common areas by regular pruning of trees and shrubs back from windows, doors and walkways; exterior lighting shall be used and maintained and inappropriate outdoor storage shall be prohibited.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019; Ord. 591 § 2, 2021)
Prior to approving a development review permit, the approval authority shall find that:
The proposed development meets the purpose and design criteria prescribed in these procedures and other pertinent sections of the zoning ordinance and municipal code; and
The proposed development is compatible with the General Plan.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019)
Upon completion of review and evaluation of an application for development review, the approval authority shall:
Approve the application; or
Notify the applicant of changes required for approval of the application; or
Approve the application subject to such conditions, including an expiration date, as may be deemed appropriate; or
Deny the application.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019)
A decision pursuant to Section 13.08.090 may be appealed as provided by the administrative appeal procedure commencing at Section 13.04.070.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019)