There is hereby created in the treasury of the city a fund to be known as the general fund.
(Ord. 1745 § 1, 2002)
The general fund shall receive all municipal revenues not specifically restricted for some special purpose or required to be accounted for separately and shall bear all expenditures necessary for the operation of city government except the expenditure of those revenues specifically designated for special purposes or required to be accounted for separately.
(Ord. 1745 § 2, 2002)
In addition to those fiscal funds established by ordinance of the city council, the finance director, with the concurrence of the city manager, may establish and maintain within the treasury of the city such other fiscal funds as may be required by federal or state law or as may be deemed necessary or desirable to provide for efficient operation, control and accounting of the fiscal affairs of the city.
(Ord. 1745 § 3, 2002)
Except as otherwise stated in this chapter, interest earned on all governmental activity funds cash balances shall be recorded as revenue to the general fund to the extent permitted by generally accepted accounting standards, government auditing standards and any applicable federal and state regulations.
(Ord. 1894 § 6, 2008)