For the purposes of this title the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this chapter.
(Prior code § 22.1)
means a room or suite of rooms which is occupied or designed to be occupied by one family for living or sleeping purposes.
(Prior code § 22.1)
means the water division of the public works department of the city.
(Ord. 1784 § 2, 2003)
means every head of a family; every unmarried person maintaining a residence or place of abode for him or herself, or for himself or herself and others; every person other than a guest in a hotel, rooming house, lodging house or boarding house to whom water is furnished from the water system of the city for use in any building.
(Prior code § 22.1)
means every building other than those otherwise defined in this section.
(Prior code § 22.1)
means a room or suite of rooms used by a person, or two or more persons, as a place for the transaction of their business.
(Prior code § 22.1)
means a natural person, his or her heirs, personal representatives, and also includes a firm, copartnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, trust business, receiver, syndicate or any group or combination acting as a unit.
(Prior code § 22.1)
means every meter through which water is furnished.
(Prior code § 22.1)
means a room or suite of rooms located upon the ground floor of a building and used as a place for the transaction of business.
(Prior code § 22.1)
means a person who causes land to be divided into a subdivision by the filing and recording of a map thereof, or by dividing land without making, filing or recording a map thereof for him or herself or for others.
(Prior code § 22.1)
means any real property improved or unimproved which is divided for the purpose of sale, whether immediate or future, by any subdivider either by the filing and recording of a map thereof or in any other manner whether a map thereof is made or not made as long as property is or has been divided for sale or is sold, and whether descriptions thereof are or were by metes and bounds or otherwise.
(Prior code § 22.1)