The office of city forester is hereby created.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
The office of city forester shall be filled by appointment of the city manager.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
The city forester shall receive such compensation as may be established by resolution of the council.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
The city forester shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
To make or cause to be made inspections of all trees and shrubs growing in parkways of the city and to determine whether or not any section of this title has been, or is being violated.
Regulate all tree planting in city parkways.
Oversee the planting, the removal, and the replacement of parkway trees.
To maintain a current inventory of all parkway trees. Such inventory will be audited a minimum of every five years.
Evaluate the health and safety of parkway trees and implement appropriate remedial actions.
Direct the trimming of parkway trees.
Follow procedures and policies regarding appeals as outlined in Chapter 16.22 of this title.
Oversee sidewalk, curb and gutter repair operations undertaken or contracted by the public works department to prevent unnecessary damage to parkway tree roots.
Review and provide recommendations for tree preservation, tree mitigation, and tree removal for new subdivisions.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)