It is unlawful for any person or entity to destroy, deface or injure any parkway tree through willful intent.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
No person shall construct or cause to be constructed any private hardscape improvement which prevents the free access of water to the root zone of any parkway tree without prior approval of the city forester.
The construction, installation or placement of any object or barrier which infringes upon the root crown of a parkway tree is prohibited without prior approval of the city forester.
Any mechanical damage to the root crown on any parkway tree which results in girdling of the cambium layer is prohibited.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
Ivy or climbing vines growing adjacent to a parkway tree shall be maintained away from the trunk and canopy of the tree by the property owner.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
Parkway trees shall be sufficiently shielded to prevent injury during any repair, alteration or removal of a house or structure. Protection shall include but not be limited to chain-link fencing, staking, etc.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
During construction where trenching around parkway trees is necessary, the pathway of the trench shall be dug making every reasonable effort to avoid the tree's drip line. In those cases where an alternative trenching route is not possible, tunneling under woody roots rather than cutting such roots shall be preferable to preserve roots two inches or greater in diameter. When roots must be cut, sharp saws shall be used to make clean, non-frayed cuts, under the supervision of the city forester.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
The pruning of all trees covered in this title shall conform to the industry standards as deemed necessary by the city forester.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
Topping is prohibited, except as deemed necessary by the city forester.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
All parkway trees shall be kept trimmed, to a minimum vertical clearance of fourteen feet over the street.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
Trees growing on private property which overhang the street or sidewalk shall be trimmed so that they vertically clear the sidewalk by not less than nine feet and so that they vertically clear the street by not less than fourteen feet. It is the responsibility of the property owner on whose property trees are standing to conduct this trimming.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
A property owner who wishes to trim trees in the parkway abutting his or her property must first obtain the permission of the city forester, and then perform such trimming in accordance with the city forester's instructions.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
The property owner whose property abuts the sidewalk or parkway in which plants or shrubs are growing shall keep such plants or shrubs trimmed three inches back of the curb or sidewalk line, and to a height of not to exceed thirty inches.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
The property owner on whose property hedges or shrubs are growing shall keep such hedges or shrubs trimmed so that no part of them will project over the sidewalk.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
The city may not trim trees that overhang from one private property to another.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
All tree-care companies contracted by the city shall employ at least one ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) certified arborist to supervise all work performed on behalf of the city. All tree-care companies contracted by the city shall employ ISA certified tree workers.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
In those cases where parkway tree removal and replacement is necessary because of conditions and events caused by the property owner, the property owner shall be charged for replacement.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
All street tree plantings shall be approved by the city forester as to species, location and method of planting. The tree must be inspected by the city forester prior to planting.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
No person shall plant or maintain any tree or shrub that impedes sight distance visibility at street intersections.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
No person shall plant in any parkway ivy or any shrub or plant upon which grow thorns or spiny extensions.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
No person other than the property owner or designee shall plant any tree in the parkways adjacent to the property of such owner. The property owner may plant trees in the parkway abutting his or her own property, provided that such trees are contained on the city's list of approved street trees; or provided that such planting shall be first approved by the city forester and that such planting be done under the direction of, and in accordance with, the instructions of the city forester.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)