Before commencing any improvements the subdivider shall deposit with the city clerk the sum estimated by the city engineer to cover the actual cost of the engineering or inspection charges rendered in connection with the improvements, as follows:
For checking of plans, profiles, details and specifications;
For preparation of plans, profiles, details and specifications;
For setting construction line and grade stakes, supervision and inspection of construction; and
For inspection and supervision of construction; provided, however, that if approved by the city engineer, the subdivider may engage the services of an engineer who is a registered civil engineer of the state to prepare plans, profiles, details and specifications, or for setting construction line and grade stakes, however, in such an event all checking of plans, profiles, details and specifications, and all inspection and supervision of the improvements shall be performed by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 18.6)
The city shall refund unused deposits all cases if the actual cost of engineering or inspection is less than the amount deposited. The city shall refund to the applicant any amount still remaining in the same manner as provided by law for the payment of trust moneys.
(Prior code § 18.6)
In lieu of making the special deposit required for the cost of engineering or inspection of improvements by the city engineer, the subdivider may make and maintain with the city engineer a general deposit not to exceed the sum of one thousand dollars. The general deposit shall be held and used for the same purposes as the special deposit for the cost of engineering or an inspection of improvements by the city engineer.
(Prior code 18.6)
If any deposit made pursuant to the engineering and inspection deposits, special, or the engineering and inspection deposits, general, is less than sufficient to pay all of the costs of engineering or inspection, the subdivider, upon demand of the city engineer, shall pay to the officer making the demand an amount equal to the deficiency. If the subdivider fails or refuses to pay such deficiency upon demand, the city may recover the same by action in any court of competent jurisdiction. Until such deficiency is paid in full the improvement shall be considered uncompleted.
(Prior code § 18.6)
The agreement referred to in Section 20.16.080 shall be accompanied by a faithful performance bond guaranteeing the faithful performance of all work, the engineering or inspection of which is the duty of the city engineer, in a penal sum which in the opinion of the city engineer equals the cost thereof.
(Prior code § 18.6)
All faithful performance bonds referred to in this chapter shall be:
Furnished by a surety company authorized to write the same in the state; and
Subject to the approval and acceptance of the city council.
(Prior code § 18.6)
In lieu of a faithful performance bond required by this chapter, the subdivider may deposit with the city council a sum of money equal to the required amount of such bond as security for the faithful performance thereof, or, in the alternative, an instrument of credit from a financial institution which is subject to regulation by the state or federal government pledging that the moneys necessary to meet the performance are on deposit and guaranteed for payment.
(Prior code § 18.6)
When any portion of an improvement has actually been fully completed, the officer whose duty it is to inspect such improvement may, in his or her discretion, authorize from time to time a reduction in the bond or a partial withdrawal of the funds, which bond or funds were deposited in lieu of a faithful performance bond required by this title, equal to the estimated cost of such completed portion.
This section does not authorize a reduction or withdrawal or partial completion of any or all of any such improvement.
(Prior code § 18.6)
Upon the failure of a subdivider to complete any improvement within the time specified in an agreement, the council may, upon notice in writing of not less than ten days served upon the person signing such contract, or upon notice in writing of not less than twenty days served by registered mail addressed to the last-known address of the person signing such contract, determine that such improvement work or any part thereof is uncompleted, and may cause to be forfeited to the city such portion of such sum of money or bonds given for the faithful performance of such work as may be necessary to complete such improvement work.
(Prior code § 18.6)