The city council does hereby find and determine that the public interest requires that all facilities and wires for applying and distributing electrical energy and service, including telephone, telegraph, and cable television service, to be constructed in the city upon property which is yet undeveloped and which will be subdivided for residential purposes in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, shall be placed underground for the following reasons:
In areas adjacent to existing or committed underground development, there are hazards to the safety of children by the flying of kites for they have no knowledge of overhead utility wires nearby;
That in event of wind, rain or electrical storm overhead wires increase the danger of fires;
Overhead wires create additional hazards to the general public, fire fighters, tree maintenance men and construction personnel using cranes, booms and other construction equipment.
Therefore, the construction of underground utilities promote and preserve the health, safety and general welfare of the public and assure the orderly development of the city.
(Prior code § 18.11; Ord. 955 § 1, 1964)
All facilities and wires for the supply and distribution of electrical energy, telephone, telegraph and cable television service to be constructed in the city on all undeveloped property which is subdivided in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act for residential purposes shall be placed underground unless special permission to construct the facility above the ground is granted as hereinafter provided. For the purposes of this chapter, appurtenances and associated equipment such as, but not limited to, surface mounted transformers, pedestal mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets, and concealed ducts in an underground system may be placed above ground. Any person subdividing land shall make the necessary arrangements with the utility companies involved to provide for the underground installation of these facilities.
(Prior code § 18.11; Ord. 955 § 1, 1964)
Where the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter would result in undue hardship, property owners may make application for exception from the provisions of this chapter in the following manner:
Written application shall be filed with the planning department;
Such application shall include all information necessary to properly apprise the planning commission of the circumstances existing which require such an exception. A copy of said application shall be forwarded to the city engineer for his or her report and recommendation;
Within thirty days after the filing of such application, the planning commission shall conduct a hearing on the application. Upon completion of the hearing, the planning commission shall make its recommendation to the city council;
Within thirty days after the receipt of the recommendation of the planning commission, the city council shall conduct a hearing thereon and may grant or deny the application.
(Prior code § 1811; Ord. 955 § 1, 1964)
This chapter shall not apply to wires of continuous lead when such wires originate in an area in which overhead facilities are not prohibited.
(Prior code § 18.11; Ord. 955 § 1, 1964)