When all of the foregoing requirements have been complied with and when all the certificates which appear on the final map, except the approval certificate of the city council, have been signed and, where necessary, acknowledged, the final map may be filed for presentation to the council for approval; provided, however, that none of such certificates shall predate the time when the tentative map shall have been approved by the council.
If a final map is not submitted and approved within one year from the approval of the tentative map, the subdivider may apply for an extension of time within which to apply for the approval of the final map if such application is made before the year has expired from the approval of the tentative map. Any application for an extension of time within which to submit a final map for approval, shall be submitted in writing and accompanied by the payment of a plan checking fee as established by city council resolution.
(Prior code § 18.8; Ord. 1040 § 6, 1967; Ord. 1561 § 2, 1989)
If the planning commission shall either conditionally approve or disapprove the map of the subdivision it may report its action to the subdivider with the kind, nature and extent of the improvements commended by the commission to be required.
(Prior code § 18.3)