Note: § 7.12.050 repealed by Ord. 3846-12/09.
No person shall keep or maintain, or suffer or permit to be kept or maintained, upon premises owned or controlled by him or her in the City, any hive bees within 200 feet of any dwelling house of the owner or person in control of such bees. This section shall not apply to the keeping of bees within an educational institution for study or observation, or within a physician's office or laboratory for medical research, treatment, or other scientific purposes, provided they are not permitted to fly at large.
(885-2/62, 1279-2/67, 1905-4/74, 2067-5/76, 2095-9/76)
No person owning or having control of any ox, steer, bull, cow, horse, colt, calf, sheep, goat, cat or any animal of a species commonly referred to as wild shall:
Permit such animal to run at large in the City;
Cause or permit any such animal to be pastured, herded, staked or tied in any street, lane, alley, park, or other public place;
Tie, stake, pasture or permit the tying, staking or pasturing of any such animal upon any private property within the limits of the City, without the consent of the owner or occupant of such property, or in such a way as to permit any animal to trespass upon any street or public place or upon any such private property;
Permit any of said animals to be or remain during the nighttime secured by a stake, or secured in any manner other than by enclosing such animal in a pen, corral or barn sufficient and adequate to restrain such animal, or by securely fastening such animal by means of a rope, or chain of sufficient size, strength, and weight to effectively restrain such animal; or
Fail to provide the necessary sustenance, drink, shelter or protection from the weather, or otherwise.
No person owning or having charge, custody, control or possession of any animal or reptile known by such person to be vicious or dangerous, or commonly so known, or owning or having charge, custody, or possession of any elephant, bear, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, lion, tiger, leopard, wolf, monkey, ape, chimpanzee, bobcat, lynx, wildcat, puma, cheetah or any animal of a species commonly referred to as wild or any poisonous reptile, shall permit or allow the same to be at large upon any highway, street, lane, alley, court or other public place or upon any private property other than within the enclosed premises of such person.
(1279-2/67, 1352-11/67, 1835-5/73, 1905-4/74, 1910-6/74, 2084-6/76)
Every person owning or occupying premises where any animal, fowl or bird is kept shall keep the stable, barn, stall, pen, coop, building or place in which the animal is kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(885-2/62, 1279-2/67, 2084-6/76)
No person shall intentionally kill or maim a bird within the City of Huntington Beach. This section shall not apply to the following:
A veterinarian while engaged in practicing veterinary medicine.
Any person acting to prevent immediate death or injury to a person or domestic animal.
An official of a state, federal or local agency who, by virtue of this office, has authority to destroy birds.
Any person acting pursuant to the California Fish and Game Code or regulations adopted by the Fish and Game Commission, and persons issued licenses or permits authorizing the taking of birds by the state or federal government. This section shall not be construed to allow the discharge of weapons in areas where their use is prohibited.
No person shall keep any animal, fowl or bird, wild or domestic, other than dogs, cats, canaries, or birds of the psittacinae family, within 25 feet of any dwelling house or structure used as a dwelling, church, school, or hospital, unless such house or structure be occupied by him, her or it.
(885-2/62, 1279-2/67, 1905-4/74, 2084-6/76, 3737-7/06)
It is declared to be a nuisance and no person shall cause, suffer or permit the carcass of any animal to remain upon any lot, premises or place owned, controlled or occupied by him, her or it for a period of more than 24 hours, or to bury the carcass of any animal upon the premises owned, controlled or occupied by him, her or it in the City.
(885-2/62, 1279-2/67, 2084-6/76)
It is a nuisance, and no person shall keep, maintain or permit upon any lot or parcel of land within the City under his or her control, any animal or animals, including any fowl, which by any sound or cry, shall interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property by an entire community or neighborhood, or by any considerable number of persons.
(1279-2/67, 1905-4/74, 2084-6/76)
It is a nuisance and no person shall keep or maintain any goat within 50 feet of any dwelling house other than that occupied by him, her or it, or more than two goats within 100 feet of any dwelling house other than that occupied by him, her or it, or more than four goats within 300 feet of any dwelling house other than that occupied by him, her or it, or more than five goats within 1,000 feet of any dwelling house other than that occupied by him, her or it.
No person shall keep or maintain any male goat exceeding the age of six months within the limits of the City.
(885-2/62, 1279-2/67, 1905-4/74, 2084-6/76)
It is declared to be a nuisance and no person shall stable or corral any horse or horses within 50 feet of any street line.
It is declared to be a nuisance and no person shall stable or corral any horse or mule within 50 feet of any dwelling house other than occupied by him or her, or to stable more than two horses or mules within 100 feet of any dwelling house other than that occupied by him or her.
No person, firm or corporation shall keep or stable any burro or burros, or donkey or donkeys, within 100 feet of any dwelling house other than that occupied by him, her or it.
Street Line. For the purposes of this chapter, "street line" means the nearest edge of any sidewalk and, if there is no sidewalk, the nearest edge of any curb, and if there is no sidewalk or curb, the nearest edge of the improved portion of the public right-of-way.
(885-2/62, 1279-2/67, 1352-11/67, 1905-4/74, 2084-6/76)
It is a nuisance and no person shall keep or maintain in the City cattle or hogs at or upon premises owned, occupied or controlled by him or her within 300 feet of any dwelling other than occupied by him or her; or to keep or maintain any cattle within 300 feet of any school or hospital, or within 100 feet of any street line, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
(66-9/1910, 885-2/62, 1279-2/67, 1835-5/73, 1905-4/74, 2084-6/76, 3169-9/92)
It is a nuisance and no person shall suffer or permit any chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, pheasants, doves, pigeons, squabs or similar fowl or rabbits, owned or controlled by him, her or it, to run or fly at large or go upon the premises of any other person in the City.
(27-11/1909, 885-2/62, 1279-2/67, 1905-4/74, 1835-5/73, 2084-6/76)
It is a nuisance and no person shall keep chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, pheasants, doves, pigeons, squabs or similar domestic fowl or rabbits, owned or controlled by him, her or it, within 25 feet from any dwelling house or structure used as a dwelling, church, school, hospital, or place where food products are kept, stored, manufactured, or served to the public, unless such house or structure be occupied by him, her or it, or keep any rooster over four months old in the City limits.
(27-11/09, 66-9/10, 885-2/62, 1279-2/67, 1835-5/73, 1905-4/74, 2084-6/76, 3737-7/06)
No person or household shall maintain in or upon any public or private property in the City more than one goose, duck, or turkey; and no more than six in all of chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, pheasants, doves, pigeons, squabs or similar domestic fowl; except newborn chicks under eight weeks of age. However, not more than 24 newborn chicks may be maintained.
(66-9/10, 885-2/62, 1279-2/67, 1905-4/74, 2084-6/76, 3737-7/06)
No person owning or having control of any monkey, ape, chimpanzee or other animal of the monkey type, shall permit, allow or suffer such animal to run at large within the City or permit, allow or suffer such animal to be or go upon any street or public place within the City without having such animal securely fastened by an adequate chain or rope, firmly held by or attached to a competent person.
Such animal shall be deemed and considered as running at large, within the meaning of the expression as herein used, when not confined in an enclosure or when not securely tied or chained.
(885-2/62, 1279-2/67, 1352-11/67, 1835-5/73, 1857-8/73, 1905-4/74, 2084-6/76)
"Kennel" means any property where four or more dogs, or four or more cats, over the age of four months, are kept or maintained for any purpose, except veterinary clinics and hospitals. For purposes of this section, a detached single-family residence with a maximum of four dogs shall not be considered a kennel when at least one of the dogs is a specially-trained guide dog, signal dog or service dog, as defined in Penal Code Section 365.5, and complies with Section 7.12.160 of this chapter.
No person shall keep or maintain, or suffer or permit to be kept or maintained, upon premises owned or controlled by him or her in the City, any kennel within 200 feet of any dwelling house except the dwelling house of the person in control of such kennel.
Any person, firm or corporation which conducts a kennel operated or carried on primarily for financial gain shall obtain a business license pursuant to Title 5 of this Code.
(1279-2/67, 1905-4/74, 2095-9/76, 3910-4/11)
A residential animal permit shall be required for the keeping of one goose, rabbit, miniature pot-bellied pig, turkey, or duck, a fourth dog, and all chickens, subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning and Building. The number and type of animals kept pursuant to a residential animal permit shall be permitted in accordance with the applicable sections of this chapter. In addition:
A miniature pot-bellied pig kept pursuant to a residential animal permit shall comply with the following provisions:
A "miniature pot-bellied pig" shall mean any pig weighing not more than 125 pounds that is continuously registered with a nationally-recognized miniature pig association.
All miniature pot-bellied pigs shall be spayed or neutered.
Proof of sterilization shall be presented to the Director of Planning and Building prior to the issuance of a residential animal permit.
A fourth dog kept pursuant to a residential animal permit shall comply with the following provisions:
The residence for which the permit is granted shall be a detached single-family residence.
At least one of the four dogs shall be a specially-trained guide dog, signal dog or service dog, as defined in Penal Code Section 365.5.
Proof that one of the four dogs is a specially-trained guide dog, signal dog or service dog shall be presented to the Director of Planning and Building prior to the issuance of a residential animal permit.
All residential animal permits shall comply with the following conditions:
At the time the application is made for a residential animal permit, the applicant shall pay a fee established by resolution of the City Council.
Premises shall be kept clean and free of all matter that may create odors or attract rodents.
The animal shall comply with all applicable sections of Chapter 8.40, Noise Control, of this Code.
Any authorized City employee may inspect the premises for which an application has been granted for a residential animal permit.
Prior to issuance of a residential animal permit, notices shall be sent to all abutting property owners and tenants notifying them of the pending application for said permit.
The Director of Planning and Building may impose conditions of approval in addition to the above.
The applicant shall be required to sign an affidavit that he or she understands all of the conditions of approval for the residential animal permit at the time the permit is issued.
A violation of any of the above conditions of approval shall be cause for revocation of the residential animal permit.
(2936-4/88, 3169-9/92, 3737-7/06, 3910-4/11)
No person having control of more than three dogs simultaneously shall permit or allow such to be or go upon the area dedicated exclusively by the Huntington Beach Central Park Master Plan for use by dog owners with pets, commonly known as a dog park.
No commercial establishment shall display, sell, deliver, offer for sale, barter, or auction dogs or cats, except dogs and/or cats obtained from a shelter, or humane society or rescue organization. Cats obtained by donation from a local resident for no charge may also be displayed, sold, and offered for sale or adoption. The pet shop owner shall notify in writing the Orange County Animal Services Office of any sale of a local donated cat.
A pet shop that displayed, sold, delivered, offered for sale, offered for adoption, bartered, auctioned, gave away, or otherwise transferred or disposed of dogs or cats in the City of Huntington Beach as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, and whose operations complied with all applicable provisions of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code, may continue to display, offer for sale, offer for adoption, barter, or auction of dogs and cats until the two-year anniversary of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section (effective July 18, 2012 – July 18, 2014).
The Director of Planning and his or her designees are hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(2547-5/82, 3737-7/06)
A violation of any of the sections in this chapter is an infraction and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $100.00.