Note: §§ 10.84.010—10.84.020, 10.84.030—10.84.060, 10.84.090—10.84.110, 10.84.140 and 10.84.150 repealed by Ord. 3602-5/03; §§ 10.84.025 and 10.84.070 repealed by Ord. 2148-1/77; §§ 10.84.190 and 10.84.240 repealed by Ord. 2175-3/77.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
is a device upon which any person may ride, propelled by human power through a system of belts, chains, or gears, and having either two or three wheels in a tandem or tricycle arrangement.
"Bicycle lane"
is that portion of a roadway, other than state and county highways, set aside by striping for the use of bicycle riders and so designated, as provided in this chapter.
"Bicycle path"
is a pathway for bicycle riders that has been physically separated from a roadway.
"Electric bicycle"
is a bicycle equipped with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 312.5(a).
is a way or place of whatever nature, maintained and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel. "Highway" includes street.
"Moped" or "motorized bicycle"
is any two- or three-wheeled device having fully operative pedals for propulsion by human power, or having no pedals if powered solely by electrical energy, has an automatic transmission, and a motor which produces less than four gross brake horsepower and is capable of propelling the device at a maximum speed of not more than 30 miles per hour on level ground as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 406(a).
"Motor driven cycle"
is a motorcycle with a motor that displaces less than 150cc per California Vehicle Code Section 405.
"Motorized scooter"
has the same definition as that of California Vehicle Code Section 407.5(a).
"Pocket bike"
is a two-wheeled motorized device having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider that is not designed or manufactured for highway use. A pocket bike does not include an off-highway motorcycle, as defined in California Vehicle Code Section 436.
"Police Chief"
includes his or her designated representative.
is that portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel.
(1913-5/74, 1969-4/75, 2059-6/76, 2148-1/77, 2175-4/77, 3458-5/00, 4302-11/23)
(432-1/40, 1784-12/72, 1969-4/75, 3602-5/03, 4302-11/23)
No person shall park or leave a bicycle in the area between Pacific Coast Highway and the mean high tide line of the Pacific Ocean in a manner so as to block or impede any road, vehicle route, walkway or path, or so as to block or impede ingress or egress from any building, stair, pier or bridge. No person shall leave a bicycle locked or unlocked in any public place in excess of 72 hours, or left abandoned as evidenced by signs of disuse or neglect. Any bicycle so parked or left abandoned may be impounded by the Community and Library Services Department or by the Police Department. The fee will be consistent with the HBPD Fee Schedule.
(1784-12/72, 1913-5/74, 4083-4/16, 4302-11/23)
Any bicycle which has been so impounded and held for three months without redemption by or on behalf of the lawful owner thereof shall, if saleable, be sold at such time and place and in such manner for the reasonable value thereof, as provided by this Code.
(1784-12/72, 1913-5/74, 3602-5/03)
No person shall ride a conventional bicycle, electric bicycle, moped, motor-driven cycle, electric motorcycle, pocket bike, or any other electric conveyance not previously named in an unsafe manner on a public roadway, highway, sidewalk, park, or private property open to the public.
"Unsafe manner" means a rider violating any existing Huntington Beach Municipal Code, California Vehicle Code, or other existing law. An "unsafe manner" can also be defined as operating the conveyance in such a way as to constitute a danger to the operator, a passenger, other motorists, other riders, or pedestrians in the area.
Examples of riding in an unsafe manner may include, but are not limited to, the following actions:
Riding on a sidewalk without due caution for pedestrians.
Riding on a sidewalk, highway, bicycle path, or bicycle lane against the flow of traffic.
Not yielding to vehicles or pedestrians when required to by the California Vehicle Code.
Intentionally swerving or riding around stopped or slowed traffic.
Operating a conveyance in a manner it was not designed for, including carrying passengers when not designed for carrying passengers.
Not obeying posted signs.
A person under the age of 18 riding without a properly fitted and fastened helmet.
Intentionally lifting one or more wheels into the air while riding on a highway, sidewalk, bicycle lane, or bicycle path.
Riding on a bicycle path, bicycle lane, or sidewalk at a speed greater than 25 mph or any speed greater than is reasonable or prudent under the conditions then existing, or at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property.
If a juvenile subject is cited or arrested for a violation of any section in this chapter, the officer may impound the bicycle to the Huntington Beach Police Department, such that the conveyance may be released to a responsible adult. The fee for release will be consistent with the HBPD Fee Schedule. Bicycles impounded and retained by the Police Department hereunder shall be considered abandoned after a period in excess of 90 days and may be disposed of as restricted by Civil Code Sections 2080.1, 2080.2, 2080.3, 2080.4 and 2080.5.
No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within any business district, or upon the sidewalk adjacent to any public school building, church, recreation center, playground or over any pedestrian overcrossing, or within any crosswalk.
(22-8/09, 322-1/29, 1784-12/72, 1913-5/74, 2270-3/78)
Whenever any person is riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk, such person shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian, and when overtaking and passing a pedestrian shall give an audible signal. A person riding a bicycle off a sidewalk and onto a roadway shall yield to all traffic on the roadway.
(22-8/09, 1784-12/72, 1913-5/74)
Persons operating bicycles on a bicycle lane or path shall not ride more than two abreast.
(1784-12/72, 1913-5/74)
No person shall ride a bicycle or any similar type vehicle on the municipal pier. Bicycles or similar type vehicles may be walked or pushed on the pier.
(344-10/31, 554-12/49, 1784-12/72, 1913-5/74, 3185-5/93)
The City Council establishes those bicycle lanes and paths as designated on the Preliminary Plan; Trails Element to the Master Plan of the City of Huntington Beach, and as such Preliminary Plan; Trails Element to the Master Plan may be amended hereafter from time to time.
(1784-12/72, 1913-5/74)
The City Manager is authorized, empowered and directed to implement the establishment of the bicycle lanes and paths, as designated on the Preliminary Plan; Trails Element to the Master Plan of the City of Huntington Beach, and as such Preliminary Plan; Trails Element to the Master Plan may be amended hereafter from time to time.
The Traffic Engineer is authorized to erect or place signs upon any street or adjacent to any street in the City indicating the existence of a bicycle lane or path, and otherwise regulating the operation and use of vehicles and bicycles with respect thereto. When such signs are in place, no person shall disobey same.
The bicycle lane shall be designated on such street by a six-inch wide reflectorized white line.
(1913-5/74, 2175-4/77)
No person shall ride or operate a bicycle within a bicycle lane or path in any direction except that permitted vehicular traffic traveling on the same side of the roadway; provided that bicycles may proceed either way along a lane or path where arrows appear on the surface of the lane designating two-way traffic.
Bicycles may be walked subject to all provisions of law applicable to pedestrians.
No person shall park a motor vehicle across or on a bicycle path or lane except to obtain emergency parking where signs are posted prohibiting such parking. No person shall drive a motor vehicle across a bicycle lane except after giving the right-of-way to all bicycles operated within the lane. No motor vehicle, motorized bicycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorcycle may be operated on a bicycle path or sidewalk.
(1913-5/74, 2059-6/76, 2148-1/77, 2175-3/77)
For the purpose of this chapter, a motorized scooter shall be subject to each and every section that applies to bicycles.
(1913-5/74, 2059-6/76, 2148-1/77, 4302-11/23)