Note: §§ 13.28.100, 13.28.170, 13.28.190, 13.28.260 and 13.28.290 repealed by Ord. 3607-6/03.
For the purpose of this chapter the following terms shall have the respective meanings set forth herein, unless the context in which they are used clearly indicates to the contrary:
"Alcoholic beverage"
includes alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, beer and every liquid or solid containing alcohol, spirits, wine or beer and which contains one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume and which is fit for beverage purposes either alone or when diluted, mixed, or combined with other substances.
refers to the Director of the Community Services Department and/or his or her designee.
means used for the purpose of protecting human beings from wind, sun, rain or public view.
means any individual, firm, copartnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation or any other group or combination, acting as a unit.
There is established a City camper facility, open for term parking generally from September until May of each year and for en route camping generally from June to September of each year, unless otherwise authorized by the Director for reasons of public safety, current parking conditions or construction projects. Said facility will be located within the beach parking lot between First and Huntington Streets.
(1827-5/73, 2611-4/83, 2891-3/87, 3607-6/03)
Fees for and rules governing the use of the City camper facility shall be determined by resolution of the City Council.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
Reservations for campsites may be made by applying to the Director not more than one calendar month prior to the time of desired occupancy.
Applications for reservation shall be accompanied by a deposit in the amount of the daily fee as set by resolution, refundable when reservation has not been confirmed or accommodation is not available.
(1827-5/73, 2611-4/83, 3607-6/03)
No person shall use or occupy facilities in the City camper facility unless the fee, established by resolution of the City Council, has first been paid.
A campsite shall be considered occupied or reserved for camping purposes upon payment of the appropriate fee within the time limit specified in this chapter. No person shall take possession of any campsite after notification by a City employee that such site is already occupied or reserved.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
The number of vehicles and persons occupying any campsite shall not exceed two vehicles and eight persons except that the Director may authorize a greater or lesser number when conditions so warrant.
In order to afford the general public the greatest possible use of the City camper facility, continuous occupancy by the same person or group of persons of any campsite shall be limited to 14 days maximum within any calendar month during the established term parking period, and to one consecutive night only during en-route camping periods.
(1827-5/73, 2611-5/83, 2891-3/87, 2994-5/89, 3607-6/03)
Occupants shall remove all personal property and vacate campsites prior to 12:00 p.m. on the last day of reservation during term parking and at 8:00 a.m. during en route camping periods. Campsites shall be left in a neat, orderly condition.
(1827-5/73, 2611-5/83, 3607-6/03)
Any camper, trailer or motor home over 25 feet in length shall park in assigned areas designated for that purpose only.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
When authorized by the Director, overnight camping may be permitted from time to time in portions of the City camper facility designated as daytime areas. Use of such daytime areas for overnight camping shall be subject to fees established by the City Council, subject to restrictions as to use, occupancy and entry into and of only such portions as may be specified by the Director.
(1827-5/73, 2891-3/87, 3607-6/03)
All property within the camper facility is declared City property, devoted to the public use and enjoyment, subject to all laws and regulations applicable thereto, and no person may, by prescription or adverse possession, obtain any right therein.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
No person shall pick, dig up, cut, mutilate, destroy, injure, disturb, move, molest, burn or carry away any tree or plant or portion thereof, including, but not limited to, leaf mold, flowers, foliage, turf, humus or shrubs in City camper facility.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
No person shall disturb, destroy, remove, deface or injure any property of the City. No person shall cut, carve, paint, mark, paste or fasten on any tree, fence, wall, building, monument or other property in the City camper facility any bill, advertisement or inscription.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
No person shall leave, deposit, drop or scatter bottles, broken glass, ashes, wastepaper, cans or other rubbish in any place in the City camper facility except in a receptacle designated for that purpose. No person shall bring in or deposit any rubbish from outside the City camper facility in or on any part of such facility.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
No person shall light, build, use or maintain a fire within the City camper facility except in an approved, self-contained barbecue, maintained within the designated camping space.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
No person shall carry or possess a firearm within the camper facility, nor shall any person discharge across, in or on any part of the City camper facility any firearm, bow and arrow, air or gas weapon, or any device which discharges a missile and is capable of injuring or killing any animal or damaging or destroying any public or private property.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
Entry into the City camper facility will be accommodated daily between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. No campsites will be rented after 9:00 p.m.
(1827-5/73, 2611-5/83, 3607-6/03)
The Director may from time to time declare curfew for minors in any part of the City camper facility upon finding that conditions therein warrant special measures for the protection of such minors and others, and for the safety and welfare of the general public.
Such curfew shall be posted and shall state the specific location, if applicable, and the period of time during which such curfew shall remain in effect.
During the period any curfew has been declared, no minor shall enter or remain in the City camper facility, or portion thereof declared to be under curfew except:
One who is accompanied by a parent or guardian; or
One who is part of a group occupying a campsite, accompanied and supervised by one responsible adult for every eight minors in such group.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
No person shall play any ball game, horseshoes or other similar game or activity in picnic or campground areas except at those times and places specifically designated for such purposes.
To maintain a sanitary condition and an orderly appearance, and to protect the resources of the City camper facility area, the Director may specify size, type and arrangement of camping equipment and the number of persons permitted in such areas, and no equipment shall be brought into, kept, used or arranged except under the direction and supervision of the Director. No person shall hang, drape or display any towels or clothing of any type outside any camper, trailer, or mobile home or in a manner which exposes such articles to the public view.
No waste, water, sewage or effluent from sinks, portable toilets or other plumbing fixtures shall be deposited directly on or into the surface of the ground or water. All sewage outlets on campers, trailers or mobile homes must be securely capped at all times while in the City camper facility except when disposing waste in the facility outlet provided therefor. Posted waste disposal guidelines must be adhered to at all times.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
No person shall drive a vehicle within the City camper facility at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent, having due regard for the traffic on, the surface and width of the road, and the safety of persons, property and wildlife; provided that in no event shall a vehicle be driven at a speed over 10 miles an hour in such facility. The use of any vehicle including motorcycles and scooters for purposes of speed exhibitions and joy riding is prohibited.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
Operation of vehicles in the City camper facility shall be confined to roads, driveways, parking areas or other areas designed to accommodate such vehicles. No privately-owned vehicle shall be operated on any road which has been designated closed to traffic.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
The Director may restrict the parking or standing of vehicles on certain highways, driveways, paths or grounds, or portions thereof, in the City camper facility during all or certain hours of the day, and any vehicle parked or left standing in violation of such restriction may be removed by a City peace officer.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
No commercial vehicles shall be operated inside the City camper facility except for the purpose of delivering merchandise or servicing equipment in such facility, or for emergency purposes. Other commercial vehicles may be granted admission by the Director for a special activity not inconsistent with camper facility use.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
No person shall camp in any part of the City camper facility except in areas designated and marked for such purpose, and no minor shall camp in any part of the camper facility unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, or as part of a group occupying a campsite, accompanied by and supervised by one responsible adult for every eight minors in such group.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
With reference to the City camper facility area, as to any provisions of Section 13.08.300 of this title which are inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, the provisions of this chapter shall prevail.
(1827-5/73, 3607-6/03)
Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 13.08.090 and 13.08.100 of this title, any occupant of a campsite, 21 years or older, may possess alcoholic beverages within the confines of such campsite during specified camping periods.
(2572-10/82, 2611-4/83, 3607-6/03)
This chapter shall be enforced by the Director, as well as by peace officers having jurisdiction of any area in which a violation of any provision of this title takes place.
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not more than $500.00 or be imprisoned for a period not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Any violation of any provision of this chapter shall subject the violator to ejection from the premises of the area in which the violation occurs.