The PS Public-Semipublic District is established by this chapter. This district provides areas for large public or semipublic uses. The intent of this district in the coastal zone is to implement the public, quasi-public, and institutional land use designation of the certified Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan.
(3334-6/97, 4173-3/19)
The PS District shall be the base district for the use classifications listed in Section 214.06 where these have a contiguous site area of two acres or more, including alleys, streets, or other rights-of-way. This requirement does not apply to public-semipublic use classifications in commercial districts. Public-semipublic use classifications on sites of less than two acres shall be subject to the provisions of the base and overlay districts in which they are located.
(3553-5/02, 4173-3/19)
In the following schedule, letter designations are used as follows:
"P" designates use classifications permitted in PS districts.
"L" designates use classifications subject to certain limitations prescribed by the "Additional Provisions" which follow.
"PC" designates use classifications permitted on approval of a conditional use permit by the Planning Commission.
"TU" designates use classifications allowed on approval of a temporary use permit.
"P/U" for an accessory use means that the use is permitted on the site of a permitted use but requires a conditional use permit on the site of a conditional use.
Use classifications that are not listed are prohibited. Letters in parentheses in the "Additional Provisions" column refer to provisions following the schedule or located elsewhere in the zoning ordinance. Where letters in parentheses are opposite a use classification heading, referenced provisions shall apply to all use classifications under the heading.
PS District: Land Use Controls
P = Permitted
L = Limited (see Additional Provisions)
PC = Conditional use permit approved by Planning Commission
TU = Temporary use permit
P/U = Requires conditional use permit on site of a conditional use
Additional Provisions
Public and Semipublic
Convalescent Facilities
Cultural Institutions
Day Care, General
Government Offices
Maintenance & Service Facilities
Park & Recreation Facilities
Public Safety Facilities
Religious Assembly
Residential Care, General
Schools, Public or Private
Utilities, Major
Utilities, Minor
Commercial Uses
Commercial Parking Facility
Communication Facilities
Eating and Drinking Establishments
Vehicle/Equipment Sales and Services
Accessory Uses
Accessory Uses and Structures
Temporary Uses
Animal Shows
Circuses and Carnivals
Commercial Filming, Limited
Trade Fairs
Nonconforming Uses
City-owned facilities are permitted; all other facilities require a conditional use permit from the Zoning Administrator.
Permitted as an accessory use in a cultural, educational, hospital, or medical institution occupying no more than 5,000 square feet, only if there is no separate entrance or sign.
Public parking permitted, but commercial parking facilities on City-owned land require a conditional use permit from the Zoning Administrator.
Only wireless communication facilities permitted subject to Section 230.96, Wireless Communication Facilities.
See Section 241.20, Temporary Use Permits.
See Chapter 236, Nonconforming Uses and Structures.
(3524-2/02, 3568-9/02, 3673-12/04, 4173-3/19)
The following schedule prescribes development standards for the PS District. The first column prescribes basic requirements for permitted and conditional uses in the district. Letters in parentheses in the "Additional Requirements" column refer to standards following the schedule or located elsewhere in the zoning ordinance. In calculating the maximum gross floor area as defined in Chapter 203, the floor area ratio is calculated on the basis of net site area. Fractional numbers shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number. All required setbacks shall be measured from ultimate right-of-way and in accordance with definitions set forth in Chapter 203, Definitions.
PS District: Development Standards
Additional Requirements
Nonresidential Development
Minimum Lot Area
2 ac
Minimum Lot Width (ft.)
Minimum Setbacks
Front (ft.)
Side (ft.)
Street Side (ft.)
Rear (ft.)
Maximum Height of Structures (ft.)
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Minimum Site Landscaping (%)
Building Design Standards
Fences and Walls
Off-Street Parking/Loading
Outdoor Facilities
See Section 230.74
Screening of Mechanical Equipment
See Section 230.76
Refuse Storage Areas
See Section 230.78
Underground Utilities
See Ch. 17.64
Performance Standards
See Section 230.82
Nonconforming Structures
See Ch. 236
See Ch. 233
See Section 230.62, Building Site Required.
See Section 230.68, Building Projections into Yards and Required Open Space. Double-frontage lots shall provide front yards on each frontage.
A minimum 50-foot setback is required along Beach Boulevard, Edinger Avenue, and Pacific Coast Highway or 25-foot setback with the setback area entirely landscaped.
Along a side or rear property line abutting an R district, a 10-foot setback is required, and structures within 45 feet of the district boundary shall not exceed 18 feet in height.
See Section 230.70, Measurement of Height, and Section 230.72, Exceptions to Height Limits.
Planting Areas.
Required side and rear yards shall be planting areas or shall be enclosed by a solid concrete or masonry wall at least six feet in height.
A 10-foot wide landscaped strip shall be provided along all street frontages, except for necessary driveways and walks.
See Chapter 232, Landscape Improvements.
See Section 230.88, Fencing and Yards.
A solid masonry or concrete wall at least six feet in height shall adjoin the site of an existing ground-floor residential use. However, where the portion of the site within 10 feet of the front property line is occupied by planting area or by a building having no openings except openings opposite a street property line, the Director may grant an exception to this requirement. A wall within 15 feet of a street property line shall not exceed 3.5 feet in height.
See Chapter 231, Off-Street Parking and Loading.
See Section 230.44, Recycling Operations, and Section 230.80, Antennae.
A front or street side wall surface shall be no longer than 100 feet without a break, a recess or offset measuring at least 20 feet in depth and one-quarter of the building length, or a series of offsets, projections or recesses, at intervals of not more than 40 feet that vary the depth of the building wall by a minimum of four feet. The Director may grant exceptions or allow these standards to be modified for exceptional or unique structures subject to Design Review, Chapter 244.
On frontages adjacent to major or primary arterials at least 40% of a building surface may be located at the minimum setback line if additional landscaping is provided on the site.
In the coastal zone, the maximum allowable height of structures shall be reduced as necessary to retain compatibility with the established physical scale of the area and to preserve and enhance public visual resources.
(3334-6/97, 3673-12/04, 4173-3/19)
All applications for new construction and exterior alterations and additions shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review. Discretionary review shall be required for projects requiring conditional use permits. Design Review shall be required for all projects except temporary uses pursuant to Chapter 244. A Coastal Development Permit is required for projects in the Coastal Zone unless the project is exempt (see Chapter 245).
(3871-3/10, 4103-10/16, 4173-3/19)