The governing body, by majority vote, shall appoint a community development director. This position shall be set by contract as approved by the governing body.
(Prior code § 2-82; Ord. 99-014 § 43, 1999; Ord. 05-018 § 1, 2005; Ord. 18-003 § 1, 2018; Ord. 21-015 § 8, 2021)
The community development director shall be responsible for:
Attending all regular and special meetings of the city council, unless excused by the city administrator.
The preparation of comprehensive reports or presentations to boards and commissions on community development items.
Supervision over the community development department and is the primary staff representation of the department at city council, planning commission, board of adjustment, and other commissions and boards as necessary.
The review of all building and planning matters, including, but not limited to: development proposals, site plans and maps, petitions for rezoning, special reviews, conditional use permits, annexation, jurisdictional area proposals, and subdivision maps. Review all preliminary development proposals for form and consistency with policies or recommendations of the planning commission and compliance with all local laws and state statutes.
Distribute all appropriate petitions, applications, maps, plats and site plans filed with him or her to the agency or person as determined by the governing body. After the final approval of the map or plat by the governing body, the community development department shall provide copies of such approvals to other departments within the city as required in Chapter 3 of the Unified Land Development Code.
Perform such other duties required of him or her by law, this code or other ordinances of the city.
(Prior code § 2-83; Ord. 1113 § 2, 1998; Ord. 18-003 § 1, 2018; Ord. 21-015 § 9, 2021)
All inspections fees collected by the community development director shall be paid over to and accounted for to the finance director.
(Prior code § 2-85; Ord. 18-003 § 1, 2018)
It shall be the duty of the community development director to carefully preserve on file in his or her office, and arrange for convenient reference:
All notices of official surveys made by the community development director;
All notes, papers, profiles, plans and other documents prepared by him or her or under his or her supervision, respecting any of his or her official surveys, or respecting the location of the water pipes and appurtenances to the water system, the sewer pipes and appurtenances to the sewer system of the city; and
All notes, profiles, plans and papers officially prepared by him or her.
All such notes, plans, profiles, papers and documents shall be the property of the city, and shall be kept in the office of the community development director, and shall not be by him or her disposed of to any person without the consent of the council entered of record, but any such notes, profiles, plans, papers and other documents shall be delivered by the community development director to his or her successor in office, the same to be preserved as aforesaid.
(Prior code § 2-86; Ord. 99-014 § 44, 1999; Ord. 18-003 § 1, 2018)