The Business/Industrial Park (B/IP) District is intended to provide for a variety of professional and office uses, restricted industrial uses primarily engaged in research and testing, or in light manufacturing and the treatment of materials, that will maintain and enhance employment opportunities in the community. The B/IP District is also intended for commercial uses that do not serve community and neighborhood needs and/or commercial uses that are not compatible with other commercial uses allowed in commercial zoning districts elsewhere in the City. All uses are required to meet the Environmental Protective Standards of Chapter 16.154 to protect and maintain the residential character of the City.
All development in the B/IP District shall be designed to provide attractive sites that will complement one another, and be compatible with surrounding residential areas and other adjacent development. The allowable development intensity in this district is intended to be lower than in commercial districts to maintain and enhance the general residential character of the City.
The regulations in this chapter shall apply to all land in the B/IP District. Any and every building, premises, and land in the B/IP District shall be used or occupied and every building shall be erected, constructed, established, altered, enlarged, maintained, moved into or within this district only in accordance with all applicable sections of this chapter and regulations of this title.
Permitted Uses and Development
The only uses and development permitted in the B/IP District are those uses listed in Table 16.051.A as indicated in the column beneath the B/IP District. Where indicated with the letter "P," the use or development shall be permitted in the district. Where indicated with the letters "CUP," the use or development shall require a conditional use permit approved pursuant to Chapter 16.303. Where indicated with the letters "SUDP," the use or development shall require a special use and development permit approved pursuant to Chapter 16.306. Where indicated with the symbol < >, the use is prohibited. In the event a use is not listed or there is difficulty in categorizing a use as one of the uses listed in Table 16.051.A, the use shall be prohibited unless the Director of Community Development approves a Finding of Similar Use pursuant to Chapter 16.239.
Environmental Protective Standards
No new use or development may be initiated, or existing use altered or expanded, in the B/IP District until plans and specifications for such use or development are presented to and approved by the Director of Community Development as being capable of meeting the Environmental Protective Standards in Chapter 16.154, and the Planning Commission concurs with said approval. The Director of Community Development may require the preparation of a report that would indicate the environmental effects to be expected from said use or development as related to the Environmental Protective Standards. A qualified engineering, planning, or environmental consulting firm as determined by the Director shall prepare the report. The applicant shall pay all costs associated with the preparation and review of the report.
Prohibited Uses
No use involving the manufacture, processing or treatment of products, which by nature of the operation are likely to result in the emission of offensive odor, dust, smoke, noxious gases, noise, vibration, glare, heat, other adverse impact, and/or hazard to the public health, safety and welfare by way of materials, process, product wastes or other methods, shall be permitted in the B/IP District unless mitigation measures to address these impacts and/or hazards are submitted and are acceptable to the Director of Community Development.
The property development standards contained in the following chart shall apply to all land and structures in the B/IP Park District. For exceptions and explanatory description of these standards, off-site improvement and dedication requirements in conjunction with new developments, standards of fences and walls, see Chapters 16.130 through 16.154, and standards for signs, see Title 18.
Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions (1)
Width (ft.)
Depth (ft.)
Parking Spaces Required (2)
One acre
One per each 400 sq. ft. of gross floor area; except for warehouse facilities – one per each 1,000 sq. ft of gross floor area.
For existing lots not meeting these standards, see Chapter 16.400.
For parking area development standards, see Chapter 16.136.
Building Height
The maximum building height shall be two stories or 35 feet with the following exception:
For those lots which do not abut a residential zoning district, or which are not across the street from a residential district, the building height may be increased to a maximum of four stories or 50 feet with the provision that for every foot of building height in excess of 35 feet the required front and street side setback be increased by 2 feet.
Front and street side setbacks. The minimum front and street side setbacks shall be 25 feet. Where a lot fronts or sides on a major or secondary street as indicated on the General Plan, or is across the street from a residential district, the front or street side setback shall be 35 feet. These setback areas, with the exception of perpendicular drives, shall be landscaped. The Architectural Commission may allow structures to encroach within these setback areas in order to achieve a better design quality as long as the total area of required landscaping is not diminished.
Interior side setbacks. The minimum interior side setback shall be 10 feet. Where an individual lot abuts a residential zoning district, the abutting side setback shall be increased to 50 feet. The Architectural Commission may allow structures to encroach within these setback areas in order to achieve a better design quality as long as the total linear length of required setback is not diminished.
Rear setbacks. The minimum rear setback shall be 10 feet. The Planning Commission may allow an exception in cases where an industrial site abuts another industrial site. Where an individual lot abuts a residential district, the abutting rear setback shall be 50 feet.
Development of property that is located within the Claremont Village Design Plan's boundaries shall conform to the Claremont Village Design Plan. The intent of the plan is to ensure that development will enrich and preserve the character of the Village. Development proposals shall be reviewed by the Architectural Commission for conformance to the Claremont Village Design Plan.