The purpose of this title is to:
Provide for the orderly regulation of dogs, cats, other common pets, domesticated animals and wild animals, when such animals are used for noncommercial uses (commercial uses are dealt with in the zoning ordinances on file in the City Clerk's office);
Provide for humane care and treatment of all animals; and
Provide for the protection of the general public from unwarranted intrusions into their lives by nuisances caused by animals or their owners.
In general, the intent and direction of this title is to discourage the keeping of wild animals and domestic animals which are not normally compatible with urban living, and to encourage the protection of animals and the rights of citizens by providing strict controls upon the proliferation of strays.
(Prior code § 4.1)
To ensure the humane and reasonable treatment of animals, it is unlawful for any person owning any animal, or having custody of any animal to fail to observe the following rules concerning the management and care of such animal:
All animals shall be supplied with sufficient good and wholesome food and water as the feeding habits of such animals require;
Proper shelter and protection from the weather shall be provided for all animals at all times. The quarters in which the animals are kept must be clean, and adequately ventilated with the proper size and temperature maintained according to needs of the species;
Animals shall not be without attention for a period of time in excess of eighteen consecutive hours;
Every reasonable precaution shall be used to insure that animals are not teased or abused, mistreated, annoyed, tormented or made to suffer;
Humane society officers are authorized by other provisions of this chapter to enter private property for the purpose of investigating and enforcing all provisions of this chapter.