Lot Lines
Lots shall be designed so that side lot lines are approximately at right angles or radial to the street centerline. Unless determined infeasible or undesirable by the City, lot lines shall be placed at the top of slopes.
Access to Lots
Subdivisions shall be designed so that all lots or parcels shall have access to a public or private street improved to City standards.
Building Pad Locations
The City may require that building pad locations or buildable area within any lot or parcel be shown on tentative maps and filed and/or recorded on an additional map.
Lot Size
Lot area, width, dimensions, and other lot characteristics shall conform to the applicable zoning district regulations set forth in Title 16. Lot area, width, depth, and other dimensions shall be measured in accordance with the Glossary of Title 16, Chapter 16.900.
In order to minimize conflicts with adjacent properties, the following subdivision design and other requirements shall be met.
Grading and other subdivision design features shall ensure blending with surrounding properties along the subdivision's boundaries.
Significant vegetation existing within the property prior to development shall be maintained by the subdivider until the assumption of responsibility by the lot buyers or homeowners association.
Dead-end streets shall be barricaded or cul-de-saced as required by the City.
Drainage facilities shall be installed along subdivision boundaries to prevent erosion.
Boundary areas for phased subdivisions shall not be left unfinished in anticipation of the resumption of work on future phases.
Construction materials shall not be stockpiled adjacent to subdivision boundaries.
Construction or other areas within the subdivision shall be fenced off as determined necessary by the City.
Grading Plans
Preliminary grading plans shall be reviewed in conjunction with subdivision review unless waived by the City. Final grading plans shall conform to the General Plan, any applicable specific plan, Titles 16 and 17 of this Code, Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code, and any applicable tentative map conditions of approval. Final grading plans shall be submitted with improvement plans or, if improvement plans are not required, at the time that improvement plans would be submitted. All grading plans shall be prepared by a civil engineer registered in California.
Slope Ratio
Manufactured slopes shall be no steeper than that allowed by the Uniform Building Code or by City code.
Slope Landscaping
All manufactured slopes shall be provided with erosion-control landscaping and irrigation, installed per plan approved by the City, immediately upon completion of rough grading operations. The subdivider shall ensure effective maintenance of all slope plantings and irrigation systems until such time as the lots or parcels containing the slope are occupied, or a homeowners association accepts slope maintenance responsibility, or one year, whichever is greater.
Subdivisions of 5 or more lots shall provide, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision.
Solar Access Easement Required
The City may require the dedication of solar access easements for the purpose of assuring that no building, wall, fence, or other structure shall be constructed and no vegetation allowed to grow on individual lots so as to prevent unobstructed sunlight from reaching the south face of a structure constructed within the buildable area on any other lot between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on December 21st, except that deciduous trees on adjacent property may shade a south-facing wall if it leaves such structure's roof area unobstructed between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on June 21. All solar easements shall be offered in form and content sufficient to satisfy the preceding requirements to the satisfaction of the Director and shall be recorded with the Los Angeles County Recorder concurrent with recordation of the final map.
Solar Access Exemptions
Modification or Waiver by Decision-Making Body
The decision-making body may modify or waive the requirements of subsection B of this section for one or more lots in a subdivision if it determines that the dedication of such solar easement would not be feasible or would cause results inconsistent with the intent of providing unobstructed solar access because of the contour and/or configuration of the land to be subdivided, existing vegetation on or near the property, the need for new vegetation to moderate wind or temperatures, the effect of allowing permitted land uses on properties to the north of the subdivision, or similar considerations. Further, in no event shall the subdivider be required to:
Reduce allowable densities; or
Reduce the percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a building under the applicable zoning in force at the time the tentative map is filed; or
Remove existing vegetation either on or off of the property to be subdivided.
Airspace Conversion Projects Exempted
The requirements of this section are not applicable to condominium projects, which consist of the subdivision of airspace in an existing building where no new buildings are added.