The subdivider shall design and construct all required on-site and off-site improvements to permanent line and grade in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer and applicable tentative map conditions of approval. Improvements shall also be consistent with the General Plan, any applicable specific plan, and with the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations set forth in Titles 16 and 17 of this Code. No final tract or parcel map shall be presented to the City Council for approval until the subdivider either completes the required improvements or enters into an agreement with the City, pursuant to Chapter 17.212 to complete the improvements.
Parcel map improvement requirements shall be limited to the dedication of rights-of-way, easements, and the construction of off-site and on-site improvements for the parcels being created. Requirements for the construction of such off-site and on-site improvements shall be noticed by a statement on the parcel map, on the instrument evidencing the waiver of the parcel map, or by a separate instrument. Such improvement requirements shall be recorded on, concurrently with, or prior to the parcel map or instrument of waiver of a parcel map being filed for record.
Timing of Improvements
Fulfillment of parcel map construction requirements shall not be required until the time a permit or other grant of approval for development of the parcel is issued by the City or until the time the construction of the improvements is required pursuant to an agreement between the subdivider and the City, except that in the absence of such an agreement, the City may require fulfillment of the construction requirements within a reasonable time following approval of the tentative parcel map and prior to the issuance of a permit or other grant of approval for the development of a parcel upon a finding by the City that fulfillment of the construction requirements is necessary for either of the following reasons: (1) The public health and safety; or (2) the required construction is a necessary prerequisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area.
Streets, Highways, and Alleys
Arterial highways and collector streets shall be constructed in accordance with the locations and alignments shown on the General Plan. Local streets and alleys shall be constructed as shown on the approved tentative map and/or as required by the tentative map conditions of approval.
Design and Construction
Right-of-way and roadway widths, street sections, sidewalks, bikeways, trails, medians, parkways, street trees, driveways, and related street facilities shall be designed, constructed, and dedicated in accordance with (1) the General Plan; (2) the conditions of approval imposed on the tentative tract or parcel map; (3) City design standards.
Private Streets
Private streets shall be designed and constructed to the same standards as public streets unless modified street designs are approved by the decision-making body. The subdivider shall provide for permanent maintenance of all private streets.
Local Transit Facilities
The City may require dedication or an irrevocable offer of dedication of land within the subdivision for local transit facilities such as bus turnouts, benches, shelters, landing pads and similar items that directly benefit the residents of the subdivision.
(08-05; 14-04)
Each unit or lot within the subdivision shall be served by a domestic water system approved by the City Engineer. On-site water facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the latest revision of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Fire hydrants and fire flow capacity shall be approved by the Los Angeles County Fire Department.
Public Sewer Connection
Each unit or lot within the subdivision shall be served by a sanitary sewer system approved for connection to the City's sewer system by the City Engineer, except where alternative systems are approved pursuant to Title 13 of the Municipal Code. Sewer facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City standards and the latest revision of the Uniform Plumbing Code.
Septic Tanks
Septic tanks and other private sanitation systems are prohibited unless an exemption is approved by the City in accordance with Title 13 of the Municipal Code.
Sewer Easements
Sewer easements shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. No structure shall be placed on any part of such an easement except those structures directly related to the purpose of the easement.
Drainage Improvements
The subdivider shall design and construct to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and in accordance with the City Master Drainage Plan as last amended, all drainage facilities, including open and closed channels, catch basins, manholes, junction structures, desilting basins, and similar facilities necessary for the removal of surface water from the subdivision and protection of off-site properties. In addition, interim drainage improvements for removal of surface water during construction may be required by the City Engineer.
Drainage Capacity
The storm drain system shall be designed for the ultimate development of the subdivision and its watershed and shall be capable of collecting and conveying runoff in accordance with the standards of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District.
Drainage Fees
In addition to the improvements required by this chapter, the subdivider shall pay storm drainage fees for master plan facilities in accordance with Chapter 17.162.
Drainage Easements
Easements for underground storm drains and surface drainage shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. No structure shall be placed on any part of such an easement except those structures directly related to the purpose of the easement.
On-Site Utilities
The subdivider shall, as provided in Chapter 16.151 of Title 16, place underground: (1) all utility lines to serve the subdivision, such as electric, communications, street lighting, cable television, and similar lines, beginning at the first point of connection to existing off-site utility lines; and (2) all such on-site utility lines.
Off-Site Utilities
Utility Improvement Fees
The subdivider shall pay a utility improvement fee, as set forth in Chapter 16.206 of Title 16, for those properties in the RR Districts and the Hillsides, as shown in the "Area of Benefit" in Chapter 16.151 of Title 16.
Off-Site Lines Abutting the Property
The subdivider shall, at the subdivider's own expense, place underground all off-site utility lines located in the dedicated public right-of-way abutting the property on the project side of the street unless the Planning Commission determines that placing off-site utilities underground is impractical pursuant to Chapter 16.151 of Title 16. The subdivider shall satisfy the requirements of this section prior to the recordation of a final tract or parcel map for the project except as provided in Chapter 16.151 of Title 16. As used in this section, the "dedicated public right-of-way" means that corridor upon which a public right-of-way has been recorded.
In-Lieu Fees for 66KV and Larger
Notwithstanding anything else in this section, utility lines that are on poles with 66KV or larger lines shall not be required to be placed underground, but an in-lieu fee for lines less than 66KV shall be paid for the full amount shown in Chapter 16.151 of Title 16 prior to the recordation of a final tract or parcel map for the project of the issuance of a building permit for which the in-lieu fee has been paid, except as provided in Chapter 16.151 of Title 16.
Those exemptions listed in Chapter 16.151 of Title 16 shall apply to the provisions of this section.
When the rear of any lot abuts any drainage channel, railroad right-of-way, or freeway, a fence shall be erected along the rear lot line by the subdivider to conform to the standards of the City. Where lots back up to a street or highway and where it is intended that there shall be no access from said lots to said street or highway, a masonry wall of a height approved by the Planning Commission shall be erected on the rear property line within the street right-of-way as a physical separation between the lots and the street or highway.
Where required walls are located between a residential subdivision and a major or secondary highway and there is more that one lot either backing or siding on said major or secondary street, dedication of additional right-of-way and installation of landscaping and automatic irrigation systems shall be provided pursuant to the guidelines on file at the City's Department of Community Development. In the case of side-on lots facing an extended cul-de-sac where pedestrian access may be intended, the preceding requirements shall apply except that in the area between the major or secondary highway and the end of the cul-de-sac, the masonry wall may be omitted.
Variation and originality in the design of the preceding improvements are encouraged. The details of such fences and walls, including colors, textures, and materials, are subject to architectural review pursuant to Chapter 16.300.
(08-05; 12-01)
Other subdivision-related improvements, such as but not limited to, grading, street lights, traffic signals, pavement markings, landscaping, monumentation, walkways, bikeways and other bicycle facilities, equestrian trails, or fees in lieu of any of the foregoing, shall also be required as determined by the City in accordance with Titles 16 and 17 of this Code, the General Plan, the tentative map conditions of approval, and City standards and specifications.
The subdivider may be required to install and dedicate to the public improvements for the benefit of the subdivision, which may be of supplemental size, capacity, or number as will benefit property not within the subdivision. Such improvements may be a condition precedent to the approval of a tentative tract or tentative parcel map.