All streets, highways, rights-of-way, easements, or land shown on the final map for public use shall be offered for dedication to the City or to other appropriate public agencies. Streets or portions of streets may be offered for future dedication where the immediate opening and/or improvement is not required but where the City determines it is necessary to provide for future street dedication to serve further development of the area or adjacent areas.
Subdivision improvements shall be completed in accordance with Chapter 17.212.
Prior to approval of a final map and upon written request by the subdivider and payment of the required review fee, the City Council, after a public hearing may determine that, due to unusual circumstances and imposition of a design or improvement requirement required by this chapter would be infeasible, would create results contrary to the purposes of subdivision design or improvement requirements, or would impose a burden on the subdivider not imposed on comparable subdivisions. The Council may then waive such requirement for an individual subdivision. In so doing, the Council shall find that the resulting subdivision design and improvements are consistent with the General Plan, and any applicable specific plan would conform to the Subdivision Map Act and all other provisions of this Code, and would not be detrimental to public health or safety.
Survey and monumentation for final tract and parcel maps shall be carried out in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the requirements of the City Engineer.