Note: Prior history: Prior code Sections 4100, 4100.1, 4100.2, 4119, 4120, 4121, 4122, 4123, 4124, 4125, 4127 and 4132 as amended by Ords. 1224, 1299, 1349, 1377, 1381, 1434, 1602, 1802, 1962, 1996 and 2114.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 50022.9, the city council incorporates into this code Title 10 of the Los Angeles County Code entitled Animals, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth below. The provisions of this code take precedence over any conflicting provisions in Title 10 of the Los Angeles County Code.
(Ord. 2155 § 1, 2018)
The following provisions of Title 10 of the Los Angeles County Code are amended to read as follows:
Section 10.08.100. "Department" means the Monterey Park Police Department.
Section 10.08.110. "Director" means the police chief, or designee.
(Ord. 2155 § 1, 2018)
The following sections are added to Title 10 of the Los Angeles County Code:
Section 10.08.260. "Director of health services" means the police chief, or designee.
Section 10.08.270. "Sheriff," "sheriff deputy," and "sheriff officer" means police officer, or designee.
Section 10.08.280. "Tax collector" means the finance director, or designee.
(Ord. 2155 § 1, 2018)
Any person violating any provision of this title is guilty of a misdemeanor unless otherwise provided in this title.
(Ord. 2155 § 1, 2018)