An applicant is entitled to appeal the chief's decisions to the city manager provided:
A request for review must be commenced within ten days from the date on which written notice of the chief's decision is served on the applicant/licensee. If request is untimely, the city manager may, nevertheless, extend the time for commencing such review for good cause shown.
A request for appeal must be on a form provided by the department and contain the following information:
The name, address and telephone number of the person making the request;
A description of the decision, determination or order which is the subject of the review, and the date such decision, determination or order was made or issued;
A brief description of all grounds for making the request; and
Such other information as may be required by the department.
Upon receiving an appeal, the city manager will review the request and, within ten days of receiving the appeal, provide the appellant with a written notification that:
The chief's decision is affirmed;
The chief's decision is modified;
The chief's decision is reversed and a license is issued.
The city manager may, but is not required to, conduct a hearing at a time, place, and manner determined in the city manager's sole discretion. Should a hearing occur, the city manager may issue a decision orally at the conclusion of the hearing, but also notify the applicant and the chief in writing of the city manager's decision.
The city manager's decision is a final determination. There is no right of city council appeal.
(Ord. 2075 § 2, 2010)
Any notification of action, whether oral or written, must describe with particularity the facts and the reasons for the decision.
(Ord. 2075 § 2, 2010)
An applicant/licensee may appeal the city manager's decision by filing an appeal with the Superior Court pursuant to Government Code Section 53069.4, or any successor statute, within twenty days from service of the city manager's decision.
Should a licensee file a timely appeal with the Superior Court, any requirement to pay an administrative fine is suspended and the payment of the fine, if any, will be in accordance with the Superior Court decision.
(Ord. 2075 § 2, 2010)