No person shall do any of the acts hereinafter specified within the limits of any public park or recreation center in the city.
(Prior code § 4300)
It is prohibited to bring into any park or recreation center, any horse, goat, cat, fowl, or any other animal, excepting dogs which shall be permitted only when led by a leash of not more than six feet in length and excepting such animals which are brought into any park or recreation center for purposes of exhibition, or otherwise, pursuant to a special permit granted as set forth in this chapter.
(Prior code § 4301)
It is prohibited to bring or set off any firearms, firecrackers or other fireworks in any park or recreation center.
(Prior code § 4302)
It is prohibited to make campfires in any other places than in areas provided by the recreation and parks departments, pursuant to a special permit granted by the park maintenance supervisor.
(Prior code § 4303)
It is prohibited to cut, remove or damage any tree, shrub, plant, wood, turf, rock, sand, gravel or earth, or to pick any flowers without a special permit granted as set forth in this chapter.
(Prior code § 4304)
Except as otherwise provided, it is unlawful for any person to use, maintain, or operate the following devices within any public park:
Dunk tanks, booths or machines which generally consists of a large tank of water over which a seat is suspended;
Inflatable recreational structures including, without limitation, inflatable, interactive structures or equipment commonly used for jumping, bouncing, sliding, riding or as an apparatus for sports and recreational activities;
Other, similar, temporary attractions including, without limitation, structures containing live animals; climbing walls; slides; and petting zoos.
The recreation and parks director, or designee, may allow the use of the devices otherwise prohibited by this section by permit or for city purposes including, without limitation, the city's own recreation programming.
Signs giving reasonable notice of the prohibitions contained in this section will be erected.
(Ord. 2077 § 1, 2010)
It is prohibited to swim, wade or bathe in or pollute the waters of any fountain, pond, lake or stream. Swimming shall be permitted only in the municipally operated plunges, pursuant to rules and regulations and hours of operation as set forth by the recreation department. Wading shall be permitted only in the municipally operated wading pools pursuant to rules and regulations for their use as determined by the recreation department. Designated spray pools located in municipal parks shall be used only for their intended use as defined by the recreation department, and shall be used only by those persons under the age of eight years, and according to the recreation department's rules and regulations pertaining to their use.
(Prior code § 4305)
It is prohibited to wound, kill, or catch, or to attempt to wound, kill or catch any bird, fowl, fish or other animal.
(Prior code § 4307)
It is prohibited to propel any vehicle, bicycle, automobile or any wheeled object designed for transportation anywhere on park property other than approaches to park area proper as designated unless permission is granted by the recreation and community services director.
(Prior code § 4308; Ord. 2190 § 6, 2020)
Except as otherwise provided, it is unlawful for any person to drink any alcoholic beverage:
Upon any street, sidewalk, highway or alley;
In any public place, place of public assembly or in any place open to the public;
In or upon any building or premises or portion thereof owned or occupied by the city;
Upon any private street, building or other private property within the city without the consent of the person or entity in possession or control thereof;
In any area within any public park posted to prohibit consumption of alcoholic beverages.
This section will not be deemed to make punishable any act which is expressly prohibited or expressly permitted by any law of the state of California; provided further that the provisions of this section will not prohibit consumption of alcoholic beverages upon any premises properly licensed for the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises; or at an organized private event upon public premises when a permit was obtained from the city council in accordance with this section.
Any person may apply to the city council for a permit to serve and consume alcoholic beverages upon public premises. Such application must be accompanied with a fee in an amount established by city council resolution. The city council may, but is not required to, issue a permit for alcohol consumption on a public premises after finding that such activity will not be detrimental to public health and safety. Any permit granted by the city council will not become valid until the permittee provides sufficient insurance and enters into a hold harmless agreement in a form approved by the city attorney.
(Prior code § 4309; Ord. 2107 § 2, 2014)
Unless previously and expressly invited to enter onto the premises, it is unlawful for any person to enter onto private property that is posted with an unobstructed sign or placard open to public view which prohibits soliciting.
(Prior code § 4311; Ord. 1454 § 1, 1978; Ord. 2159 § 5, 2019)
It is prohibited to park automobiles or other vehicles except at places especially provided or designated for such purposes; or leave automobiles or other vehicles with engine running.
(Prior code § 4312)
It is prohibited to drive or operate any motor vehicle in excess of fifteen miles per hour in any park.
(Prior code § 4313)
It is unlawful to use any park area for the purpose of golfing; flying remote controlled vehicles; archery; or for driving vehicles unless such activity is pursuant to a permit issued by the city manager, or designee.
(Prior code § 4314; Ord. 2190 § 6, 2020; Ord. 2203 § 6, 2021)
It is prohibited to throw or deposit any bottles, tin cans, broken glass, paper, rubbish, refuse or waste material of any kind any place except in containers for such purpose.
(Prior code § 4315)
Except as otherwise provided by a valid permit issued in accordance with this code, it is unlawful for any person to enter, remain or stay in any park or recreation center within the city at any time between the hours of ten-thirty p.m. and six a.m. of the following day; provided, however, that no person can enter, remain or stay in Beth Ryan Park at any time between the hours of seven p.m. and six a.m. of the following day.
(Prior code § 4319; Ord. 1828 § 1, 1992; Ord. 1870 § 1, 1994; Ord. 2170 § 8, 2020)