The public works director, or designee of the city shall have authority to close any street, or portion thereof, within the city during the time that such street, or portion thereof, is being paved or repaired. The provisions of Section 22652(b) and (c) of the Vehicle Code shall be complied with.
(Prior code § 7109; Ord. 2190 § 6, 2020)
When the public works director, or designee, closes any street, or portion thereof, for the purpose and as provided in Section 13.08.010, he or she shall place a sign at each end of the street, or portion thereof, which sign shall bear the words "STREET CLOSED BY ORDER OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR"; and the public works director, or designee shall cause a red light to be kept burning between the hours of sunset and sunrise on each such sign so placed.
(Prior code § 7110; Ord. 2190 § 6, 2020)